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  • Rear roof;Houding
后顶[hòu dǐng]
  1. 结论单纯后顶壁软组织增厚不累及咽缝,无咽旁间隙侵犯和颈部淋巴结恶性转移征象者可作出良性病变CT诊断;

    Conclusion Soft tissue thickening of the superior posterior wall only , with neither the involvement of nasopharyngeal raphe and parapharyngeal space nor the metastasis of cervical lymph nodes , can be regarded as the sign of benign lesions .

  2. 结论:焦度仪的入瞳2h与人眼瞳孔相匹配时,测量的接触镜后顶焦度就是接触镜实际后顶焦距&带高0.87h光线的像方截距L0.87h′的倒数。

    Conclusion : When the incident pupil 2h of focimeter is corresponding with human pupil , the measuring value of the back vertex power is the real back vertex power of contact lens the reciprocal of distance on the orientation of image L0.87h ′ of band height 0.87h light .

  3. 测量接触镜近轴后顶焦距可行性分析

    Analysis of feasibility for paraxial back vertex length of contact lens

  4. 接触镜光学特性和后顶焦度测量分析

    An analysis of contact lens optical properties and the back vertex power measurement

  5. 国际上关于角膜接触镜后顶焦度的测量主要分为两种,即:空气法和溶液法。

    There are two methods mainly used for determination of back vertex power of contact lens .

  6. 目的:探讨接触镜的球差特征以及后顶焦距测量的实质。

    Objective : To analyze the aberration properties of contact lens and its central back vertex power measurement .

  7. 国外引进资源接种后顶枯症状较多,表明症状反应和品种的地理来源有一定关系。

    Top necrosis symptoms were observed in introduced varieties from abroad , indicating symptoms may relate to geographical origin of the accession .

  8. 改进后顶杆的调整定位操作容易,模具消耗低,设备有效作业率提高。

    Thanks to the said improvement , operation of the plug bar positioning adjustment has become much easier , die tooling consumption lower and equipment availability higher .

  9. 结果显著的表情效应分别于3个时段出现在不同的头皮区域:后顶区和双枕区(280~340ms),左额区(400~420ms)和右额区(480~500ms)。

    Results Significant facial expression effects occurred separately in the left parietal and bilateral occipital regions ( 280-340 ms ), left frontal region ( 400-420 ms ), and right prefrontal region ( 480-500 ms ) .

  10. 他们在炮后死死顶着。

    They braced themselves behind the gun .

  11. 颈内动脉后曲顶高出眼神经和展神经上缘分别为(552±184)mm和(660±194)mm。

    The roof of posterior curve of ICA was ( 5 52 ± 1 84 ) mm and ( 6 60 ± 1 94 ) mm higher than ophthalmic nerve and abducent nerve respectively .

  12. 墙背土压力呈曲线形分布,4m宽台阶的存在使墙后填土顶面的外荷载对该墙的侧向土压力影响不大。

    The lateral earth pressure is constant basically for each wall because of the bench of 4 m behind wall .

  13. 目的探讨精索静脉曲张患者在精索静脉高位结扎术前、后精子顶体酶活性(SAA)的变化。

    Objective To study the change of sperm acrosin activity ( SAA ) before and after high ligation of spermatic vein for patients with varicocele .

  14. 结果冷冻后精子顶体酶活性明显低于冷冻前(P005)。

    Results The sperm acrosin activities were significantly decreased after freezing ( P0.05 ) .

  15. 使用大庆中性油和国产乙烯-丙烯共聚物粘度指数改进剂研制的水杨酸盐型复合配方经卡特皮勒1G2480h试验后,顶环槽充炭率为70%,加权总评分为295;

    The salicylate type compounded package used with Daqing neutral oil and domestic ethylene-propylene copolymer additive was tested on Caterpillar 1G_2 for 480 hours , resulting in a 70 % groove filling and 295 weighted total demerits ;

  16. 采用旋转柱体法的粘度测试结果表明:钢包顶渣的粘度高以及LATS合金化精炼处理后钢包顶渣粘度进一步升高,是造成浸渍罩粘渣的主要原因之一。

    The rotary cylinder method was employed in the viscosity measurements . The results indicate that the viscosity of ladle slag is very high and can be further increased during LATS processing , which is one of the main reasons for excessive slag sticking to the immerged cover .

