
  • 网络Line Balancing;Line balance;production line balancing
  1. 该系统融合了生产线平衡思想、Drum-Buffer-Rope思想以及分层调度优化思想,形成一个拉式调度优化系统,并能根据系统状态的变化动态地生成系统仿真模型,保证了仿真结果的有效性。

    This system implemented line balancing theory , Drum-Buffer-Rope theory and hierarchy optimization ideas . A pull type scheduling system was formed , and this system could construct dynamically the simulation model according to current system states . This can ensure the validity of simulation results .

  2. 启发式方法及其在生产线平衡中的应用

    Heuristic method and its application to production line balancing problem

  3. 基于IE技术的笔记本电脑生产线平衡优化

    Optimization of the Balance of the Laptops Production Lines Based on IE Technology

  4. 基于工效学原理的MOD法在生产线平衡中的应用

    The Application of MOD Method Based on Ergonomics in Streamline Balance

  5. 由于该装配生产线平衡问题是NP-hard问题,开发了相应的遗传算法。

    The balancing model is proven to be NP-complete , so a genetic algorithm is developed for the balancing problem .

  6. 本文依托的理论基础是经典的系统布局规划SLP理论、生产线平衡理论和人因工程学理论。

    The theory in this thesis is based on SLP ( Systematic Layout Planning ), Line Balance and Ergonomics .

  7. 基于生产线平衡优化的价值流图析应用研究

    Applied Research of Value Stream Mapping Based on Line Balance Optimization

  8. 混流生产线平衡的动态规划及启发式方法

    Dynamic Programming and Heuristic Algorithm for Balancing Mixed Model Lines

  9. 液晶显示器装配生产线平衡优化研究

    Balancing Improvement Study on Assembly Line of Liquid Crystal Display

  10. 六西格玛在改善生产线平衡中的应用研究

    Research on Applying Six Sigma to Improve Streamline Balancing

  11. 给定序列的混合品种装配生产线平衡算法

    Algorithm for balancing mixed-model assembly lines with predefined sequences

  12. 生产线平衡启发式方法在微机上的实现及应用

    An implementation and application of heuristic methods on PC for the line balancing problem

  13. 生产线平衡的手段与方法研究

    Research on the Methods of Streamline Balance

  14. 本文叙述了生产线平衡、劳动定额理论及相关的理论和方法。

    This paper has recounted pipeline balance , man-hour quota theory , relational theory and method .

  15. 装配生产线平衡的改善

    Improvement of Assembly Line Balancing

  16. 本文介绍了生产线平衡中的各种启发式方法在IBM-PC机上的汉字提示式交互实现与应用,经过实例和电视机厂的实践说明是有效的。

    This paper describes an implementation of the methods on IBM-PC. The application for television factory is effective .

  17. 迄今为止,生产线平衡技术主要有最优化方法、启发式方法、工业工程方法和仿真技术的运用等。

    Until now , the line balancing techniques mainly include optimization methods , heuristic methods industrial engineering methods and the using of simulation technology .

  18. 操作或加工层次在任何基于计算机的标准体系中都处于核心层次,常常像生产线平衡那样提供边际效益。

    The operations or process level is the core level in any PC-based standards system , and it often offers side benefits such as manufacturing line balancing .

  19. 在工业工程中,生产线平衡率是衡量生产线各工序作业时间平均化状况以及生产线生产效率的指标。

    In engineering , Line Balancing Rate is the quota that measures the average situation of every cycle time in working procedure and the production efficiency on processing line .

  20. 论述了白车身焊接生产线平衡设计方法,并应用这一方法实现了某车型主焊接生产线的平衡设计。

    The welding line balance design methods for Car Body-In-White was proposed and it has been carried out in the design of a main welding assembly line for a car . 3 .

  21. 与单一品种装配线平衡问题相比,影响多品种混装生产线平衡的因素更多,这使得多品种混合装配线平衡问题求解难度加大,而且建立面向不确定条件下的混合装配过程平衡模型难度更大。

    Compared with single product assembly line balancing problem , factors which affect multi-variety mixed production lines are more , and it makes more difficult to solve multi-variety mixed assembly line balancing problem .

  22. 本文的主要工作和成果如下:(1)分析了元胞自动机模型与生产线平衡模型,比较了两者之间的各种异同,探讨了将两者融合的可行性。

    Analyzes the CA model and the production line balance model , and figures out the difference and similarities between them , and then discusses the feasibility to integrate the two models . 2 .

  23. 并结合计算机建模和仿真技术,应用人因工程、生产线平衡等关于设施布局及工作地优化等相关理论和方法完成了发动机车间三维布局的部分优化工作。

    Combining with the development of computer modeling and simulation technology and using correlative theories and methods about facility layout such as ergonomics and line balancing , some optimizing work in three-dimensional engine workshop layout is implemented .

  24. 主要研究包括:某部件装配工艺路线的程序分析和改善,采用秒表测时法对改进后的工艺路线进行测定,并制定了标准时间;在此基础上,对某部件装配线进行生产线平衡设计。

    Including the assembly process analysis and improvement of the triangular parts , standard time measured by the stopwatch method based on the improved process routes , the production line design and balance of triangle parts assembly line .

  25. 建立了多品种多工艺生产线平衡的数学模型,编制了基于元胞自动机模型的演化规则,构建了基于元胞自动机演化规则的多品种多工艺复杂生产线平衡的仿真系统。

    Sets up a mathematical model for the multi-variety and multi-process production line , and makes the evolution rules based on CA model , and then establishes the simulation system for the multi-variety and multi-process complex production line balance problem . 4 .

  26. 笔记本电脑生产线系统平衡与优化设计的研究

    Study for the Balance of Production Line and Optimize Design

  27. 装配生产线的平衡问题研究

    The research into the problems of assembly line balance

  28. 并联运行水处理生产线水量平衡模糊控制系统

    The water - flow balance by fuzzy control in parallel water treatment system

  29. 基于仿真的车间生产线动态平衡方法

    Method for Dynamic Balancing of Production Line in Workshop

  30. 在服务质量改进计划中,重点介绍了服务生产线的平衡问题。

    Also the paper introduces service line balancing problems in service quality improvement plans .