
  • 网络HUA
  1. 本设计以新华龙公司的C8051F330作为数据采集系统的核心芯片,利用蓝牙技术,建立一套完整的无线传输试验的检测技术、方法与规程。

    Bluetooth technology is used to establish an integrated detection technology , methods and procedures of wireless transmission test .

  2. 中国核工业集团(CNNC)已有在巴基斯坦建设6座反应堆的协议,但在阿根廷建设一座华龙1号反应堆的框架协议,将是在海外展现中国自主技术实力的首个例证。

    China National Nuclear Corp already has agreements to build six reactors in Pakistan but a framework agreement to build a Hualong 1 reactor in Argentina would be the first overseas example of China 's indigenous prowess .

  3. 矩形钢管混凝土柱在华龙国际大厦的应用

    Application of Rectangular Steel-tube Concrete Column in Hualong International Building

  4. 华龙1号理应代表中核和中广核的联合设计努力。

    Hualong 1 is supposed to represent combined design efforts by CNNC and CGN .

  5. “华龙一号”符合国际原子能机构的所有安全要求。

    Hualong-1 is compliant with all safety requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency .

  6. 华龙水电高新技术公司

    HuaLong Hydro Electricity High - Tech Company

  7. 阿根廷政府也同意使用“华龙一号”的技术修建发电厂。

    The Argentinian government has also agreed to build a plant using the Hualong-1 technology .

  8. 成功建成华龙1号将使中国跻身于核反应堆出口国的精英俱乐部。

    Successfully constructing the Hualong 1 will bring China into the elite club of countries exporting reactors .

  9. “华龙一号”由中国核工业集团和中国广核集团共同建设。

    Hualong-1 is being jointly developed by the China National Nuclear Corporation and the China General Nuclear Power Group .

  10. 因此,专家们努力确保福清“华龙一号”周边环境的安全性。

    As such , experts at the Hualong-1 construction site in Fuqing are working to ensure the safety of the surrounding environment .

  11. 在中国证明其技术经得起反复考验之前,怀疑者仍然会对彻底接受华龙一号保持警惕。

    Until China demonstrates that its technology is tried and tested , sceptics will remain wary of fully committing to the Hualong One .

  12. 在福清,“华龙一号”核反应堆室正在进行封顶,其穹顶直径宽24米。

    A dome measuring 24 meters across is now being installed on top of the reactor chamber at the Hualong-1 nuclear power plant , which is under construction in the city of Fuqing .

  13. 中国社会福利基金会和华龙网于上周四发布了国家人口老龄化的相关信息,截至2015年底,我国60周岁以上老年人口已达2.22亿。

    The China Social Welfare Foundation and CQNews released information last Thursday that the country 's aging population - people older than 60 years - was 222 million as of the end of last year .

  14. 论述了矩形钢管混凝土柱钢框架、混凝土核心筒结构在江西华龙国际大厦的应用,介绍了矩形钢管混凝土混合结构总体设计、节点大样及构造。

    The paper introduces the application of rectangular steel pipe concrete column steel frame and concrete core drum structure in Jiangxi Hualong International Building as well as the general design , knot detail and construction of rectangular steel pipe concrete mixed structure .