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  1. 笔者首先对甲马盛行的大理喜洲地区进行整体上的概括性分析与归纳。

    The author first overall summary analysis and induction of a horse in Dali Zhou Xi area .

  2. 研究表明,甲马矿区海绵礁形成的关键因素是海平面变化,其主体的发育与海平面相对上升同步。

    It turns out that the dey factor for the formation of sponge reef was sea level changes and that the growth of reef was in concord with relative eustasy rise .

  3. 范登柏希与考夫曼是德国甲庆的马克士蒲朗克天文物理研究所研究员。

    FRANK VAN DEN BOSCH and GUINEVERE KAUFFMANN are researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching , Germany .

  4. 结论:高乌甲素复合曲马朵术后静脉镇痛是安全有效的,并且可以减少曲马朵的用量及其不良反应的发生。

    Conclusion : Lappaconitine combined with tramadol was effective and safe for postoperative intravenous analgesia with the advantages of reducing tramadol requirement and its side effects .

  5. 由既不是骑士也不是贵族的士兵组成,这些老兵身穿轻甲,手拿马矛和剑以及一面骑兵大盾。

    Made up of men who are neither Knights or of noble birth , these veteran warriors wear light armour and are armed with a cavalry spear and a sword , as well as a large cavalry shield .