
  • Electric tricycle;Auto-Rickshaw;Electrically operated tricycle;ts
  1. 车架是电动三轮车的主要承载部件。

    The frame was the main load bearing components of the electric tricycle .

  2. 太阳能电动三轮车车架结构性能仿真分析及优化研究

    The Research of Solar Battery Farm Tricycle 's Frame Construction Analysis and Optimization

  3. 在中国电动三轮车经常用于运输货物和人。

    Motorized tricycles with cargo trailers are commonly used to transport goods and people in China .

  4. 折叠式电动三轮车

    Folded - Type Electrical Tricycle

  5. 一种折叠后能拉着走的折叠电动三轮车。

    The utility model discloses a folding electro-tricycle which can be pulled to move after being folded .

  6. 针对高速公路固定设施的特点,给出了一个基于双臂导向的电动三轮车概念模型。

    In allusion to the characteristics of highway , the conceptual model of an electro-tricycle based on double-arms was presented .

  7. 有一天突然出现一辆电动三轮车,把所有大人载走,只留下春日部里的所有小孩。

    One day , an electronic tricycle came and took away all the adults , only kids were left behind in Haruhibu .

  8. 针对这种现状展开的讨论和研究是必要的,其中电动三轮车多功能化是常常谈及的话题。

    In view of this situation , the discussion and research is necessary , the electric tricycle with multi function is often mentioned .

  9. 这里还有数十万辆未登记的电动踏板三轮车,尽管市政府在2014年曾试图将其取缔。

    There are also hundreds of thousands of unregistered three-wheeled electric scooters , although the government tried to ban them in 2014 .

  10. 不过此次整治运动让深圳的快递行业陷入困境,因为大部分的快递员使用电动货运三轮车运送包裹。

    The campaign has hit Shenzhen 's express delivery sector hardest , because most of the couriers use electric freight tricycles to deliver packages .

  11. 北京从今年4月份开始禁止电动自行车和三轮车在10条道路上行驶,其中包括主干道长安街的部分路段。

    In April , Beijing banned electric bikes and three-wheelers from 10 stretches of road , including parts of Chang'an Avenue , the main thoroughfare .

  12. 本文以中国001集团开发的新型太阳能电动农用运输三轮车车架为研究对象,利用通用有限元分析软件MSC。

    In this paper , we choose the frame of a new type solar battery farm tricycle designed and manufactured by china 001 group as research object .

  13. 27岁的上海韵达快递出口服务的负责人凌创表示,针对电动自行车和三轮车的这一禁令意味着快递人员现在只能完成大约50%的订单。

    Ling Chuang , a 27-year-old manager of a service outlet operated by Shanghai Yunda Express , said the ban on electric bikes and tricycles means workers are now only able to process about 50 percent of orders .

  14. 近日,广东省深圳市整治无证电动自行车、货运三轮车的行动使当地快递服务陷入瘫痪,包裹大量堆积,快递员疲于应对。

    A crackdown on the use of unlicensed electric bikes and freight tricycles in Shenzhen , Guangdong province , has paralyzed courier services , leaving delivery workers struggling to cope with piles of undelivered packages .

  15. 可以用于电动汽车电动游览车电动叉车电动三轮车电动自行车等。

    Can be used in electric vehicles Electric motor tricycle tour electric forklift electric bicycles .