
  • 网络Ecological strategy;Bionomic strategy
  1. 聚集行为是动物适应不良环境的一种生态对策。

    Aggregation is an ecological strategy for some animals adapting various adversities .

  2. 淡水鱼类生态对策的主成分分析研究

    The Principal Component Analysis of Ecological Strategy of Freshwater Fish

  3. 草类作为r型生态对策的先锋物种,在生态恢复和重建中作用显著,干旱瘦薄地种草明显优于种树。

    As the r_bionomic strategies species , the grasses have an importance role in the restoration of degraded ecosystems .

  4. 大学城景观环境设计的生态对策&以广州大学城为例

    Ecological Approach of the Landscape and Environment Design for College Town

  5. 山东南部景观生态对策研究

    A Study on the Landscape Ecological Strategies in the Southern Shandong Province

  6. 沈阳地区的风沙及其防治的生态对策

    Sandy wind Within Shenyang Area and the Ecological Countermeasures of its Prevention

  7. 干旱条件下臭柏的生理生态对策

    Ecophysiological strategy of Sabina vulgaris under drought stress

  8. 河北省坝上地区沙化背景分析及景观生态对策&以沽源县为例

    An Analysis of Desertification Background and Landscape Ecology Countermeasures & With Guyuan County as an example

  9. 东北老工业基地煤炭矿区环境问题与生态对策

    Environmental problems and ecological countermeasures of coal-mining areas in the old industrial base , Northeastern China

  10. 生态对策与生态经济

    Bionomic strategies and Eco-economic

  11. 讨论了构筑型与环境因子、林窗演替、植物的生态对策及群落结构之间的关系。

    The relationships among architecture , environmental factors , forest gap succession , ecological strategy and plant community structure were discussed .

  12. 旨在揭示黄帚橐吾、箭叶橐吾这两种克隆植物在高寒草甸中的生态对策,同时为草原生态系统的恢复和保护,草场毒杂草的综合治理,提供必要的科学依据。

    The aim of this study was to probe into the ecological strategies of the weeds and provide scientific evidences for the management of the toxic weeds .

  13. 对太行山低山丘陵区的植被恢复研究成果进行回顾总结,并探讨太行山低山丘陵区植被恢复的生态对策和途径。

    The research results on the vegetation restoration are reviewed , and ecological strategies and approaches for vegetation restoration are probed into in the hilly area of Taihang Mountain .

  14. 生长冗余本是生物适应波动环境的一种生态对策,以便增大稳定性,减小绝种的风险。

    Essentially , the tediousness in growth is an ecological strategy of an organism to adapt itself to the fluctuating environment , increasing the stability of reproduction and decreasing the risk of extinction .

  15. 贮藏蛋白质的积累和降解是杨树氮素利用的重要途径,是树木主动适应外界环境变化的生态对策,也是维持生态系统养分免遭损失的重要机制。

    The accumulation and degradation of vegetative storage protein is an important approach of nitrogen utilization , the ecological countermeasure to active adapt to the environment changes , the crucial mechanism to maintain the ecology balance in poplar .

  16. 继而,在r-K选择策略与企业成长曲线分析的基础上,探讨企业群落演替过程中不同演替阶段的企业生态对策选择和企业优势度比较。

    Then , we evaluate the ecological strategies of enterprises in different evolutionary stage and the predominance of each form . Our evaluation is based on the identification of r-K enterprise ecological strategy and analysis of enterprise development curve .

  17. 就无性系植物种群的无性系性、生理整合作用、生长格局、生长型和对环境适宜的生长可塑性反应、等级选择模型和生态对策等方面进行了综合论述。

    Based on clonality , physiological integration , pattern of growth , growth forms , plastic responses , hierarchical selection model and ecological strategies of clonal plant population in the world , the advances in this field were reviewed .

  18. 内蒙古典型草原几种优势植物生态适应对策研究

    Ecological Adaptation Strategies of Dominant Species in Inner Mongolia Typical Steppe

  19. 宁夏强沙尘暴生态调控对策的初步研究

    Preliminary Research on Ecological Regulation Countermeasure against Strong Sandstorm in Ningxia

  20. 关爱生命从头开始安徽红色旅游环境分析及生态保育对策

    Environment Analysis and Ecology Protects Countermeasures of Red Tourism in Anhui

  21. 湖泊水污染治理的流域生态保护对策分析

    Analysis on Basin Ecological Protection Countermeasure of Lakes Water Pollution Harness

  22. 北京松山自然保护区的经营目标与生态旅游对策

    Countermeasure and Target of the Eco-tourism of Beijing Songshan Mountain Natural Reserve

  23. 晋西黄土高原环境退化及生态建设对策

    The Environmental Degradation and Eco-environmental building Strategies in the Western Shanxi Province

  24. 太湖富营养化现状及其生态防治对策

    The Current Eutrophication Status of Taihu Lake and Its Ecological Control Countermeasures

  25. 郑州东区高校园区都市化与生态问题对策研究

    Countermeasure and Research on University Campus Urbanization and Ecological Problems

  26. 林区甘肃鼢鼠危害的主要特征及生态控制对策

    Harmfulness Characteristic and Bionomic Control Measurements to Gansu Zokor in Plantation Areas

  27. 新疆塔里木河水资源开发利用与生态保育对策

    Water Resource Utilization and Ecological Protection of the Tarim River in Xinjiang

  28. 西北地区水热条件分析及生态恢复对策

    Analysis of hydrothermal factors and presentation of ecological recovery measures in Northwest China

  29. 同时,提出了生态保护对策与建议。

    At the same time , put forward the counter-measure of ecological protection .

  30. 在此基础上提出了矿山生态重建对策及建议。

    The mining eco-restoration countermeasure and suggestion were proposed .