
  • 网络green industry;green industrial
  1. 第四章是汉中发展绿色产业的一个SWOT分析。

    In the forth chapter , there is a SWOT analysis about the green industry in HanZhong .

  2. 第二部分主要对东北地区绿色产业发展的要素、现状进行了SWOT分析与评价。

    Section 2 introduces the elements and status of the green industry development in Northeastern China and makes a SWOT analysis for them .

  3. 通过对大丰市生态农业建设的历程回顾,提出了开发绿色产业是加入WTO后农业发展的必然选择;

    By reviewing the course of the construction of Dafeng City ′ s ecological agriculture , the paper points out that it would be a necessary choice of development of green business in agricultural development after China 's entry into WTO .

  4. 建议政府应积极与日方交涉,促进中日两国FTA的建立,完善贸易壁垒预警机制,同时大力推进农产品标准化战略,发展绿色产业,实现农业的低碳经济。

    Recommendations that our government should actively negotiate with the Japanese side to promote the establishment of an FTA between China and Japan and early warning mechanism of the barriers , vigorously promote standardization agricultural strategy , the developments of green industries as well as agriculture in low-carbon economy .

  5. 第二章是关于绿色产业内涵和概念的一个界定。

    The second chapter is about the concept of green industry .

  6. 绿色产业是我国落实生态文明建设的重要举措。

    Green industry is the key to the conservation culture construction .

  7. 西部地区发展绿色产业的支撑系统

    A Supporting System of Green Industry in the Development of Western China

  8. 绿色产业:江西民营企业发展的切入点

    The Green Industry : Development Target of Jiangxi Private Enterprises

  9. 21世纪甘肃省绿色产业发展构想

    The Development Speculation of Green Industry of Gansu in the 21st Century

  10. 绿色产业:第四产业论

    Green Productive Forces : the Theory of the Fourth Industry

  11. 楚雄州兴办绿色产业与发展山区经济的探讨

    Discussion on Initiating Green Industry and Developing Mountain Area Economy

  12. 发展绿色产业,注重狠抓特产业;

    Promote green industry and focus on local product industry .

  13. 县域绿色产业发展与生产基地建设规划

    The development and production base planning for green industry on county level

  14. 绿色产业是一个内涵十分明确的概念。

    Green industry is a conception with very clear connotation .

  15. 他们认为绿色产业具有潜在重要性。

    And they see green industries as potentially important .

  16. 发展绿色产业,倡导绿色消费;

    To develop green industry and appeal green expenditure ;

  17. 引进新技术,大力发展绿色产业;

    Introducing new technology and developing " green Product ";

  18. 新疆开发要走绿色产业的道路

    Xinjiang Development should follow the Way of Green Industry

  19. 大力发展绿色产业,规范企业的生产和经营;

    To develop green industry and standardize the production and management of enterprises .

  20. 发展绿色产业;我国饲料产业研究

    To develop our green industry ; The Study on China 's Feed Industry

  21. 第三章是关于汉中绿色产业发展的一个基本现状的描述性阐述和分析。

    The third chapter is a base description of the status and analysis .

  22. 韶关发展绿色产业的可行性与对策

    The Broad Prospects of Developing Green Industry in Shaoguan

  23. 绿色产业与西部开发

    Green Industry and Opening Up the West of China

  24. 生态设计、绿色产业与循环经济

    Ecological Design , Green Industry and Cyclical Economy

  25. 绿色产业自动授予证书。

    Green industries are automatically granted a certificate .

  26. 开发绿色产业&首钢搬迁的思考

    Development of Green Industry : Consideration on Move of Capital Iron and Steel Plant

  27. 环保产业生态产业与绿色产业

    Environmental Protection Industry ; Eco-industry and Green Industry

  28. 内蒙古发展绿色产业的思路与对策研究

    How to Develop Green Industry in Inner Mongolia

  29. 用绿色产业大循环的思路推进林浆纸一体化建设

    Promote the paper-pulp-forestry integration construction by the idea of friendly general circulation of industry

  30. 密云县生态环境特点与绿色产业的发展

    The Ecology Environment Characteristic & Development of Green Profession in Miyun County , Beijing