
  • 网络formamidine;formamidines;carboxamidine;NA-Am
  1. 简要介绍了废纸浆的漂白方法、甲脒亚磺酸(FAS)的制备原理、物理化学性质及漂白脱色机理,还介绍了用FAS漂白旧新闻纸脱墨浆的实验情况。

    This paper introduces the bleaching method of deinked pulp , the preparation , physical_chemical properties and decolorizing mechanism of formamidine sulfinic acid , and the experiment of FAS bleaching of deinked pulp .

  2. 本文用甲脒亚磺酸(FAS)漂白CTMP浆,通过药液pH值变化及漂白效果探讨FAS的溶解性、稳定性。

    Wood CTMP was bleached with formamidine sulphinic acid ( FAS ) . By the change of liquor pH and the bleaching results , the solubility and the liquor stability of FAS were studied .

  3. 本文对双甲脒在不同pH的缓冲溶液中的水解反应进行了研究。

    In this paper , the . hydrolytic reactions of amitraz in the buffer solution at different pH values are studied .

  4. 结果:与对照组相比,二巯丙磺钠对氯苯甲脒急性中毒动物有非常显著的解毒作用(P<0.01),其解毒效果明显优于亚甲蓝(P<0.05);

    RESULTS : Compared with the control group , the antidotal effects of Na_DMPS were highly significant and obviously superior to MC ( P < 0.05 ) on the acute chlorphenamidine poisoning animals .

  5. 甲脒亚磺酸用于芦苇APMP漂白研究

    Study on the bleaching of reed APMP with FAS

  6. 研究了还原性漂剂甲脒亚磺酸(FSA)漂白中的几个过程参数(时间、温度及漂剂用量)对废纸浆漂白效果的影响,找出了较佳的漂白工艺。

    The paper studies several parameters of Formamidine Sulphinic Acid ( FSA ) bleaching and finds out a better bleaching process .

  7. 用甲脒亚磺酸(FAS)漂白芦苇APMP,并对漂后浆与芦苇漂白硫酸盐浆进行了配抄文化用纸的探索。

    The research was made on the bleaching reed APMP with FAS and on the making fine paper from the pulp and reed BKP .

  8. 多次小剂量双甲脒染毒(7mg/kg,连续10日)对大脑皮层3H-可乐定结合的抑制程度小于一次大剂量双甲脒的抑制效应。

    Repeated dose of amitraz ( 7mg / kg per day for 10 days ) also decreased 3H clonidine binding in cerebral cortex , but the inhibition was less potent than that of above dose of amitraz ( 70 mg / kg ) .

  9. 气相色谱质谱法测定鳗鱼中双甲脒及其代谢物残留量

    Determination of Acaricides Amitraz and Its Metabolite Residues in Eel-GC-MS Method

  10. 双甲脒对大鼠脑区α2-肾上腺素受体的影响

    Effects of Pesticide Amitraz on α 2 Adrenoceptors in Rat Brain Region

  11. 兔组织中双甲脒总残留量的气相色谱分析法

    Total residue analysis of amitraz in the rabbit tissue by gas chromatography

  12. 单甲脒对池塘微宇宙生物群落结构与功能影响的研究

    Effects of DMAH on Biocommunity Structure and Function in a Pond Microcosmos

  13. 废纸脱墨浆的甲脒亚磺酸漂白

    Formamidine Sulphinic Acid ( FAS ) Bleaching of Deinked Pulp

  14. 脱墨浆甲脒亚磺酸漂白及酸化处理

    Formamidine Sulfinic Acid Bleaching of DIP and Acidifying Treatment of Bleached Pulp

  15. 二巯丙磺钠对氯苯甲脒急性中毒的实验预防

    Experimental prevention of sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate on acute chlorphenamidine poisoning

  16. 新农药单甲脒对棉花的生态生理影响

    Ecophysiology effect on the new pesticide DMAH to cotton

  17. 双甲脒及其代谢产物的高效液相色谱分析

    High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis Amitraz and Its Metabolites

  18. 双甲脒分析方法的国际协作研究

    International Collaborative Study on the Analytical Method of Amitraz

  19. 单甲脒盐酸盐等农药在土壤中的淋溶行为

    Study on the leaching behaviour of pesticides in soil

  20. 甲脒亚磺酸漂白废纸脱墨浆的试验研究

    Study on the Formamidine Sulfinic Acid ( FAS ) Bleaching of Deinked Pulp

  21. 单甲脒农药对鱼脑胆碱酯酶活性的影响

    The effects of DMA on fish brain ache

  22. 方法已用于梨中残留双甲脒的测定。

    The method has been applied to the determination of residue amitraz in pear .

  23. 建立了双甲脒和2,4-二甲基苯胺的高效液相色谱方法。

    The HPLC instrument method of determining amitraz and 2 , 4-dimethylaniline was developed .

  24. 纸浆甲脒亚磺酸漂白的初步研究

    The Pilot Study on Formamidine Sulphinic Acid Bleaching

  25. 单甲脒对模型池塘生态系统的影响及其预测

    Prediction of the Effect of DMAH on the Structure and Function of Model Pond Ecosystem

  26. 甲脒类农药特点及其合成研究

    The characteristics and preparations of formamidine pesticides

  27. 双甲脒与溴氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯混用对麦长管蚜的增效作用研究

    Study on the Synergistic Effect of the Mixed Compound Using Amitraz with Deltamethrin or Fenvalerate

  28. 甲脒亚磺酸(用于丝毛还原染料印花)磺酸基卤素铝酞菁的另一个重要应用为光学杀菌性。

    Another important application of sulfonated aluminum phthalocyanines containing halogen substituent is its photo sterilization .

  29. 本文提出了用硫脲电化学制备二硫甲脒的新方法。

    A new method for1,1 ' - dithiodiformamidine prepared by the electrooxidation of thiourea is proposed .

  30. 鱼肌肉中杀虫脒和双甲脒残留检测气相色谱法的建立

    Development of Gas Chromatography Methods for Determination of Chlorodimeform and Amitraz Residues in Muscle of Fish