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qiáng jiān
  • Qiangjian
强间[qiáng jiān]
  1. 对于前者,本文没有采用Leighton假设,只要求所有基本场方程在薄层内满足,结果任何类型的强间断都不允许存在,应力应变必须全连续。

    The first one is thin layer jump model which requires all the fundamental field equations are satisfied within the thin layer . The result reveals that any strong discontinuity is not admissible , and the stresses and strains must be continuous .

  2. 以Bergan元为例,讨论了四阶特征值问题强间断有限元的逼近方法,得到了最优误差估计,改善或弥补了以往文献的结果和不足。

    Taking Bergan 's element for example , the approximation method of strong discontinuous finite elements for fourth order eigenvalue problems is discussed , and the optimal error estimates are obtained . Therefore the results obtained before are improved .

  3. 四阶特征值问题强间断有限元逼近方法

    Strong Discontinuous Finite Element Approximation Method for Fourth Order Eigenvalue Problems

  4. 因为欧洲列强间的关系越来越紧张。

    For tension was growing rapidly between the great powers of Europe .

  5. 特征值问题强间断非协调元逼近

    Strongly Discontinuous Nonconforming Finite Element Approximation for Eigenvalue Problem

  6. 强间断法用于研究位移不连续问题因而受到了广泛的注意和研究。

    Strong discontinuity approach studies displacement discontinuity problems and has been attracted more attentions .

  7. 一类半线性对称双曲组的强间断初边值问题

    Initial boundary value problems for a class of semilinear symmetric hyperbolic systems with discontinuous data

  8. 位移障碍下一个四阶变分不等式的某些强间断非协调元逼近

    Some strongly discontinuous nonconforming finite element approximations for a fourth order variational inequality with Displacement Obstacle

  9. 建立一种计算对流占优及强间断问题的高分辨率格式,该格式与流动微分方程的离散过程相互独立。

    A high resolution scheme is developed for the computation of convection dominated or discontinuous flow problems .

  10. 通过模拟二维溃坝问题,验证了模型求解强间断水流的可行性;

    By solving the 2D dam-break problem , the feasibility of the model to solve the strong interrupted flow is validated .

  11. 强间断法在计算材料的开裂和滑移中有较广泛的应用,可以针对多种材料的位移间断进行应用。强间断法将不连续问题转化成连续问题进行研究。

    Strong discontinuity approach has many applications in engineering problems and is applied to many materials including brittle material and plastic material .

  12. 为了能够正确认识动态强间断,本文提出了两种不同的间断模型:有厚度的薄层间断和无过渡层的间断。

    ON THE STABILITY OF ISOTHERMAL DISCONTINUITY In order to understand the dynamic strong discontinuity , two different jump models are proposed in this paper .

  13. 并通过一维和二维问题的数值算例说明了这一算法的可行性。通过算例可以看出,这一算法基本解决了在用对称单元刚度阵进行强间断计算中所遇到的应力自锁现象。

    One-dimensional and two-dimensional numerical results illustrate good performance of the present method in eliminating the stress locking phenomena in the symmetrical element stiffness matrix .

  14. 强间断法的重要特征是在连续的位移场中研究位移不连续的问题,通过在间断上引入附加应变来模拟间断。

    The essential features of the method are to study displacement discontinuity problems in continuous displacement field and to simulate discontinuity by introducing enhanced assumed strain .

  15. 由于激波管具有强间断性和精确解,本文用三个不同的激波管算例验证了程序的适用性。

    The shock tube has a strong discontinuity and exact solutions . This thesis applies three different shock tube examples to verify the effectiveness of the program .

  16. 由于这些方程组具有多尺度、强非线性、强间断和高密度比等特征,因此,对它们的数值求解面临许多困难。

    However , there exist many difficulties in their numerical solution due to their particular fea-tures such as multi-scale , strong nonlinearity , strong discontinuity and high density ratio etc. .

  17. 门户开放政策的公开宣布和在列强间的确立,是19世纪末由美国来进行的。

    Scholars usually acknowledge that the Open Door Policy belongs to the US , because it was the US that publicly announced and established this policy amongPowers at the end of the19th century .

  18. 阐述了强间断法的基本原理,并针对脆性材料和塑性材料,介绍了破坏模型和塑性模型在间断线上的本构方程。

    Secondly fundamental principle of strong discontinuity is stated and the constitutive equations of damage model and plasticity model in the strong discontinuity line are obtained according to brittle material and plastic material .

  19. 尽管如此,在谈判中,中方代表利用列强间的矛盾勉力周旋,尽管不得不接受知识产权条款,但留有自主操控权的指导思想给谈判结果的执行留下很大的弹性。

    However , the representatives of China tried to maneuver room for negotiations with foreign powers . Despite having to accept the terms of IPRs , the guiding ideology of self-controlled power had remained great flexibility on implementing the results of negotiations .