  17. 精炼后钢包顶渣重复使用冶金效果试验

    Metallurgical Effects Test for Reuse of Ladle Top-slag after Refining

  18. 使用改进的三色染色法可以有效地评价马鹿精子获能后的顶体反应水平。

    By use of the modified method of triple-stain technique could evaluate the level of wapiti acrosome reaction effectively .

  19. 通过数值模拟计算和对比分析,工作面在切眼处对顶煤进行弱化处理后,顶煤能够随采随冒。

    By numerical simulation and contrast analysis , it can be concluded that the top-coal can fall with the mining after it is weakened .

  20. 结果表明:增层开挖后桩顶承载刚度降低,随桩顶沉降控制值增加,承载力降低系数增大。

    The results show that bearing stiffness for pile-head was decreased after excavation , the reduction factors for bearing capacity increases with the increase of settlement control value .

  21. 基于数值计算结果的流场分析表明,叶片磨短后叶顶间隙涡进一步发展,阻塞叶顶流道,使流量锐减,同时降低了叶片顶部区域做功能力。

    The numerical results show that blade cutting causes the development of tip clearance vortices and blade passage blockages , which reduce the flow rate and the work done by the blade .

  22. 最后,提出了一个新的X线征&心后膈顶消失征,我们认为这是一个诊断左侧肺底积液的重要X线征象。

    Finally , We put forward a new X & ray sign the " Disappearance of diaphragm behind the heart sign ", and suppose this sign is valuable in diagnosis of left infrapulmonary effusion .

  23. 得出抽油杆管严重偏磨及检泵周期缩短的根本原因并不完全是聚合物驱后上顶力增加造成的。

    Basic reason that causes partial wear seriously between sucker rod and tube and the cycle of pump inspection shorten has been gained , which is not totally caused by up force after polymer flooding .

  24. 【结果】剪除全部根系后,顶一叶叶片的光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率分别立即平均下降10.25%、53.99%和46.26%。

    【 Result 】 The results indicated that the first leaf photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of wiping out upper root were decreased immediately by 10.25 % , 53.99 % and 46.26 % respectively .

  25. 但由于TRT装置的高炉顶压的稳定性是影响主流程高炉生产工艺的重要因素,因此如何解决安装TRT装置后的高炉顶压稳定性问题对于TRT技术的质量和推广是很关键的。

    Meanwhile , as TRT is popularized , customers often worry about instability of the blast furnace top pressure caused by TRT unit and the influence on the product when TRT unit is applied for power generation .

  26. 引入图的顶点的一种变换,使变换后的图顶点数不变,但边数减少;

    In the paper , one transformation on the vertices of a graph is introduced .

  27. 而与后凸角及顶椎旋转程度无明显相关。

    The VC % and MVV % also had no correlation with rotation degree of the apex vertebra and kyphosis .

  28. 介绍了在轴系按校中计算安装后,通过顶升法检测轴系中轴承所承受的负荷,来检查轴系安装是否正确。

    The article introduces the method of checking the bearing load by jack-up test after shafting alignment and illuminates the jack-up test with its application examples in a1000 TEU container vessel .

  29. 利用该砌筑模具浇注的钢包包底在烘烤后不会膨胀顶起,从而避免了方砖产生缝隙的问题。

    The ladle bottom cast by the building mould can not expand and jack up after being baked , and thereby the problem of the square brick to produce the gap is avoided .

  30. 通过大量的实验对失效后的减顶泵泵轴进行了详细分析与研究,确定了其失效的原因。

    Through a great deal of experiments , a failure axle of air-breathing pump on the top of decompression tower was analyzed and researched in details , and then its causes of inactivation was found out .