- 网络production expenses

PetroChina , the listed arm of China National Petroleum Corp , will also cut almost 10 per cent in exploration and production spending compared with last year in response to a near-50 per cent plunge in oil prices since last summer .
Conclusion : In addition to capital expenditure on agriculture has a negative economic significance of agricultural output , the other three financial support for agriculture ( including forestry , water conservancy meteorological costs , support costs and Expenditure for rural production ) are positive economic significance of agriculture .
And basing on previous research , we use the non productive expenditure to explain the influence path .
Furthermore , we bring in framework of non-productive expenditure to explain possible influence path of political connection .
The Comparative Analysis of the Productive Expenditure and the Nonproductive Expenditure in the Financial Expenditure for Agriculture in Hebei Province
Local fiscal expenditure always contains some non-productive expenditure and transfer payment , so its economic efficiency is relatively lower .
Firstly , based on the real economy , the disparity of comparative advantage leads to the disparity of global production and spending .
In modern enterprise management , compensation administration is more a key factor closely connected with enterprise human resource management strategy than just a kind of cost .
Arguably , as well , it is actually a drag on earnings growth as long as cash sits on the balance sheet unproductively earning low rates of return .
The proceeds from issuance of company bonds shall be used for the purpose approved by the approval authority , and may not be used to cover losses and non-operating expenditures .
After China 's opening and reforming , the fiscal expenditure scale dwindled first and enlarged afterward , but the rate of fiscal productive expenditure in total expenditure is gradually reducing .
Research results show that there is a long-term equilibrium co-integration relationship between the government revenues , the government consumer spending , the government productive expenses , fiscal deficit and employment respectively .
As a part of public expenditure , the productive government expenditure has an important effect on guiding private capital investment , improving the level of labor supply and promoting long-run economic growth .
There is , therefore , on the general result , a difference to the disadvantage of the community , of at least ten thousand pounds , being the amount of C 's unproductive expenditure .
Second , the impelling action of central government fiscal productive expenditure is larger than local productive expenditure . Third , the scale of nonproductive fiscal expenditure is too large , which is no good to economic growth .
Government health expenditure has long been considered as a nonproductive expenditure , which can promote the social welfare , but reduce economic growth rate . But as a kind of investment of the national health capital , this expenditure also has an obvious feature of productive expenditure .
Exports , production and capital expenditure have collapsed .
Some economic signs have improved . Manufacturing , industrial production and consumer spending have made small gains .
Many corporations are in this situation of having cash piles but often do not have productive uses for the money .
China is still the fastest growing major economy ; forecasts of enormous supply growth seem optimistic as producers cut back spending .
Both foreign and domestic auto makers here are pouring ad money into online ventures , even as their overall spending remains flat .
The cost from outsides of production is different areas is quit different , also takes side - effects on Chinese farmer 's income .
But for government produc-tion expenditure , the optimal tax policy in an open economy is incompletely equivalent to that in a closed economy .
The rapid rising ratio of operating water costs to running expenses requires municipal wastewater reclamation for supplying water in Harbin generate electricity corporation .
For government production expenditure , this paper analyzes growth effect and welfare effect of fiscal policy and discusses opti-mal fiscal policy by the additional utility value function method .
Merchandise and human capital flow from low rank city to high rank city , in turn , production and consumption transfer spatially , there is difference of consumption variety in rank cities .
Secondly , based on the classical endogenous growth theory and regional economic convergence theory , theoretical analysis in this article explains flows and stocks of productive expenditure and their relations with the regional economic growth .
Cuts will be concentrated in development spending , which will drop by 67 per cent , Cnooc said . Spending on exploration and production will be reduced by 21 per cent and 10 per cent respectively .
On the percentage of water charges to disposable income and living expenditure in North China The rapid rising ratio of operating water costs to running expenses requires municipal wastewater reclamation for supplying water in Harbin generate electricity corporation .
Michael Jensen , a Harvard professor , later criticised the " billions in unproductive capital expenditures and organisational inefficiencies " at conglomerates , praising the trend toward " smaller , more focused , more efficient " enterprises .