
  • 网络electric light source;electrical light source
  1. 稀土电光源&金属卤化物放电灯

    Rare Earth Electric Light Source ── Metal Halide Discharge Lamp

  2. 本文简要介绍几种主要的高效照明电光源产品,如卤钨灯、荧光灯、高压钠灯、金属卤化物灯和电子镇流器的国家标准的发展概况。

    This Paper will briefly introduce the development of China 's national standards for several major types of efficient electric light source products , such as tungsten halogen lamps , fluorescent lamps , high-pressure sodium lamps , metal halide lamps and electronic ballasts .

  3. 大功率LED作为第四代电光源取代传统的照明光源已成为主要趋势。

    As a fourth-generation high-power LED light source to replace the traditional electric lighting has become a major trend .

  4. 可望取代原使用的高压汞灯(H)和金卤灯(MH)而成为绿色照明工程中理想的电光源。

    It can replace H and MH to be the perfect lamp source in green lighting engineering .

  5. 作为一种高效、长寿命的新型电光源,高强度气体放电(highintensitydischarge,HID)灯在绿色照明工程中扮演了重要的角色。

    As a high efficient , long life time lighting source , High Intensity Discharge ( HID ) lamps plays an important role in it .

  6. 我国主要的涉汞行业包括:电石法PVC生产、电池生产、电光源生产、医用体温计和血压计生产、燃煤、有色金属冶炼、水泥生产和废物焚烧。

    The main mercury pollution industries were PVC production , battery production , thermometer and sphygmomanometer production , coal combustion , non-ferrous metal smelting and so on .

  7. 本文运用了在校期间学习的电光源理论知识,结合了工作实践中对LED路灯试用时得到的数据和经验,对光环境照明系统质量进行了系统性的评价、分析和优化。

    This paper uses the during school learning electric light source theory knowledge , combined with LED lamps trial data and experiences , lighting system quality are systemic evaluation , analysis and optimization .

  8. 本文对一种新型电光源&MH灯的主要电特性进行了研究,提出了MH灯的电气模型;

    The model for MH lamps and the controlling approaches for its electronic ballasts have been studied . The main contributions are as the following ;

  9. HID(highintensitydischarge)灯即高压气体放电灯,具有发光效率高、使用寿命长、光输出种类多、色温高等优点是新一代绿色照明的节能电光源。

    HID ( High Intensity Discharge ) lamp has high efficiency , long service time , multiple types of light output , high color temperature , and some other advantages , which is a new generation of green energy-saving light source .

  10. 节约电光源用电是节能工作的重点,同时也能减少发电产生的SO2、CO2和NO2等废气、尘埃和废渣对环境的污染。

    Saving the use of electricity source is not only the focus of saving-energy work , but also can reduce the emissions of SO2 , CO2 , NO2 and other dust and residue .

  11. 节能型的新一代电光源高强度气体放电灯(HID)已经广泛应用于交通、市政、工厂等照明中,其具有光效高,寿命长等优点。

    High intensity-discharge lamp ( HID ), an energy-saving light source of a new generation , has been widely applied in transportation , civil infrastructure , and factories for its high efficiency and long life .

  12. 介绍在光源颜色测量中以CCD为核心的测试系统设计原理与要点,利用CCD在测试中的良好作用,为电光源行业提供了先进的质量检测手段。

    This paper introduces the principle and pith of the color of light source test system based on CCD . It explains the good effects of measuring light source with CCD . It also provides advanced quality means for light source trade .

  13. 根据几何光学原理,将内壁光滑的V形折板倒置于光源的下方,反射一部分由电光源直射的光通量Φ,降低光源下方透光面的光斑。

    On the principle of the geometrical optics , we may lay a V shaped folded plate structure under the light source for reflecting a part of luminous flux (Φ) of lighting point blank to drop the brightness of light spot under the light source .

  14. 本文简要叙述TPS系列测试电源在电光源计量测试中的应用,并介绍一种最新研制的日光灯电子镇流器专用测试电源。

    The applications of the TPS series of testing power supplies to the measurements of electric lighting sources are described in this paper , and a kind of newly developed testing power supply specialized for the electric ballast of fluorescent lamps are introduced .

  15. 金属卤化灯是新一代的电光源,它具有高光效、高显色性和长寿命等特性。

    Metal halide lamps is a new generation electric light sources .

  16. 电光源用硼硅酸盐玻璃紫外截止性研究

    Study on Ultraviolet Absorption of Borosilicate Glass Used for Electrical Illuminant

  17. 电光源光通量及光效的简捷测定

    A simple and direct measurement for luminous flux and light efficiency

  18. 新型交通指挥灯电光源

    The Lamp A New Kind of Traffic Direct Light Source

  19. 我国节能照明电光源的发展

    Development of electric light sources for energy conservation in China

  20. 电光源四极质谱分析系统

    A Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Analysis System of Electric Light Sources

  21. 高压钠灯是城镇道路照明的主要电光源之一。

    High voltage sodium lamp is the leading source of roadway illumination .

  22. 运用电光源特性对环境和建筑合理配光

    Suitable apportion light for environment and building using lightsource characteristic

  23. 国家电光源质量监督检验中心(北京)

    National Quality Supervision and Test Center of Electric Light Source ( Beijing )

  24. 光效是电光源节能性能的关键参数。

    The luminous efficien is the key parameter of electric light sources energy-saving performance .

  25. 电光源产品技术发展动向

    Developing on Products and Technology Electric-Light Source

  26. 电光源行业的发展对灯用气体提出了更广更高的要求。

    The development of electric lighting source industry puts a higher demand on lighting gases .

  27. 常用电光源与照明节能

    Common-used Electric Lamp-house and Lighting Energy Saving

  28. 微波硫灯是一种高效节能的无电极电光源。

    Microwave sulfur lamp ( MSL ) is a kind of effective electrodeless electrical light source .

  29. 电光源、荧光材料计测系统的研究及其应用

    Research on the System for the Measuring the Electric Light Source , Phosphor and Its Application

  30. GB7248-1987电光源的安全要求

    Safety requirements of electrical light source