
shēnɡ mìnɡ xué
  • life science
  1. 分子间相互作用在生物中高选择的识别、反应传递和调制过程中扮演重要角色,对其本质的理论研究可以在一定程度上阐明某些生命现象、生命进化过程乃至生命学等深层次的问题。

    To study the further realization , the interaction between molecules in terms of theory can explain some profounder level problems such as biological phenomena , process of evolution even life science to a certain degree .

  2. 所以,只有从生命学角度透视古代文学艺术,才能对其本质特征作准确地把握。

    We can accurately grasp the innate character of ancient literature and art only when we study it in terms of life .

  3. 中国道教的养生文化,用现代的眼光看,实际上就是一种东方的生命学。

    Viewed from a modern sight , the culture of care for life of Chinese Taoism is actually a kind of Oriental learning of life .

  4. 其实,陈氏所主张之仙学实质上也就是中国道教的养生学,用现代的眼光看,实际上就是一种东方的生命学。

    In fact , Chen advocated in the study cents is the folks of the China Taoist using modern perspective , is actually a life of the East .

  5. 这对于地外生命学来说意义重大。因为生命建立在碳的基础上,而由碳和氢构成的甲烷是新陈代谢的副产品。

    That has big implications for extraterrestrial biology , since life is based on carbon , and methane-which is made up of carbon and hydrogen-is a byproduct of metabolism .

  6. 群集生物行为的研究是人工生命学领域的研究重点和热点之一,而其仿真模型在电影动画制作、生物学研究以及军事信息化领域都有广泛的应用。

    Biological behavior of the cluster plays an important role in the artificial life research field , and the simulation models of cluster are widely used in cartoon production , biology research , and military informationization field .

  7. 本论文中所运用的研究方法主要涉及到生命周期学的理论指导、博弈论分析方法、雷达导航定位及SWOT矩阵分析。

    Study methods to be used in the dissertation primarily involve life cycle theory guidance , game theory analysis method , radar navigation location , and SWOT matrix analysis .

  8. 生命信息学视野中的人&兼谈死亡标准问题

    On Human Being from the Viewpoint of Life Information Science

  9. 对应论&兼论建立生命写作学

    On the corresponding performance - and on establish the life writing study

  10. 如果我们通过生理表现型,基因组学、生命组学以及无线来理解生物学,这将是很震撼的事情。

    If we understand biology from genomics and omics and wireless through physiologic phenotyping , that 's big .

  11. 提出“生命写作学”概念,旨在建构一种直观、有效的写作学研究方法。

    The advancement of the concept of " life-writing subject " aims at establishing a kind of intuitionistic and writing study model .

  12. 从而把易学定位为建立在科学基础上的蕴涵宇宙生命之学的数理科学。

    Therefore , Yi Xue is defined as the science of numbers and laws which based on science and contains the knowledge of life in universe .

  13. 它实际上是地理学、地质学、天文学、气象学、、建筑学、室内设计学、生态学以及人体生命信息学等多种学科综合一体的一门自然科学。

    It is actually a natural science of geography , geology , astrology , meteorology , Landscape Architecture , architecture , ecology , and human life , informatics and other disciplines integrated .

  14. 本文介绍生命信息学研究的若干成果,包括信息二重性理论、生命信息进化论以及宇宙信息四维模型等;

    The purpose of this paper is to introduce some achievements of the research on life information science , e.g. , the duality theory of informational existence and motion , the evolution of life information , the four-dimension model of universal information , etc.

  15. 生命信息学把人看成一个具有多层网络结构的“活着”的信息系统,而人体硬件即“活着”的物质系统只是它生存和发展的依托。

    From the viewpoint of life information science , human being is a living informational system with the structure of a multi-layer network , while its hardware , the human body as a living material system , is just the carrier for its existence and development .

  16. “生命写作学”主要包括对于写作行为生命化过程的研究,和对于具有独立生命品格的文章的研究,把握写作行为生命化与文章发育、成长的基本规律。

    The subject is mainly about the study of the conceiving and the development of writing , and of the essay styles , which of the life quality and style , and then master the basic rules of the growth and growing up of essays endowed characteristic Personality and meaning .

  17. 在解决方案阶段的SoftwareDevelopmentLifeCycle过程中,我们想查看性能工程生命周期方法学/工具是否已经被遵循或应用。

    During the Software Development Life Cycle process of the solution stage , we want to see if performance engineering lifecycle methodology / tools have been followed or applied ?

  18. 生命实践教育学的内涵以及建构,是一个值得反思和批判的问题。

    The concept and construct of pedagogy of life practice is worth reflection and criticism .

  19. 建构生命化中小学体育课堂是实现学校体育完善学生生命价值宗旨的必然选择。

    To construct life physical training classroom is the necessary choice which can realize schooling physical training 's goal .

  20. 人是生物学生命与社会学生命的有机统一体,其生命标准取决于是否具有自我意识。

    Man is an organic unity of two characteristics of biology and society , its life standard depends on its self-consciousness .

  21. 本文着重论述了目前主要采用的两种软件开发方法,生命周期方法学和面向对象方法学的基本思想和开发步骤。

    This article is focused on description on the two programming method currently used & Life Period Methodology and Object-Oriented Methodology .

  22. 在过去,州政府机构的手工作坊式的团队确实没有以任何类型的项目生命周期方法学来运行。

    In the past , the agency 's in-house team really wasn 't running with any type of project lifecycle methodology .

  23. 系统采用了基于B/S的三层体系结构,利用瀑布模型即生命周期方法学进行软件开发。

    The proposed system design is based on B / S of the three-tier architecture , using waterfall model that is the life cycle methodology developed .

  24. 那是方案建议中的另外一个重要的约定;他们希望得到的建议包括过程――一个良好的、健康的系统开发生命周期方法学。

    That was another important stipulation in the RFP ; they wanted the proposal to include a process & a good , sound , system development lifecycle methodology .

  25. 而其对日常生活世界的还原,又悄然消解了它关怀终极、安立生命的人学理想。

    And the return to the world of daily life , dissolves quietly the ideal of human studies of showing its care for the dying and concern for a decent life of the still living .

  26. 企业生命模型的管理学逻辑

    The Management Logic of the Life Model of Enterprise

  27. 基因与人性&生命科学与社会学理论的分析

    Gene and Human Nature & Analysis of Theories of Life Science and Sociology

  28. 多重生命函数在精算学中占有非常重要的地位,连生状态和最后生存者状态是多重生命函数的两种特殊情况。

    Multiple life insurance is very important in actuary .

  29. 寻求协助去看看生命想让你学些什么,并认真的好好学习。

    Ask for help to see the lesson life wants to teach you and be willing to learn it .

  30. 其中《大学》所蕴含的生命哲理与经学致用的理论,值得后人加以深入研究、探讨。

    The life philosophy and theories on the utilization of classical studies contained in Da Xue among the Four Book deserve our in-depth study and exploration .