
  • 网络production engineering;WGP;Produktions-technik
  1. 制图室和生产工程部(PED)-发放给生产部的总布局图和生产作业指导书。

    Drawing office and Production Engineering department ( PED )– General arrangement drawings and manufacturing instructions issued to Production Department .

  2. 安徽轻工化学厂JPI酒精生产工程特点

    Characteristics of JPI Alcohol Production Engineering

  3. 之后,总布局图(GAD)发放给生产工程部(PED),以编制生产资料。

    GAD 's are then released to PED for preparation of manufacturing data .

  4. 企业内部业务部门的发展规划需要结合企业的发展战略,GM公司生产工程部是GM公司负责产品现场安装、调试、运营交付既项目实施的业务部门。

    Development plan of business departments needs to be accordance with the strategy of enterprise . The Manufacture & Engineering Department of GM is responsible for on-site installing , debugging , operation and project implementation .

  5. 经核准的检验试验计划(ITP)由生产工程部(PED)发放至所有部门,以便在生产制作期间,确定内部检验和客户检验要求。

    The approved ITP will be issued by PED to all departments so that internal and client inspection requirements are identified during manufacture .

  6. 德国生产工程研究会(WGP)立志改革工程教学,以改变德国优秀工程人员短缺的状况。

    The German Academic Society for Production Engineering ( WGP ) has the aim to reform engineering studies , in order to counteract the existing shortage of well-trained engineers in Germany .

  7. 湖南湘西地区当前粮食生产工程研究

    Studies on current grain production engineering at Xiangxi of Hunan Province

  8. 印度工程师学会志:生产工程辑。

    Institution of Engineers Journal ( India ): Production Engineering Division .

  9. CAD/CAE/CAM在生产工程中的作用

    The Role of CAD / CAE / CAM in Production Engineering

  10. 石油勘探与生产工程监督发展现状与对策

    Engineering Supervision of Oil Exploration and Production : Present Condition and Countermeasures

  11. 工程项目型制造企业是生产工程项目型产品的制造企业。

    The project manufacture enterprise is the enterprise who produce the project product .

  12. 但是鲜有膜计算在实际生产工程中应用的研究成果。

    However , there are few of practical applications .

  13. 实施农业清洁生产工程保障食品安全

    Implementing the Agricultural Clean - process Project to Ensure the Safety of Foodstuff

  14. 甲胺生产工程竣工验收卫生预评价报告

    Report on the industrial hygienic evaluation of the completion inspection to a methylamine factory

  15. 农业清洁生产工程体系

    Agricultural Clean - Production Engineering System

  16. 心路历程&食物创新主食工业化生产工程

    Innovation of staple food industrial production

  17. 基于控制器的选煤生产工程故障诊断技术研究

    Researching on fault diagnosis technique to project of the coal preparation on the basis of the controller

  18. 为采购,质控,生产工程部,生产部提供技术支持。

    Provide technical support to the functional areas of Procurement , Quality Control , Manufacturing Engineering and Production .

  19. 致力于产品实物质量不断提高,审核现生产工程更改的工艺技术可行性。

    Audit the change feasibility of current mfg process technique ; devote to improve the product quality continuously .

  20. 为对制图室和生产工程部编发的生产文件进行控制,特编制了合同专用登记薄。

    Contract specific registers are created to control manufacturing documentation generated and issued by the Drawing office and PED .

  21. 经该机梳理后能提高裘革的粗、精剪质量。是裘革生产工程中必备的开关设备。

    As a key device in the center of leather production technology , it can improve the quality of shearing .

  22. 畜牧业清洁生产工程技术体系工程技术再造

    Engineering and Technological System for Cleaner Production in Stockbreeding Rebuild the Service Industry of China 's petroleum engineering and technology

  23. 温度测控在日常生活、工业生产工程各领域均具有广阔的应用前景。

    Temperature measurement and control technology has a wide-spread application in various fields of industry engineering as well as daily lives .

  24. 并按照现有的生产工程能力,依照统计原理,预测电池的制作成品率。

    Works in accordance with the existing production capacity , according to statistical theory to predict the production of cell yield .

  25. 通过这套方法,能够有效的指导清洁生产工程方案设计和企业的清洁生产实践。

    Through this method , it is effective to guide the design of cleaner production projects and the practice of clean production .

  26. 公司秉持“至精至诚”的经营理念。拥有一流的生产工程技术人员和研发团队。

    The company adheres to the management theory " Dedicated and Credible " with first-class production engineers , technicians and researching and developing group .

  27. 癸二酸是一种重要的有机化工原料,广泛应用于生产工程塑料、添加剂、人造香料等方面。

    The sebacic acid is a kind of important organic material which can be widely used to produce the plastics , additive and spicery and so on .

  28. 据统计生产工程中75%以上的设备故障是由于刀具失效引起,因此对刀具状态进行在线监测显得尤为重要。

    Tool failure , statistically , accounts for over 75 % of facility faults . Hence , on-line supervision of tool condition has become an urgent requirement .

  29. 公司专业生产工程机械、煤矿机械配套产品,掘进机、采煤机、液压支架软管等零部件配套企业。

    Company specializing in the production of engineering machinery , mining machinery products , boring machine , shearer , hydraulic hoses and other parts stent supporting enterprise .

  30. 在连续培养过程中还对细胞生长和代谢的有关参数与抗体分泌的关系进行了研究和分析,为中试生产工程细胞的生物产品,建立了技术基础。

    Over the course of continuous cell cultivation and antibody production , the relationship between the cell metabolic parameters and the level of antibody secretion was analysed .