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hòu gōng
  • imperial harem or seraglio;imperial harem;the concubines of a monarch;seraglio
后宫 [hòu gōng]
  • (1) [imperial harem]∶君主时代嫔妃住的宫室

  • (2) [the concubines of a monarch]∶借指嫔妃

  • (3) [seraglio]∶放荡享乐的地方

后宫[hòu gōng]
  1. A组放疗后宫颈肿瘤控制率为84.0%,B组为74.1%,P>0.05;

    The local control rate was 84.0 % in A group and 74.1 % in B group , P > 0.05 ;

  2. 故RI可作为诊断药物引产后宫内残留的参考指标。

    Therefore the RI value could be a refernce idex for diagnosis of villi residue after drug induction .

  3. 方法:采用胰蛋白酶液化不育症20例精液宫腔注入(A组),其中未受孕19例精液,再采用洗涤法后宫腔注入(B组),观察受孕。

    METHOD : Sperm from 20 infertility patients was liquefied by trypsase and injected into uterus ( group A ) . Only one patient was successfully pregnant . The rest 19 patients received sperm washing technique ( group B ) .

  4. 术后宫腔置放宫内节育器(IUD)与透明质酸钠可预防术后再粘连,雌孕激素周期治疗对子宫内膜修复有一定作用。

    IUD placement and sodium hyaluronate can prevent the postoperative re-adhesion . Periodic treatment of estrogen and progestogen has some actions for repairing endometrium .

  5. 目的观察不同高频电波刀电圈切除(LEEP)术式在治疗宫颈病变后宫颈塑形情况。

    Objective To observe the cervical regeneration outcome after different loop electrosurgical excision procedures ( LEEP ) for the management of cervical lesions .

  6. 方法:局麻后宫腔内注入无水乙醇5~10ml,保留30分钟,观察疗效。

    Methods : After local anesthesia , injecting 5 ~ 10ml absolute ethyl alcohol into a uterine cavity , retaining the alcohol in the uterus for 30 minutes , observed the results .

  7. 交配后吞噬活性进一步增强,发光强度45min时达4.2±3.1cps,提示带器后宫腔渗出细胞的吞噬活性与IUD的避孕机理有一定关系。

    However , phagocytosis of infiltrating cells was enhanced in the term of implantation , CL reaching 4.2 ± 3.1 cps at 45 min. The above findings suggest that phagocytosis of infiltrating cells in IUD-wearing uterine cavity is related to the mechanism of contraception of IUD .

  8. 彩色多普勒在药物流产后宫内残留物的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of color Doppler for intrauterine remainder after drug abortion

  9. 苏丹的妻妾住在后宫。

    The sultan 's wives and concubines live in the harem .

  10. 汉代后宫制度研究

    Research on the System of Imperial Harem of the Han Dynasty

  11. 吸宫术后宫腔粘连20例报告

    Analysis of 20 cases of uterine cavity adhension after induced abortion

  12. 应用枸橼酸氯米芬后宫颈评分特征性变化的研究

    Study on Characteristics of Cervical Mucus Score in Clomiphene Citrate Cycles

  13. 阴道彩色多普勒监测药物引产后宫内残留

    Monitoring for Retention of Villi after Drug Induction by Endovaginal Color Dopple

  14. 紫禁城后宫宗教建筑和空间初探

    First Study on Religious Buildings and Spaces in Forbidden City

  15. 448例绝经后宫腔出血的子宫内膜病理分析

    Pathologic Analysis of 448 Cases of Uterine Bleeding Following Menopause

  16. 目的探讨产后和早期妊娠清宫后宫内残留物的超声声像图特征及其临床价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of ultrasonography in intrauterine residue .

  17. 有一个漂亮的女人,是国王的后宫妃子之一。

    Was a beautiful woman , one of the king 's harem .

  18. 宫腔镜在绝经后宫腔积脓诊断和治疗中研究

    Application of hysteroscopy to diagnosis and treatment of postmenopausal pyometra

  19. 流产后宫内胎物组织残留的超声诊断

    Ultrasonic Diagnosis on the Remains of Foetal Tissues in Uterus after Abortion

  20. 米非司酮治疗异位妊娠后宫内再孕率分析

    Analysis of secondary pregnancy rate after treatment of ectopic pregnancy with mifepristone

  21. 封建社会的后宫是中国古代妇女群中的一批特殊人物。

    Palace women in feudal society were special figures among Chinese ancient women .

  22. 妇女绝经后宫内节育器取出困难的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of the difficulty of removing the intrauterine device in postmenopausal women

  23. 彩色多普勒超声对药流后宫腔胚胎物残留诊断178例分析

    Color doppler sonography in detecting intrauterine fetal residue : analysis of 178 cases

  24. 彩色多普勒血流显像对药物流产后宫内残留物诊断的应用价值

    Evaluation of color Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of residue after medical abortion

  25. 宫腔镜电切术治疗绝经后宫腔内良性病变

    Menopausal Uterine Lesion Benign Treated by Hysteroscopic Electric Resection

  26. 第三部分阐述了后宫的礼仪制度。

    The third section focused on the etiquette system of the imperial harem .

  27. 长期放置宫内避孕器后宫颈病变发生率的研究

    Incidence of cervix diseases in long-term intrauterine devices users

  28. 故如我祈求,无限之后宫。

    So as I pray , Unlimited Harem Works .

  29. 舒芬太尼与瑞芬太尼抑制无痛人工流产术后宫缩痛的临床效果比较

    Clinical effect observation of sufentanil and remifentanil to inhibiting in postoperative uterotonic pain

  30. 不想要后宫吗?

    Don 't you want the palace anymore ?