
  • 网络Physiological cycle;Menstrual Cycle;circadian;biorhythm
  1. 我怎么才能停止她的生理周期?

    How do I stop her menstrual cycle ?

  2. 这是因为控制着结肠收缩的复杂敏感神经元,也会受到人体生理周期(也就是排便规律)的影响,白天生物钟会让你醒来,晚上会让你睡觉。

    Because the sophisticated , intelligent neurons in your gut that control colon contractions , which push out waste , are also influenced by your body 's circadian rhythm , the internal clock that wakes you when it 's light out and makes you feel sleepy at night .

  3. 研究结果表明子宫角内HA的含量随生理周期的变化而改变。

    The results showed that the histamine concentration in the uterus horn changes with the cycle of estrous change .

  4. 生理周期及致痫后雌性大鼠海马细胞色素P450芳香化酶的动态表达

    The Cytochrome P450 Aromatase Expression in the Hippocampus of Female Rats in Different Estrous Cycle and after Epileptic Paroxysm

  5. 重金属在植物体内分布和迁移效率分析表明,除Pb在花期分布表现为根>叶>茎外,Cu和Pb分布在整个生理周期均表现为根>茎>叶,且大部分在地下;

    The analysis of distribution and transference of heavy metals in plant body showed that except Pb distribution was root > leaf > stem in flower period , Cu and Pb were root > stem > leaf in the whole physiological cycle with most underground .

  6. 女性生理周期在此期间也将不太规律。

    Female physiological cycle often gets distorted at this time .

  7. 所有有机体都有生理周期,或称24小时节律。

    All kinds of organism have physical periods , or called 24-hour rhythm .

  8. 单片机生理周期检测仪设计

    The Design of Single - chip Test Instrument for Reproduction Period of Woman

  9. 这个功能可以帮你方便的计算你的生理周期!

    This feature can help you to facilitate the calculation of your menstrual period !

  10. 背景和目的:妊娠周期是育龄女性的重要生理周期,具有近年节律变化的特征。

    Background and subject : Pregnancy is an important physiological phenomenon of adult female patients .

  11. 我就是太了解她的生理周期,以至于不搞大她肚子,我感觉好罪过

    I know so much about her cycle , I 'm feeling pressure to impregnate her .

  12. 细胞死亡的类似枯萎的花朵,这是一个积极的生理周期。

    The death of cells is similar to withering of flowers , which is an active physiological cycle .

  13. 藉由详细健康谘询配合每位顾客的生理周期,运用独家手技与塑形技术,打造量身订做的完美胸型。

    Use exclusive manual skill and molding technique in coordination with a physiology period of each customer and detailed consultation to make perfect chest shapes .

  14. 如果男人不知道他的女人何时排卵,(发生在生理周期中间),那么他们可能会被诱导留在女人周围并且帮助照顾孩子。

    If men had no idea when women were ovulating ,( which occurs in mid cycle ), then they might be induced to stay around and care for offspring .

  15. 哺乳期是母猪特殊的生理周期,这一阶段的营养摄入直接影响母猪本身的生产能力,同时影响整个猪场的生产成绩和经济效益。

    Lactating is a special phase of sow life circle , which nutrient intake directly influence not only sow 's performance , also pig farm 's productivity and economic efficiency .

  16. 选择一种促进骨愈合的疗法时,医生必须考虑每一位患者的骨的稳态调节,包括年龄、生理周期和营养状况。

    When selecting a strategy to facilitate bone healing , one must consider the bone homeostasis of each patient , including age , gonadal cycle ( in women ), and nutrition .

  17. 在奶山羊的生理周期中乳腺组织经历发育、泌乳和退化三个循环过程,与此同时乳腺上皮细胞也历经增殖、分化,凋亡的变化。

    The cycle of mammary gland has development , lactation and involution of the three processes , during each cycle mammary epithelial cell experience the process of proliferation , differentiation and cell apoptosis .

  18. 蓝光是环境中的重要信号因子,可影响微生物特别是真菌的生理周期、形态变化、基因表达,进而影响微生物的代谢活动。

    Blue light , one of important signal factors in the environment , could affect the circadian rhythm , morphological change , gene expression of microbes especially fungi , and further more affect their metabolic activity .

  19. 在你患病期间我还有着正常的生理周期,还可以因为身体发育的原因为自己新买一件文胸,那么你当时会是什么感觉呢,跟我相比而言?

    And so how do you maybe feel , comparing , say to me , who was a couple of years older , and having periods , and getting a new bra , and that kind of things .

  20. 生物神经系统是高度非线性的复杂动力系统,由于其生理周期和所处环境的较大差异,神经系统的动力学行为往往表现出多时间尺度特征。

    The biological nerve system is a highly nonlinear complex system , due to the major difference between its physiological cycle activity and the circumstances it faces , the dynamical activity of neuronal system is frequently characterized by the multi-time scale .

  21. 约有200名大学男生参加了这个研究,10名年轻女性提供了自己生理周期四个时间点的声音录音,其中包括最易怀孕和最不易怀孕时间的声音。

    About two hundred college-age males took part in the study . Ten young women provided voice recordings from four points in their cycles . These included the times of highest and lowest fertility . The highest is during ovulation , when the body releases an egg for fertilization .

  22. 以人身而论则也有生理的大小周期。

    Personal terms , the size of the physiological cycle .

  23. 光合作用的日变化与内部生理状态的周期性变化有关。

    The daily changes of photosynthetic rate is associated with the cyclic alterations of internal physiological periods .

  24. 我就能告诉你关于其生理和生命周期等情况正确率90%

    I can tell you at the 90 percent level everything about it in terms of its physiology , life history , etc.