
  • 网络sodium methide;sodium methyl;methyl sodium
  1. 薄层板:羧甲基纤维素钠硅胶G薄层板。

    Thin layer plate : CMC-Na silica gel G plate .

  2. 原位生成甲基丙烯酸钠补强EVA的研究

    Reinforcement of EVA by sodium methacrylate prepared in situ

  3. 羧甲基淀粉钠(CMS)的合成与应用现状

    The study and application actuality of Carboxyl Methyl Starch Sodium

  4. DS≥0.8的羧甲基淀粉钠的研制

    Synthesis of carboxymethyl starches with ds ≥ 0.8

  5. 羧甲基淀粉钠(CMS)的合成及影响其醚化反应的因素

    Study on Synthesis of na-carbonyl methyl starch ( cms ) and factors influencing its etherification

  6. 采用溶剂法合成了钻井液用低粘度羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)。

    Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC ) of low viscosity grade was synthesized by solvent method .

  7. 在没有添加羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)的情况下,非球形颗粒较多。

    In the absence of carboxy methyl cellulose sodium ( CMC ), some nonspherical particles were formed .

  8. CMS的粒子表面电荷越高,羧甲基淀粉钠的增强效果越好。

    When the surface electric charge in the solid particle gets higher , the belter strengthening result can get .

  9. 再用羧甲基纤维素钠和钠基膨润土通过溶液插层法制备改性膨润土吸附剂,并对Cu(Ⅱ)废水和甲醛气体进行吸附研究。

    The sodium carboxymethylcellulose and Na-bentonite were prepared of modified bentonite sorbent by solution intercalation , and using it to adsorb Cu ( II ) in wastewater and formaldehyde .

  10. 利用羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)作为抗癌药载体应用于肝癌的导管化疗。

    Sodium carboxymethylcellulose was utilized as a carrier of anticancer agents to prolong the effective duration in intraarterial infusion therapy .

  11. 运用过渡态理论,对羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)和锯木屑/CMC的超临界水气化反应动力学进行了研究。

    The reaction kinetics of sodium carboxymethylcellulose ( CMC ) and sawdust / CMC gasification in supercritical water was studied .

  12. 羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)是一类重要的离子型纤维素衍生物,在食品工业中有广泛应用。

    Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC ), one of the most important cellulose derivatives , is widely used in food industry .

  13. 文中尝试利用kε模型计算了假塑性流体羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)水溶液在搅拌槽内的三维流动场,并与粒子成像测速(PIV)法测得的实验结果进行了比较。

    In this paper , the flow field of a shear thinning fluid carboxymethylcellulose ( CMC ) was simulated using standard k ε model .

  14. 大多数羧甲基纤维素钠具有0.4~0.8的取代度(DS)。

    Most commercial sodium carboxymethylcellulose ( CMC ) products have a degree of substitution ( DS ) in the range 0.4 & 0.8 .

  15. 目的:考察羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)胶浆的制备工艺。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the preparation technique for CMC-Na mucilage .

  16. 方法:薄层色谱法鉴别,采用以羧甲基纤维素钠为粘合剂的硅胶G薄层板,以醋酸丁酯甲酸水(7∶2.5∶2.5)上层溶液为展开剂;

    Method : TLC method was used for identification with silica gel G plate and butyl acetate formic acid water ( 7 ∶ 2.5 ∶ 2.5 ) upper layer as a developing solvent .

  17. 一种新研发的羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)能够代替海藻酸钠作为棉织物活性染料的印花糊料。

    The newly developed sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC ) can replace sodium alginate as a printing paste in cotton fabric reactive dye .

  18. 这些高分子载体包括,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)、羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)、壳聚糖(CS)和氰乙基化纤维素(CC)。

    These polymer support are polyvinylpyrrolidone ( PVP ), sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC ), chitsan ( CS ) and cyanoethylated cellulose ( CC ) .

  19. 羧甲基纤维素钠和甲基纤维素在ZrO2微粉上的吸附作用及其对悬浮体稳定性的影响

    Adsorption of sodium carboxy methyl cellulose and methyl cellulose onto zro_2 powders and effect on the stability of zro_2 suspension

  20. 研究了分散方法、分散介质、PH值及羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)含量对石墨在水中分散性和稳定性的影响;

    The effects of dispersion techniques , disperse medium , PH and the concentration of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC ) on the suspension stability of graphite were carried out .

  21. 结果处方选择羧甲基淀粉钠(CMS-Na)18%、羟丙基纤维素(HPC)28%;

    Results The formula was as follows : CMS-Na 18 % and HPC 28 % .

  22. 研究了羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)作为打浆助剂在打浆过程中对竹子纤维特性及成纸性能的影响。

    This paper mainly focused on the effects of carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC ) addition during bamboo pulp beating on its fiber and paper properties .

  23. 本文论述了羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)在浮选分离闪锌矿和方铅矿中的作用及对润湿性的影响。试验证明,CMC同时抑制未经金属阳离子活化的闪锌矿和方铅矿;

    In this paper , the effect of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC ) on flotation separation and wettability of galena and sphalerite is described .

  24. 方法:压片前分别按5种不同比例加羧甲基淀粉钠(CMSNa)及硬脂酸镁,混匀,压片,测其溶出度;

    Methods : CMS-Na and magnesium stearate were added with five different ratios before tabletting , respectively , mixed equally and tabletted , then the dissolution was determined ;

  25. 正常组和模型组给予羧甲基纤维素钠乳剂(蒸馏水配制)10mL/(kg·次),2次/d。

    Rats in the normal group and model group were given emulsion of sodium carboxymethylcellulose ( SCMC ) ( prepared with distilled water ) 10 mL / kg each time and twice a day .

  26. Maire菌丝体生长的最适碳源是葡萄糖、羧甲基纤维素钠和市售白糖;

    Maire are glueose , carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt and commercial sugar .

  27. 对国内外产品进行吸水性测试,结合羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)的吸水能力,确定水胶体含量的范围。

    The content range of hydrocolloid was determined by the absorption capacity of the sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and the domestic and foreign products ' absorption capacity .

  28. 结果表明:配方为1.5%羧甲基纤维素钠+1%D-异Vc钠+3%植酸+0.2%脱氢醋酸钠涂膜有效抑制了鲜切苹果的呼吸作用,减少了营养成分的损失,保鲜效果最佳。

    The results showed that the fresh-keeping effects could be achieved when fresh-cut Fuji apples were coated by 1.5 % CMC-Na + 1 % sodium D-isoascorbate + 3 % PA + 0.2 % sodium dehydroacetate .

  29. 以水溶性羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)为分散剂,制备纳米ZnO/苯丙共混复合乳液。

    Water-soluble carboxymethyl cellulose sodium ( CMC-Na ) was used as dispersing agent to prepare nano-ZnO / styrene-acrylate blending composite latex .

  30. 研究了不同来源黄原胶对羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)稳定的酸性乳饮料稳定性的影响,结果表明,其结果依赖于黄原胶的来源。

    The effect of xanthan gums from different sources ( from xanthan gum producers in China , JV and French ) to the stability of CMC stabilized acidified milk drink was studied .