
fú yóu
  • swim;roam;sail;go on a pleasure trip
浮游 [fú yóu]
  • (1) [swim]∶在水面上漂浮移动

  • 浮游生物

  • (2) [roam]∶漫游

浮游[fú yóu]
  1. 它难道不应该在河流和池塘中浮游,吃一些鱼鳝,与其他水鸟结伴飞行,在芦苇中栖息?

    Ought it not to swim on river and pond , feed on eels and fish , fly in formation with other waterfowl , and rest in , the reeds ?

  2. 多次尝试浮游失败了,所以马哈茂德不得不接受的想法是他将必须等待直到有人来营救他,或者湖泊变得一点点暖和起来。

    Many attempts to swim across it failed and so Mahmood had to accept the idea that he would have to wait until somebody rescued him or until the lake got a little bit warmer .

  3. 河流环境变得较适合纤毛类生物的生长,因而纤毛类成了浮游动物中占优势的群体。

    The environment of the river becomes more suitable for ciliates , which form the dominant group of animal plankton .

  4. 浩瀚的东海里,有一只大鳌,它头顶着蓬莱仙山,在大海中浮游,有时飞腾跃上云霄,有时下潜沉人海底。

    In the vast East China Sea , there was a huge turtle . It carried the Penglai Fairy Mountain on its head , floated and swam in the great sea , sometimes soaring into the sky and sometimes diving to the bottom of the sea .

  5. 采用DCS的氢氧化铝浮游物回收系统

    The DCS for Recovery System of Suspended Solids of Aluminium Hydrate

  6. O3/H2O2法灭活水中剑水蚤类浮游动物

    O_3 / H_2O_2 Oxidation Processes of Cyclops of Zooplankton Inactivation in Water

  7. 本文研究了降雨对空气中浮游孢子携落率的计算问题,提出了根据降雨量(M)、持续降雨时间(H)来计算降雨对空气中浮游孢子携落率(Y)的公式;

    In this paper , the calculation of the rate od floating spores in the air falling associated with rainfall was studied .

  8. 分析了海洋浮游藻类细胞外碳酸酐酶(细胞外CA)活性与无机碳浓度以及藻细胞质膜氧化还原活性之间的关系。

    Extracellular carbonic anhydrase activity in relation to inorganic carbon concentration and plasma membrane redox activity are investigated in marine phytoplankton species .

  9. 浮游动物与浮游植物的现存量没有明显的相关关系(p>0.05),仅依靠浮游动物不能对浮游藻类进行有效的控制。

    There was no pronounced relationship between the standing crops of zooplankton and of phytoplankton ( p > 0.05 ); so phytoplankton cannot be well controlled only depending on zooplankton .

  10. 目的检测铜绿假单胞菌、克雷伯菌的浮游菌,生物被膜(biofilm,BF)菌β-内酰胺酶活性;

    OBJECTIVE To determine the activity of β lactamase of planktonic and biofilm bacteria of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella .

  11. C57BL/6小鼠精子浮游处理有利于提高体外受精率。

    Swimming up of mouse spermatozoa in C57BL / 6 can improve the fertilization rate .

  12. 整个海区100m以上水体的次级生产力平均为72.9mgC·m-2·d-1。同时计算了初级生产力与浮游动物的次级生产力的营养传递的效率,平均转化效率为18%。

    The average transformation efficiency estimated from primary productivity and second productivity was 18 % .

  13. 但TN、TP和浮游藻类细胞密度增长较快,水体向富营养发展的趋势明显。

    But the TN ? TP and cells density of phytoplankton are on the increase , water body tend to be of eutrophication .

  14. 细菌密度与水温、COD、浮游动物生物量呈正相关,与浮游植物生物量无直接相关。

    Bacterial density was positively correlated to water temperature , COD ( chemical Oxgen Demand ) and Zooplankton biomass , but it did not directly correlated with Phytoplankton biomass .

  15. AGP实验证明,磷含量的多寡,明显影响到水体中浮游藻类的生长繁殖。

    AGP test proves that the amount of phosphorus obviously affects growth and reproduction of phytoplankton .

  16. 调查区浮游硅藻的细胞数量偏低,主要受营养盐的限制,在台湾岛东北和30°N,127°E附近海域有两个密集区。

    Cell abundance of planktonic diatoms in the survey area is relatively low , it is due to nutrient restriction , but there are two high concentration areas near northeast of Taiwan Island and 30 ° N , 127 ° E.

