
shēnɡ wù zhǐ shì jì
  • biological indicator;bioindicator
  1. 输液灭菌工艺中F0值的研究生孢梭菌孢子作为生物指示剂用于残存概率灭菌工艺验证的可行性

    The F0 Research in the Process of Solution Sterilization Use of Clostridium Sporogenes Spores as Biological Indicator During Sterilization Cycle Validations

  2. 方法采用生物指示剂、化学指示剂和控制灭菌过程的各种参数及机械状况,对灭菌效果进行综合监测。

    Method To monitor sterilization effect comprehensively , adopt biological indicator and chemical indicator to control different parameter and mechanical status during the sterilization .

  3. 用毛细管测定生物指示剂的D值和Z值

    D and Z value determination of biological indicators using capillary tubes

  4. 3M生物指示剂使用效果观察

    Observation on Effects of 3M-Bioindicator

  5. 结果使用快读生物指示剂对压力蒸汽灭菌柜有效的效果监测,缩短了检测等待时间45h,解决了已知检测合格后供应临床。

    RESULTS Using the effective control method shortened the waiting time by45 hours , and in-time provided the qualified disinfected supply .

  6. 目的比较壳状地衣与其他环境样品中137Cs活度浓度差异,分析壳状地衣作为敏感的生物指示剂监测陆地环境中137Cs活度浓度的可行性。

    Objective The activity of caesium-137 ( Bq / kg ) in the crustaceous lichens and other samples were determined to testify the feasibility , of which crustaceous lichens worked as a sensitive biology monitor to record the caesium-137 ( Bq / kg ) radiation level of land environment .

  7. 培基型高压蒸汽灭菌生物指示剂制备方法中某些问题的研究

    Study on several problems in preparing culture medium type biological indicator for autoclaving

  8. 苔藓植物对大气及重金属污染反应非常明显,可以作为良好的生物指示剂。

    Bryophyte can sensitively response to the air and heavy metal pollution , and is a kind of bio-indicators .

  9. 方法通过灭菌试验结合生物指示剂比较包内化学指示卡和移动式化学指示卡的有效性及适应性。

    METHODS To compare the validity and adaptability between pack interior chemical indicative card and portable chemical indicative card by sterilization test with biologic indicator card .

  10. 真菌生物量指示剂麦角固醇的分离及测定方法

    The Techniques of Isolation and Determination of Ergosterol as the Indicator of Fungal Biomass

  11. 经40次生物和化学监测,生物指示剂全部无菌生长,化学指示卡变色均匀达到要求。

    Forty times of biological and chemical monitoring indicated that all the biological indicators had no bacterial growth and color change of the chemical indicators was homogeneous and fulfilled the requirement .