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  1. 十五分钟后在楼后面等我,好吗

    Meet me behind the building in 15 minutes , okay ?

  2. 我很快洗完澡后到楼下去了。

    I washed quickly and then went downstairs .

  3. 理查兹夫人穿上化装服后下了楼,想看穿起来是否舒服。

    She wanted to find out whether it would be comfortable to wear .

  4. 爆炸事故后的住宅楼墙体加固

    The wall reinforcing of a exploded residential building

  5. 有网友于12月5日将修补后的宿舍楼图片发到网上,称该技术学院的宿舍楼是6个月前才建好的。

    According to photos of the repaired building , posted online on Dec. 5 , the dormitory of the technical college was constructed around six months ago .

  6. 三个月后,公寓楼委员会否决了交易。一对住在隔壁街区的中年夫妇斜刺里杀出,出价21.5万美元,得到委员会认可。

    Three months later , the building 's board said no. A middle-aged couple who lived down the block entered the picture , and , at $ 215000 , was approved .

  7. CFG桩复合地基加固深厚软基沉降计算研究汶川地震后某中学综合楼抗震鉴定与加固设计

    Study on Settlement Computation Method of Deep and Soft Clay Improved by CFG-pile Composite Foundation ; ANTISEISMIC APPRAISAL AND STRENGTHENING DESIGN OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL COMPLEX BUILDING

  8. 与正在使用的T2候机楼相比,改建后的T1候机楼不仅在设备方面有了进一步的提升,还将新增远机位候机厅和为特殊人群准备的绿色通道。

    Compared with the existing T2 Terminal , not only will the T1 Terminal have advanced facilities , but it also sets far flight terminal and green corridors for special populations .

  9. 我帮你拾掇三楼后房。层楼叠阁,殿宇三重。

    I helped you lay out the third floor , back .

  10. 他们去前台要到房间号后便上了楼。

    They went to the front desk to get room numbers and then proceeded upstairs .

  11. 高桥还记得,三月11日那天,他听见了海啸的警报后,跑到二楼的阳台上。

    He remembers hearing the tsunami warning siren on March 11 - and running up to the second floor balcony .

  12. 汶川地震后某中学综合楼抗震鉴定与加固设计粘弹性阻尼器在结构设计和抗震加固中的应用

    ANTISEISMIC APPRAISAL AND STRENGTHENING DESIGN OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL COMPLEX BUILDING Applications of Viscoelastic Damper in Structure Design and Earthquake Resistant Reinforcement

  13. 保安部当值主管接警后,安排巡楼队员携带灭火器和手电筒赶赴火警点。

    The fire supervisor on duty will arrange patrol staff to rush to the scene with a fire extinguisher and torch to assist the fire control .

  14. 有二栋住宅楼投入使用后,由于连楼基础产生严重不均匀沉降,造成连楼地面、墙体、梁柱节点以及局部楼板开裂变形。

    The connecting building between two residential suffers from cracking and deformation of ground , walling , joints of pillar and beam and floor slab due to the ununiform settlement of foundation .

  15. 该名工人接获指示后进入储物房,在拿取一部手提电钻、一卷电线及一桶配件工具后便到十七楼工作。

    He took a portable electric drill , a coil of wire and a bucket of accessories , and went to the17th floor to perform his job .