
  • 网络Ecological zone;Ecoregion;ecoregions;ecotope
  1. 生态区边界智能识别模型构建分析

    Intelligent Recognition Model of the Ecoregion Boundary

  2. 流域、生态区和景观构架及其在海河流域生态评价中的应用

    Watershed , Ecoregion and Landscape Frameworks and Their Integrated Application in Ecological Assessment of the Hai River Basin

  3. 长江中游生态区湿地鸟类的GAP分析及保护网络研究

    GAP Analysis and Conservation Networks in Central Yangtze River Eco-region

  4. 长江下游农业生态区CO2通量的观测试验

    Measurements of co_2 fluxes over two different underlying surfaces in an agricultural ecosystem over lower basins of the Yangtze

  5. 应用RAPD标记研究不同生态区谷子品种的遗传差异

    Genetic variation among varieties of foxtail millet from different regions in China based on RAPD markers

  6. 选用40个不同小麦基因型在2个不同生态区进行田间试验,系统地分析了不同N利用效率指标的基因型与环境差异及其与N营养特性的关系。

    Forty wheat varieties were tested at two sites ( Xuzhou and Nanjing ) to evaluate genotypic and environmental variation of nitrogen use efficiency ( NUE ) and its relationship with nitrogen nutrition characteristics .

  7. 中国北部不同生态区冬小麦新品种WUE及其光合生理指标和水胁迫蛋白差异的研究

    The Study on WUE 、 Photosynthesis Physiology Index and Protein Variation in Induced-drought Condition of New Species of Wheat in Different Ecological Regions of North China

  8. 然后,应用综合评价法、层次分析法和GIS等多种方法与手段,在区域尺度上对西部地区的6个农业生态区进行农业生态系统健康评价。

    Then the paper used various methods and means such as comprehensive evaluation method , AHP ( the analytic hierarchy process ) and GIS ( the geographic information system ) to assess the healthy state of the six agricultural eco-zones in west China .

  9. 本研究采用基于PCR的分子标记方法,选用内含子接切点引物或长随机引物对我国北方不同生态区部分糜子农家种和品种、同一生态区宁夏固原的糜子品种进行遗传多样性分析。

    The PCR based molecular markers were used to detect the genetic diversity among the 38 landrace and cultivar collection from different ecological region of Northern China , as among 20 cultivars bred by Guyuan Institute of Agricultural Sciences as well .

  10. 将东北三省初步划分为四个蛋白质、油分生态区:东北部蛋白质含量和油分含量平衡区;

    The balance region of protein and oil content in northeast ;

  11. 山西沙棘经济林生态区的初步划分

    Preliminary Division of Ecological Region of Seabuckthorn Forest in Shanxi Province

  12. 不同生态区蚕豆品种的光合特性研究

    Research on Photosynthetic Property of Bean Variety in Different Ecology Region

  13. 创造东滩生态区绿色交通系统

    To Construct Green Transport System in East Mud Ecological Area

  14. 不同生态区及收获期对棉子播种品质的影响

    Sowing Quality of Cottonseed Effected by Different Ecological area and Harvesting date

  15. 长江中下游平原动物生态区;

    The middle and lower Changjiang River Plain animal ecotope ;

  16. 榆林脆弱生态区经济发展特点与可持续发展战略

    Economic Development Character and Sustainable Development Strategies in Yulin Fragile Eco region

  17. 脆弱生态区适度经济开发的评价与调控

    Assessment and Control of Moderate Economic Exploitation in Regions with Vulnerable Ecosystem

  18. 论戈壁荒漠生态区植被的若干基本特征

    A Certain Fundamental Characteristics of Gobi Desert Vegetation in the Centre Asia

  19. 中国脆弱生态区可持续发展指标体系框架设计

    A conceptual framework of sustainable developmental indicators of fragile environment of China

  20. 江南丘陵动物生态区;香根草在红壤丘陵上的应用

    Application of Vetiver Grass in the Hilly Red Soil Region

  21. 在同一生态区,土壤磷酸酶活性随肥力水平的升高而增大;

    Soil enzyme activity increases with soil fertility among the same ecological zone .

  22. 湖南三类生态区的赤桉种源试验研究

    The provenance trial of eucalypts camaldulensis in Hunan Province

  23. 新疆脆弱生态区评价及典型区研究

    Evaluation of Fragile Environment and Study of Typical Region

  24. 适合中国南方生态区玉米优良群体的创建与改良

    Establishment and Improvement of Maize Excellent Population Suitable for South Ecosystem Areas in China

  25. 城乡交错带&特殊的生态区

    City-Country Interlocking Belt & Special Ecology Zone

  26. 寒旱雨养生态区油菜高产高效栽培数学模型研究

    Mathematical model of the high yield and benefit of rape planting in cold-arid ecological area

  27. 不同生态区农艺措施对迎茬大豆效果研究

    Study on the Effect of Agricultural Measures on Soybean Following Next Crop in Different Ecology Areas

  28. 1961~2000年中国生态区紫外辐射的时空演变特征

    Spatial and Temporal Variability Characteristics of Ultraviolet Radiation in Eco-regions of China from 1961 to 2000

  29. 以确保湖南生态区湿地及其资源的可持续利用。

    In order to ensure the sustainable use of wetlands and wetlands resources in Hunan province .

  30. 四川盆地动物生态区;

    Sichuan Basin animal ecotope ;