
  • 网络Jiashan;Kapsan;Kozan;KOUYAMA
  1. 河北甲山正长岩体的岩石谱系单位划分及地球化学特征

    Division of the lithologic unit series and characteristics of Geochemistry of the syenite intrusive bodies in jiashan , Hebei Province

  2. 南部界线:镇巴、宁强一线,以甲山山脉为地理屏障。

    The southern boundary : A line drawn from Ching-Pa to Ning-Chang , with Pa-Shan mountain chain as the geographical relief .

  3. 本文对承德县甲山正长岩体进行了岩石谱系单位划分,归并为甲山序列;

    In this paper , the authors divide the lithologic unit series of syenite intrusive bodies in Jiashan , Chengde County and classify them as the Jiashan System .

  4. 学校分信义和甲山两个校区,校园内林木葱郁,鸟语花香,教学大楼错落有致,是读书求学的理想场所。

    Guilin Normal College is composed of two campuses & Xinyi Campus and Jiashan Campus , where beautiful buildings are surrounded by trees and flowers with birds twittering around .