
diàn zhōng xìng
  • electric neutrality
电中性[diàn zhōng xìng]
  1. 在此基础上,利用能量最低原理和质量守恒、电子守恒、电中性方程来构造线性规划数学模型,并用单纯形法求得水-岩之间的物流量。

    On this basis , the principle of minimum energy and the equations of mass balance , electron balance and electric neutrality are applied to constructing a linear programming mathematical model and calculating the amount of mass transfer between water and rock with the simplex method .

  2. 用MATLAB求解一般形式的电中性方程

    Solving Generalized Neutrality Equation with MATLAB

  3. 新型Ni(Ⅱ)催化剂催化聚合乙烯电中性机理的量子化学研究

    Quantum chemistry study on the neutral reaction mechanism of ethylene polymerization by the novel nickel (ⅱ) catalysts

  4. 利用紧束缚哈密顿量计算共轭聚合物(conjugatedpolymers)中库仑作用对于电中性的定域激发态的影响。

    The effect of the coulomb interaction on electrically neutral , localised states of conjugated polymers is investigated using a tight binding Hamiltonian .

  5. CTAB吸附固定相用于分离电中性化合物,其它吸附固定相用于手性分离。

    The adsorbed CTAB phase is used for separation of neutral compounds while other adsorbed stationary phases are used for chiral separation .

  6. 当APU浓度较低时,静电吸附是主要作用方式。体系在电中性时出现沉淀。

    When APU concentration is very low , electrostatic adsorption occurs and the system becomes precipitated .

  7. 当A位离子或B位离子被不同价态的离子取代时,通过形成氧离子空穴或者形成混合价态来保持化合物的电中性。

    In the case of substitution of A-site or B site ions by other ions of different oxidation states , the charge compensation can be achieved either by the formation of oxygen ion vacancies or by the formation of mixed oxidation states .

  8. 对于较高温度下制备的TCO薄膜,对载流子迁移率起主要作用的散射机制是带电离子散射和电中性复合粒子散射。

    In TCO films deposited on high temperature substrates , the ionized impurity scattering and the neutral complex scattering are dominant .

  9. 为保持电中性,一些三价的B离子氧化变成四价的B离子,这一变化导致B位离子平均半径的减小,从而导致晶胞的整体减小。

    In order to maintain electrical neutrality , some trivalent B ions oxidized to form B4 + , which resulted in a net decrease in the average radius of the B ions , as a result the volume of the unit cell decreases .

  10. 宏观电荷的Lorentz不变性与Ivezic电中性理论

    Lorentz invariance of macroscopic charge and Ivezic ′ s new theory of electrical neutrality

  11. 用动物活体核磁共振T2分布像和T1加权像分别观测了超顺磁性氧化铁造影剂和电中性大分子锰配合物造影剂的实验结果。

    The experimental results of superparamagnetic iron oxide contrast agent and electronic neutral metal complex of manganese contrast medium were observed by magnetic resonance T_2 imaging and T_1-weighted imaging , respectively .

  12. 1948年Casimir指出,由于量子电磁场的零点涨落,真空中电中性的物体之间存在相互作用力,称为Casimir力。

    In 1948 , Casimir pointed that there is a repulsive interaction between two neutral objects on account of quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field . It is known as the Casimir force .

  13. 根据质量守恒定律、电中性原理、渗透&表面更新理论,及GR型净化装置的内部结构,建立了GR型净化装置热量传递、SO2传质过程同时进行的动力学模型,并与实际结果进行比较验证。

    According to the law of mass conservation , electric neutralization principle , infiltrate-surface renewal theory , as well as construction of GR , we built the dynamics mode of the simultaneity of the heat transfer and mass transfer in the GR purifying device .

  14. 船舶高压电中性点处理的分析讨论

    Handling of Neutral Point in High Voltage Marine Power System

  15. 电中性物质的毛细管胶束电动色谱

    Separation of Electric Neutral Compounds by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography

  16. 电中性分子间相互作用分析的毛细管电泳方法研究

    Studies on the Interaction Analysis of Neutral Molecules by Using Capillary Electrophoresis

  17. 脂质体毛细管电泳法测定电中性药物疏水参数的研究

    The study on liposome capillary electrophoresis for hydrophobicity of four neutral pharmaceuticals

  18. 存在着足够多的电子以维持电中性。

    Enough electrons are present to maintain electrical neutrality .

  19. 原子是电中性的。

    We knew that the atom was electrically neutral .

  20. 电中性电荷系外部电势的分布

    Outer Potential Distribution of Electrically Neutral Charge Group

  21. 电中性原则不允许这样。

    Charge neutrality won 't allow for it .

  22. 高层大气的电中性和离子化学

    Neutral and ion chemistry of the upper atmosphere

  23. 建立了一个以局部热力学平衡、宏观电中性为基本假设的局部热力学平衡流体力学模型描述等离子发生器内部的流动、传热、传质过程;

    A flow dynamics model is established to describe the mechanisms of processes in plasma generator .

  24. 我的意思它是电中性的,只是有些缺电子。

    And by here , I mean it 's net neutral , but the electron deficiency .

  25. 在离子溶液中,电中性条件亦提供了这种附加关系式。

    In ionic solutions , the condition of electrical neutrality provides such an additional relation too .

  26. 我们可能得到阴阳离子,并把它们以电中性形式存在。

    It 's possible to take the cation and anion and restore them to their neutral states .

  27. 计算结果表明,电中性催化机理类似于阳离子催化机理。

    The calculations show that agostic bonds play an important role in activating the reactant in a catalytic process .

  28. 利用电中性条件,导出了掺单一杂质半导体费米能级的普适公式,在具体应用时可作相应简。

    According to the condition of electroneutrality , a general formula of Fermi energy in one-doped semiconductor is deduced .

  29. 中性伴子的质量、稳定性和电中性满足了冷暗物质所要求的各种性质。

    The hypothesized mass , stability and neutrality of the neutralino satisfy all the requirements of cold dark matter .

  30. 一次放电中产生的一种电中性离子化的气体,明显不同于固体、液体和正常气体。

    An electrically neutral ionized gas in an electric discharge ; distinctly different from solids and liquids and normal gases .