
  1. 企业生产系统柔性的一种评价方法

    Research on the Method of Evaluation of Flexibility of Enterprise Production System

  2. 企业生产系统柔性及其综合评价研究

    The Flexibility of Enterprise Production System and its Comprehensive Evaluation

  3. 企业信息化对企业生产系统柔性的影响分析

    The Effect Analysis on the Flexibility of Production System with Enterprise Information Engineering

  4. 生产系统柔性的度量方法研究

    A Method of Measuring the Flexibility of Production System

  5. 基于模糊集理论的生产系统柔性度量研究

    Measurement of Manufacturing System Flexibility with Fuzzy Set Theory

  6. 基于管理熵的生产系统柔性决策

    Flexibility Decision of Production System Based on Management Entropy

  7. 生产系统柔性的边界分析

    Boundary Analysis in Flexibility of Production System

  8. 生产系统柔性是生产系统对外界变化的适应性能力,而企业信息化提高了企业对市场变化的适应性和缓冲能力,相应的也就是提高了企业生产系统的柔性。

    It studies the impacts of enterprise information engineering on improving the flexibility of production system .

  9. 首先,本文从企业资源整合过程入手,遵循资源、能力的逻辑关系,建立了大规模定制生产系统柔性分析模型。

    According to the logic relationship of resources and ability , we get a model analyzing the flexibility of production system under MC .

  10. 建立了生产系统柔性的管理熵模型,将生产系统柔性视为生产管理力对生产系统施加管理功的过程。

    The management entropy model of production system flexibility is built at first , and the production system flexibility is described as the management power on production system by the management force .

  11. 论企业生产系统的柔性

    Discussion about the flexibility of enterprise product system

  12. 组织的柔性主要是指组织成员的柔性、生产系统的柔性、组织结构和制度的柔性及其协同作用的结果。

    Flexibility appears in personnel , manufacturing system , structure and rules , and its synergy in an organization .

  13. 然后重点设计了导航数据生产系统的柔性界面用于满足用户对界面的不同需求。

    Then , the flexible interface of navigable data producing system is designed to meet the different interface needs of users .

  14. 本文针对装饰布企业的具体情况,从设备产能和代表产品产能两个方面对企业产能进行了分析,探讨了生产系统产能柔性的度量方法和提高其产能柔性的主要措施;

    Based on the vestee enterprises , the paper has analyzed production capability of equipments and delegate productions , and has discussed the measurement and main methods of enhancing volume flexibility .

  15. 模块化程度表征一个生产系统的柔性,它和工作胞数目、组织柔性因子及界面约束相关,是制造业组织改造的重要目标。

    The modularization grade denoted flexibility of production system and was one of the important objectives of manufacturing enterprise reconfiguration . It was pertinent to the number of working cell , organization flexibility factor and interface constraint .

  16. 刀具流调度是柔性制造系统(FMS)调度的重要组成部分,FMS的生产效率和系统柔性在很大程度上取决于刀具流的合理规划。

    Production efficiency and system flexibility of Flexible Manufacturing System ( FMS ) are mostly depend on reasonable planning for tool flow , whose schedule is one of important elements of FMS scheduling .

  17. AJ&System生产作业调度系统的柔性设计及其实现

    Flexible Design and Implementation of AJ - System Production Scheduling System

  18. 将生产系统在管理熵空间映射为结构柔性、功能柔性和信息柔性三维模型,将生产系统的柔性转化为三维空间上的容易量化的矢量簇。

    The production system flexibility is mapped as a three-dimension model in management entropy space , including structural flexibility , functional flexibility and information flexibility , so it is turned into vectors cluster in three dimensions space which is easy for quantifying .

  19. 柔性制造是现代生产的发展方向,柔性制造系统(FMS)可以实现生产系统的柔性化和高效化。

    Modern manufacturing is becoming flexible and efficient and that is flexible manufacturing system ( FMS ) .

  20. 近年来,产品的市场需求日益多样化,佳能公司的生产类型由大量生产向多品种、小批量生产转化,因而要求生产系统具有更强的柔性。

    Recently , with the diversification of market demands , the manufacture style of Canon has been changed from ' mass production ' to ' batch production ' and this requires a more flexible production system .