
  • 网络bottleneck industry;Bottle Neck Industry
  1. 江苏省经济发展中的瓶颈产业

    Bottleneck industry of Jiangsu province during the economic development

  2. 电力行业作为一种瓶颈产业,其发展状况的好坏直接关系到整个国民经济的健康发展。

    The electric power industry being the bottleneck industry of the national economy , its developing status has a direct relation with the whole national economy .

  3. 最后,得出结论:物流产业是主导产业,也是基础产业和瓶颈产业,因此应该制定合理的产业政策发展物流产业。

    Then concludes : logistics industry is the main industry , but also basic industry and bottleneck industry , Therefore it is imperative to formulate industrial policies .

  4. 并将产业结构与城市化进程结合起来进行辩证思考,得出西部区域结构优化的瓶颈在于产业结构中存在的两大内在矛盾这个结论。

    After dialectical thought of combining the industrial structure and the urbanization , this article concludes that the barriers of improving regional structure of West China is two contradictions in industrial structure : nationalization and radicalization .

  5. 我国加工贸易升级的瓶颈&相关产业配套能力的研究

    The Bottleneck of China 's Processing Trade & The Study of the Matching Capacity

  6. 数据产业已成为产业发展的瓶颈,软件产业和地理信息集成服务极具发展潜力。

    Spatial data industry has already been the bottleneck of the development of geographic information industry , while the industry of software and integrating services are becoming the important components .

  7. 在我国产业遭遇低技术含量、绿色壁垒瓶颈时,产业技术创新尤其是绿色技术创新成为提升我国产业竞争力的根本出路。

    Industrial technology innovation , especially green technology innovation become the only way of increase our industrial competition , when our nations ' property meet with green barriers because of low technological products .

  8. 一个地方应针对目前存在的资源困境、发展的制约瓶颈,注重产业选择和产业约束,做好产业定位,在实际工作中依靠比较优势招商引资,形成产业规模。

    Local government should address the plight of the existing resources , develop bottleneck , pay attention to industries ' selection and constraints , do well in industry positioning , relying on comparative advantage to attract foreign investment in the actual work to an industrial scale .

  9. 随着广东省产业转移战略的铺开,东莞产业发展的资源瓶颈效应和落后产业转移需求也很大,实施产业转移战略迫在眉睫。

    Because of Guangdong 's industrial transfer strategy , the bottleneck of resources and the great demand for industrial transfer in Dongguan is imminent .

  10. 综合分析目前最大的瓶颈就是公路旅游产业链还没有健全,还不能满足公路旅游的发展需要。

    Comprehensive analysis of the biggest bottleneck is the Road tour industry chain without a sound , can not meet the development needs of the road trip .

  11. 随着城市经济的不断扩张,城市产业结构不断优化升级,发展楼宇经济成为突破城市空间短缺瓶颈、推动区域产业结构优化升级的重要动力引擎。

    As continuous expand of city economy and promotion of urban industrial structure , office-building economy is becoming an important engine that breaks through the bottlenecks of space shortage , and promotes optimization and upgrading of urban industrial structure .

  12. 机动车的快速增长与停车场建设滞后的矛盾已经成为影响我国城市交通发展的瓶颈问题,停车产业化是解决我国目前停车难的有效途径。

    The conflict between the rapid increases and the stagnancy of parking supply of motor vehicles becomes the " bottleneck " problem which affecting urban transportation development in our country , the parking industrialization is a valid method to resolve the current problem of " parking difficulty " .