
  • 网络living;a Way of Being;survival
  1. 在同样于5月5日发表的另一篇文章中,通识教育评审委员会(GeneralEducationReviewCommittee)主席、肖恩·D·凯利(SeanDKelly)教授提出,哈佛的教育应该传授给学生“当下世界的生存之道”。

    In a separate May 5 statement , Prof. Sean D. Kelly , chairman of the General Education Review Committee , said a Harvard education should give students " an art of living in the world . "

  2. 领会大自然生存之道,或可略通人性一二。

    Knowing the nature of living , more or less , enhances knowing ourselves , the human beings .

  3. 生存之道:不是每个往你身上拉大粪的人都是你的敌人。

    The way of existence : not everyone to lead the dung upon your people are your enemy .

  4. 忍耐是一种曲折隐晦的生存之道。

    Patience is a kind of twists and turns obscure survival .

  5. 未来的设计会建立在广义的生存之道上。

    Design in the future will be based on broad survival method .

  6. 这也就是我们唯一生存之道。

    This is what we do and this is why we exist .

  7. 特雷罗这样的黑帮头深知尊敬是生存之道

    Gang leaders like Trillo learn eay that respe is key to survival .

  8. 每种动物都有生存之道。

    Every animal had a way to stay alive .

  9. 中小型化妆品企业的生存之道

    Way of existence of medium and small-scale cosmetic enterprises

  10. 突围透视信息安全行业创业企业生存之道

    Breakout Perspective into Survival Doctrine of Information Safety Industry

  11. 以诚信和和服务为企业生存之道;

    Take good faith and with service as the enterprise survival road of ;

  12. 创新商品批发市场的生存之道

    Innovation : The Way - out of Wholesaling Market

  13. 这也是本餐馆的一种生存之道。

    This is one of the things that has helped the restaurant survive .

  14. 反倾销大棒下的生存之道&我国应对国际反倾销指控的对策

    Under the Pressure of Antidumping : The Strategy in Answering the Foreign Antidumping Cases

  15. 金融工具创新是农信社生存之道

    Financial Instrument Innovation Is Crux of RCC Development

  16. 网络时代报纸的生存之道

    The Development of Newspapers in the Internet Times

  17. 在这样的时代,专业,成为21世纪人们唯一的生存之道。

    In this era , professional , becoming the only way the people to survive .

  18. 非速度型媒体&体育杂志的生存之道

    Regular media & sports magazine 's survival

  19. 社会的生存之道就是踩着别人过去。

    Bend the survival of the tao is the society on others in the past .

  20. 出版社的生存之道

    On the Existence of Publishing Organizations

  21. 中国古代文学中诗和酒的交融成为体验生命生存之道的方式。

    Verse and the wine blending in the Chinese ancient literature becomes means to experience existence .

  22. 中资银行生存之道

    Surviving ways of Chinese bank industry

  23. 产业创新是企业对付产业衰退的基本战略,也是衰退产业中企业的生存之道。

    Industrial innovation is the basic strategy of an enterprise against industrial decline and for survival .

  24. 人们从这片土地上汲取生存之道,用熊的油脂来防虫,以黄蜂幼虫为食。

    Survival conjured from the land . Bear grease : insect repellent wasp larvae : food .

  25. 这不就是,任何邦国的生存之道吗?

    Isn 't this essential for the survival of ? any state , of any city ?

  26. 服务全方位&新媒体时代科技报生存之道

    Service in All Aspect & How Survive of Science and Technology Newspaper in New Media Time

  27. 为什么人们不想想在不同环境中有不同的生存之道了?

    Why people don 't want to think in different environments have different ways of life ?

  28. 企业生存之道

    Ways to survive for enterprises

  29. 它将教导我成长,让我懂得事物的生存之道。

    One that will teach me to grow and understand why things are the way they are .

  30. 树立独特的品牌形象,激发品牌永续发展成为企业的生存之道。

    Creating a unique brand image and stimulating sustainable development has become the way to survive to branding .