
  • 网络physiological reflex
  1. 活动自如:生理反射存在。

    Activity freely : Physiological reflection existence .

  2. 而且,应该应用生理反射的相关测量和评估,并且有必要监督受试者对锻炼方案的坚持。

    Further , relevant measures for evaluating physiologic responses should be applied , and it is essential that participants'adherence to the exercise program is monitored .

  3. 结果表明,发生了脑震荡的猴都出现了暂短生理反射减弱或消失,呼吸和心率减慢,脑干神经细胞尼氏体有减少现象。

    The results indicated that monkeys with signs of brain concussion revealed temporary disappearance of physiological reflexes , slowing of respiration and heart rate and decrease of Nissl bodies in brain stem cells .

  4. 移出温箱2h后,每组随机取5只,单笼饲养,待其自然分娩,观察仔鼠体格发育、生理发育、神经反射、活动能力等神经行为指标。

    Hours after they were taken out , 5 mice randomly selected from each group were bred alone . After birth , indice of nervous behaviors such as physical development , physiological growth , nervous reflex and mobility were observed in infant mice .

  5. 结果孕鼠经高温联合辐射后,其仔鼠的生理发育、早期反射、感觉功能、活动能力均显著滞后于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Results Physiological growth , early reflex , sensory function and mobility of the infant mice whose mothers had be treated with hyperthermia and irradiation were significantly different from control mice ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  6. 最后是生理衰退期身体的生理反射回归正常水平。

    Ending with refractory , the body 's physiological reflexes returning back to normal .

  7. 但ACSF置换组无不良反应,生理盐水置换组影响家兔的神经生理反射。

    No side effects were found in rabbits with ACSF replacement , however , an increase of muscle tone and an augmentation of spinal flexion reflex were displayed in rabbits with physiological saline replacement .