
  • 网络yuxi
  1. 论刘禹锡的地理意识及其诗学思想特点

    On the Geographical Consciousness and His Poetical Thinking of Liu Yuxi

  2. 甘露之变与刘禹锡后期诗歌创作

    Gan Lu Incident and Liu Yuxi 's Later-period Poetry Creation

  3. 谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。(刘禹锡《陋室铭》)

    Within ; the laugh of cultured wit ; where no gross soul intrudes .

  4. 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。(刘禹锡《酬乐天》)

    A thousand sails pass by the sunken ship , | ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree . & new things ( or forces ) will always take the place of the old ones .

  5. 唐代思想家与佛教僧人交往的原因&读刘禹锡送僧诗

    Reasons for the Contact between Thinkers and Buddhists in Tang Dynasty

  6. 刘禹锡的民歌体诗与巴楚文化

    Poem of Folk Song by Liu Yuxi and Bachu Culture

  7. 刘禹锡的人生痛苦与解脱方式

    Liu Yu-xi 's Pains and His Ways of Relief

  8. 试论刘禹锡的生态伦理观及其当代价值

    A Tentative Study on the Modern Value of LIU Yu-xi 's Eco-Ethics View

  9. 刘禹锡诗歌创作中的尚怪之风

    On Liu Yuxi 's Style of Appreciating the Eccentric in His Writing of Poems

  10. 巴楚文化深厚的历史积淀影响着刘禹锡的民歌体诗创作。

    The deep accumulation has influenced the creation of the poems of folk song by Liu Yuxi .

  11. 刘禹锡《经东都安国观九仙公主旧院》一诗中的九仙公主是谁,是一个悬案。

    Who was the Princess Jiuxian in the poem of Liu Yuxi It was an unsettled case .

  12. 论刘禹锡、柳宗元贬谪创作中禽鸟意象的情感意蕴

    Emotional Implications of Bird Images in the Works of Liu Yuxi and Liu Zhongyuan Created in Their Demotion

  13. 刘禹锡是屈原骚怨精神和文学传统的优秀继承者和发扬者。

    In this sense , LIU Yu-xi is the successor of QU Yuan 's spirit and literature traditions .

  14. 刘禹锡创作讽刺诗,最根本的是因为他具有刚直之性和怨愤之情。

    Liu Yuxi writing satirical poems , the most fundamental reason is because of his outspoken of affection and resentment .

  15. 作为一位有着远大理想的知识者,刘禹锡无疑会关注现实。

    As one who has the lofty ideal of knowledge , will no doubt concerned about the reality of Liu Yuxi .

  16. 刘禹锡作品很多,又很注意保存,他把自己的许多作品都编成了集子。

    Liu Yuxi wrote numerous pieces of work and kept them closely , many of which were compiled into anthology on his own .

  17. 刘禹锡和杜牧是中晚唐诗坛两位杰出的诗人,也是个性非常鲜明的诗人。

    Liu Yuxi and Du Mu are two distinguished poets in the late Tang Dynasty , and they are also poets with distinctive personality .

  18. 刘、苏二人在经历、思想、性格上存在一致性,这使得苏轼能从主观上接受刘禹锡的影响。

    Liu , Su-two in the experience , thought , there is consistency of character , which is Su Shi Liu Yuxi accepted from the subjective impact .

  19. 相较之下,刘禹锡诗歌英译极为鲜见,其译诗只能邂逅于个别唐诗英译选集中。

    In contrast , English - translated poems of Liu Yuxi are so rare that one can only encounter them in some English-translated anthologies of Tang Poetry .

  20. 在两次转变过程中,“雅”与“俗”的具体内涵是各不相同的,刘禹锡在其中起了重大作用。

    In these two transformations , the connotations of " elegance " and " popularity " are different , and Lio Yuxi played a large role in its development .

  21. 中唐著名文学家、思想家刘禹锡,其交游、思想、诗文都与佛教有着密切关系。

    Liu Yuxi is a famous litterateur and ideologist in the middle period of Tang , while his intercourse , thoughts , poems and proses have affinity with Buddhism .

  22. 刘禹锡不仅在诗歌方面成就斐然,有诗豪之誉,而且在赋体文学上也是骨力雄健、气魄豪壮。

    Not only Liu Yuxi had striking achievement in the poetry aspect and the reputation of Heroic Poet , but also he had sturdy vigor and unconstrained verve in Fu literature .

  23. 同时,他在与韩愈、刘禹锡等共同努力下,不断探寻主体超越之路,开拓了宋学新境;

    Meanwhile , he , together with Han Yu and Liu Yuxi , spare no efforts in seeking for a transcending path for cultural subject and developing new fields of Song Study .

  24. 刘禹锡是中唐时期著名的文学家、哲学家和政治家,他一生屡遭贬谪,但始终斗志不息。

    Liu Yuxi is a famous writer , philosopher and the statesman in the middle stages of the Tang Dynasty . He repeatedly suffered relegate in his life , But always in high spirit .

  25. 刘禹锡(772-842)是唐代著名的文学家、政治革新家和唯物主义思想家,在医学、书法、音乐及天文等方面也颇有研究。

    Liu Yuxi ( 772-842 ) is a famous Tang Dynasty writer , political innovator and the materialism thinker , meanwhile he researched deeply into medicine , calligraphy , music , astronomy and so on .

  26. 刘禹锡与柳宗元是中唐时期的两位重要诗人,他们在生活经历和文学创作的情感表达上都有着极大的相似性。

    Liu Yuxi and Liu Zhongyuan were two important poets in the middle period of Tang Dynasty . They had great similarities in their life experience and the outlet for their emotions in literary creation .

  27. 当然,由于个体的诸多差异,他们的诗歌韵味也表现出较大不同,概括起来,刘禹锡的诗歌是诗人型政治家的诗歌,而杜牧是政治家型诗人的诗歌。

    Of course , because of individual differences , their poetry also have many differences . In a word , Liu Yuxi is a poetic politician , however , Du Mu is a political poet .

  28. 贬谪使刘禹锡备尝忧患磨难,身心受到巨大创伤,但也正是贬谪激发了他借文学创作抒发郁愤并与忧患抗争的动力和勇气。

    Demotion made him suffered great trouble , and hurt both in body and spirit , but on the contrary , it is the demotion that stimulated his power and courage to express his gloomy and anger through literature and struggled with them .

  29. 到了中唐时期,韩愈、柳宗元、刘禹锡等人有关天人关系的大辩论,就是天人相分在政治理论上的完成,并且在政治实践中也有相应的反映。

    In the Tang dynasty , Han yu , Liu zongyuan and Liu yuxi debate about " relationship between heaven and man ", is " divided between heaven and man " in political theory , and also have corresponding reflected in the political practice .

  30. 刘禹锡和杜牧都具有过人才识、希望在政治上有大作为,但残酷的现实使他们难以施展抱负,他们就以诗歌为武器,对那个时代进行了深刻的揭露和尖锐的批判。

    Liu Yuxi and Du Mu all have good talents , and they all hope to do something great , but the cruel reality always makes it hard to realize their dream . Therefore , they exposed and criticized the reality by the political poetry .