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huá gài
  • canopy;baldachin;aureole;Huagai;canopy over an imperial carriage;Huakai--an acupuncture point in breastbone
华盖 [huá gài]
  • (1) [canopy over an imperial carriage]

  • (2) 帝王车驾的伞形顶盖

  • (3) 一种用柱支承或由墙壁伸出的阳台或屋盖

  • (4) [aureole]∶光通过比其波长大的粒子或小小滴介质时,出现围绕大气光源(如太阳)的明亮区域,呈淡蓝色圆盘,外缘栗色,就像太阳或月亮被雾包围了一样

  • (5) [Huakai--an acupuncture point in breastbone]∶经穴名。属任脉。位于胸骨中线上,平第一肋间隙处

华盖[huá gài]
  1. 有人擎着一顶华丽的华盖遮在他的头上。

    Over his head was Borne a rich canopy .

  2. 在闷热的夏天,绿色的华盖就像一个凉棚。

    The green canopy serves as a cool shelter during the sweltering summer .

  3. Perfectionfatigue(完美疲劳症)指由于不断追求自我完美表现或者因为不断看到完美的图像而引发的精神倦怠或压力。华盖创意视觉趋势总监PamelaGrossman说:

    Perfection fatigue and stress caused by constantly trying to present oneself as perfect , or by constantly seeing images of perfection .

  4. 一场雨后显得愈加葱绿的高尔夫球场草地上,散放着一些带有色彩缤纷的帆布华盖的高尔夫小车。

    Golf carts with bright canvas canopies wandered the raingreen fairways .

  5. 去年,华盖创意图片库(GettyImages,2012年被凯雷(Carlyle)斥资33亿美元收购)决定在博客和社交媒体上免费分享3000多万张图片。

    Last year , Getty Images , the photo agency acquired for $ 3.3bn by Carlyle in 2012 , decided to make more than 30m images available to share for free on blogs and social media .

  6. 树木在春日下鲜艳夺目,撑起半透明的华盖。

    Spring trees glow in the daytime , spreading translucent canopies .

  7. 华盖散加味治疗痰咳102例疗效观察

    Clinical Efficacy of Huagai Powder in the Treatment of 102 Cases of Productive Cough

  8. 华盖建筑事务所研究(1931-1952)

    Research on the Allied Architects ( 1931-1952 );

  9. 敦煌壁画中的华盖图案

    The Canopy Patterns in Dunhuang Frescoes

  10. 目的:观察华盖散加味治疗痰咳的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe curative effect of Huagai Powder in the treatment of productive cough .

  11. 华盖作出这一决定,部分原因在于该公司觉得无法阻止人们未经允许使用其图片。

    In part this was because it felt unable to stop people using its pictures without permission .

  12. 华盖创意是全球领先的图片供应商,是中国最大的商业图片提供商。

    Canopy Creative is a leading global supplier of photo , is the largest provider of commercial images .

  13. 华盖公司著作权侵权纠纷案的的判决结果值得再思考。

    The result of judgment of the cases in reference to the Getty Images China should be rethinking .

  14. 它四处伸延根须,开花结籽。森林拓展其华盖,强固其主干,给其秧苗输送养分,并使长了许久的坚果渐趋成熟。

    The forest widens its canopy , strengthens its boles , nurtures its seedlings , ripens its perpetuating nuts .

  15. 第三章从调侃性、含蓄性以及引语性方面对《华盖集》的语言特色进行了分析。

    The third chapter analyzes the writing skills in terms of Sarcasm , Implicitness and the language features in quotation .

  16. 我做好以后,你可以取掉蛋糕华盖,然后把它插入蛋糕中心。

    When I am done , you can take the cake tester and insert it in the center of the cake .

  17. 印度象轿可以是一个简单的座椅和华盖,也可以是一个镀金并镶有宝石、还带有窗子的豪华车厢。

    Howdahs can range from a simple seat and canopy to an opulent , gilt and jewel-encrusted carriage , complete with windows .

  18. 那位被杀死的主教和仆从,被陈列在一个黑颜色的华盖下面,四周是用黑纱包裹起来的烛台。

    The murdered bishop and the slain warriors and priests are displayed under a black canopy , surrounded by candelabra decked with crape .

  19. 这些木屋面朝大海,内有四根帷柱撑起华盖的大床,尖顶天花板,还有开阔的室外起居区,配备了餐桌与淋浴设施。

    Wood cottages face the sea with canopy-draped four-poster beds , peaked ceilings and generous outdoor living areas with dining tables and showers .

  20. 在华盖式结角层中,高效分枝所占的比例大,各枝序的结角起点高度和终点高度都较一致。

    There were many high efficient secondary branches pod canopy of Hua-Gai , the starting and terminating pod heights on every branch were uniform .

  21. 洗礼盆放在一圆顶形的华盖下面,四周环绕着柱子和后堂回廊,这是由拜占庭人首先使用的建筑特色。

    The font itself was set beneath a dome-shaped baldachin and encircled by columns and an ambulatory , features first used by the Byzantines .

  22. 您当然在冠如华盖的巨大树荫下,慢慢端详,细细品味。

    You certainly in the hat if the huge shade under a tree of the cover , scrutinize slowly , small and soft tasty .

  23. 这位指挥浑天仪号的船长于是在一株红树华盖下,建造了一座衣冠墓,纪念那位著名的航海家和他的同伴。

    The commander of the new Astrolabe then had a monument erected under a tuft of mangrove , in memory of the famous navigator and his companions .

  24. 在我来说,我很高兴能休息一下,我们于是在一个海草华盖下面躺下来,这海草的细长枝条像箭一般直插着。

    Speaking for myself , I was glad to oblige , and we stretched out beneath an arbor of winged kelp , whose long thin tendrils stood up like arrows .

  25. 1924&1926年里,鲁迅创作了《彷徨》、《野草》、《华盖集》、《华盖集续编》及《坟》中的部分作品。

    During the period of 1924 to 1926 , Lu Xun created " Loitering " " Weeds " " Sequence to the Huagai Collection " and part works of the " Graveyard " .

  26. 阳光的温暖接着使那水晶的硬壳,从树枝上崩落,一齐倾泻在雪地上-,这么一大堆碎玻璃尽够你打扫,你还以为是天顶的华盖塌了下来。

    Soon the sun 's warmth makes them shed crystal shells-Shattering and avalanching on the snow crust & Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away You 'd think the inner dome of heaven had fallen .

  27. 那位被杀死的主教和仆从,被陈列在一个黑颜色的华盖下面,四周是用黑纱包裹起来的烛台。死者,这个一度十分威风的主教,现在身穿银线绣的袍子,手中握着十字杖,但已丧失权力了。

    The murdered bishop and the slain warriors and priests are displayed under a black canopy , surrounded by candelabra decked with crape . There lies the dead man , in the black cloak wrought with silver ; the crozier in the powerless hand that was once so mighty .