  17. 为了给高原湖泊治理提供依据,从滇池湖区地质背景、浮游藻类、溶解氧、大地热流、水质富营养化等方面研究pH值的时空变化及其影响。

    The paper studies the pH space-time varieties and their influences through the distribution of carbonate rock , planktonic algae , dissolved oxygen , underground warm current , water pollution etc , which may provide a basis for Dianchi restoration .

  18. 运用灰色理论的系统分析模型研究叶绿素-b与水温、浮游动物、盐度、溶解氧、酸碱度、磷酸盐、亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐、铁和锰等10个海水理化因子间的关系。

    The systematic analytical method of grey theory was used to study the relationships between chlorophyll-b and 10 environmental factors ( temperature , plankton biomass , salinity , dissolved oxygen ( Do ), pH , phosphate , nitrate , nitrite , Fe , and Mn ) in seawater .

  19. 尘埃粒子计数器,尘埃粒子多点检测系统,浮游菌采样器,环境综合参数监测器,FFU中央控制器等。

    Dust particle counter , dust particle multi-point inspection system , sampling device , environment comprehensive parameter monitor , FFU central controller , etc.

  20. 研究一个浮游动物的数学模型,证明了无时滞的常微分方程是全局渐近稳定的,而有时滞的微分差分方程却有Hopf分支及非常数周期解。

    By studying a mathematical model of plankton , this paper shows that the model without delay is globally asymptotically stable , but the same model with delay has a Hopf bifurcation , and has a non-constant periodic solution .

  21. 现场试验证明,开机30min可使室内空气中浮游菌下降到50个/m~3以下。

    The results in field experiments demonstrated that the bacteria in air might descend to 50 / m ~ 3 if the device was operated for 30 rain .

  22. 聚类分析和MDS分析表明,北部湾浮游介形类为一个结构相对稳定的群落,秋、冬季可看成是一个群落的2个亚群;

    Based on the cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis , planktonic Ostracoda in the Beibu Gulf was a community of stable structure , while in autumn and winter , the community also could be divided into two different sub-communities .

  23. 在以氮为0.5mg·kg-1的条件下对淡水浮游硅藻的最适氮磷比进行了3次试验。

    To discover the optimal ratio of nitrogen to phosphorous for freshwater pelagic diatom ( Bacillariophyta ), we take 3 times trials on condition that the concentration of N is 0.5 mg / kg .

  24. 通过体外构建生物膜模型,以变形链球菌毒力因子GTF、FTF和Pac为示踪靶,比较在生物膜(牙菌斑)状态下和浮游状态中不同时期Sec蛋白功能的差异;

    We build an in vitro biofilm model and using GTF , FTF and Pac as tracer targets to compare differences about the function of secA in planktonic culture , biofilm condition and different periods in the process of biofilm maturation .

  25. 上/下第三系界线置于浮游有孔虫N4带的底较为合适,南海东部公司目前所定义的珠海组的时代应归于早中新世;

    The boundary between the Neogene / Palaeogene Formation is located at the bottom of the N4 zone containing forams . The age of Zhuhai Formation defined by Nanhai East Corporation is Early Miocene .

  26. PAN-1型高效絮凝剂在试验过程中,不但提高了烧结法分离沉降槽的产能,而且降低了溢流浮游物,减少了进入流程中的水。

    The PAN-1 high effective flocculant not only raised the capacity of settling tank in sintering process , but also lowered overflow suspensions and reduced water into the process .

  27. 大于1mm的甲壳动物个体频度为0.15、0.30、0.41.其体长随鱼产量的增加而缩小.最后,对影响东湖浮游动物群落结构的主要生态因子进行了讨论。

    The frequency of large-sized crustacean ( > 1mm ) is respectively 0 . 15 , 0 . 30 and 0 . 41 , and its body length is shortened with the increase of fish yield . Ecological factors affecting the structure of zooplankton community are discussed .

  28. 发现采用对虾养殖池水与加铺1cm厚对虾池底泥的培育水中有种类繁多,生物量丰富的浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物。

    It is indicated that there are many and complex species of phytoplankton , zooplankton and benthon in the culture water with 1 cm bottom soil from shrimp pond . The phytoplankton growth phase is properly regulated with photosynthetic bacteria and illumination .

  29. 鄱阳湖浮游藻类群落生态的初步研究

    Primary Studies on Community Ecology of Floating Algae in Poyang Lake

  30. 最后对形成这种分布格局的可能原因及沉积物中桡足类卵库对其浮游种群潜在补充作用进行了讨论。

    Finally the possible reasons of the distribution pattern are discussed .