
  • 网络valentini;Valentiny
  1. 对于WeFarm驻秘鲁的拉美协调员阿里安娜•瓦伦蒂尼(AriannaValentini)而言,这种服务“为农户创建了一个社交网络”。

    For Arianna Valentini , WeFarm 's Peru-based Latin America co-ordinator , the service is " creating a social network of farmers . "

  2. 瓦伦蒂尼表示,现在有关畜牧业的问题越来越多。

    Increasingly , says Ms Valentini , there are questions about animal husbandry .

  3. 在秘鲁,瓦伦蒂尼最初开始通过咖啡和可可豆合作社,以及现身地方和全国广播节目来推广这种服务。

    In Peru , Ms Valentini first started spreading the word through coffee and cocoa co-operatives and appearances on local and national radio shows .

  4. 瓦伦蒂尼表示,WeFarm也在考虑提供克丘亚语翻译,这种语言在玻利维亚、秘鲁和厄瓜多尔广泛使用。

    Ms Valentini says WeFarm is also looking at providing translations in Quechua , which is widely spoken in Bolivia , Peru and Ecuador .