
  • 【电工】[independent] voltage source
  1. 在上面的例子中,电压源是非理想的,所以没有发现什么困难。

    In the foregoing example , the voltage source is nonideal and hence presents no difficulty .

  2. 基于FPGA的可编程电压源系统设计

    Design of Programmable Voltage Source System Based on FPGA

  3. PWM电压源可逆变换器及其在变频器中的应用

    Research on PWM Voltage Source Converter and Application in Frequency Inverter

  4. 基于PWM的电流源/电压源的设计与分析

    The design and analysis of current / voltage supply based on PWM

  5. 介绍了一种用于光纤LED驱动器中温度系数可调节的电压源电路的设计。

    This paper introduces a kind of bandgap references with programmable temperature coefficient used in fiber optic LED driver .

  6. 阐述了一种采用了一阶温度补偿技术设计的CMOS带隙基准电压源电路。

    A CMOS band-gap reference circuit with first-order temperature compensation is presented .

  7. 本文研究的就是采用DSP为控制核心的电压源型矢量控制变频器的控制系统。

    In this thesis , a Voltage Vector Control Inverter based on DSP is studied and developed .

  8. 一种用于CMOSA/D转换器的带隙基准电压源

    A Bandgap Voltage Reference Source for CMOS Analog-to-Digital Converter

  9. 本文研究一种新型的Z源整流器,它在传统电压源PWM整流器的基础上引入Z型阻抗网络形成新的拓扑,获得一些独特的、优越的性能。

    In this thesis , a novel rectifier named as Z-source rectifier is presented .

  10. 大容量PWM电压源逆变器的LC滤波器设计

    LC filter design for high-power PWM voltage source inverter

  11. 电压源电流型PWM逆变器

    A Current Controlled Voltage Source PWM Inverter

  12. 轻型直流输电技术(HVDCLight)是一种基于电压源型换流(VoltageSourcedConverters-VSC)技术的新型高压直流输电技术。

    HVDC Light is a new-type HVDC based on Voltage Sourced Converters ( VSC ) Technology .

  13. LCD驱动中的带隙基准电压源的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Band-gap Reference in LCD

  14. 分析了三相电压源PWM整流器的工作原理和数学模型;

    Secondly , the principle and mathematic model of three phase voltage source rectifier is analyzed .

  15. 电流叠加型CMOS基准电压源

    A CMOS Voltage Reference with Current Superposition

  16. 用可控电压源实现LC电路的自由振荡

    Using a controllable voltage source to realize a free oscillation of LC circuit

  17. 单周控制双Buck型电压源换流器

    A novel Dual-Buck voltage source converter with one cycle control

  18. 小功率电压源PWM变频器通过匹配的变压器与其他变压器串联。

    A small-rated voltage-source PWM converter is connected in series to the transformers through a matching transformer .

  19. 本文首先从原理上分析了三相三电平电压源型PWM整流器的拓扑结构,深入研究了PWM整流器的电流控制策略。

    Topology and current control strategy of three phase three-level PWM rectifier is studied in this paper .

  20. 新能源发电Buck型电压源换流接口电路的建模与性能分析

    Modeling and Performance Analysis of Renewable Sources Power Generation Buck-Type Voltage Source Converter

  21. 三相AC-DC电压源型变流器PWM控制的比较研究

    Study of PWM Control Technique in 3 Phase AC-DC Voltage Source Converter

  22. 感应加热用IGBT电压源逆变器工作方式分析

    Working Mode Analysis of Voltage Source Inverter for Induction Heating based on IGBT

  23. 基于电压源逆变器的SVG直接控制方案的设计

    Design of Direct Control Scheme for SVG Based on VSI

  24. SPWM电压源逆变器变压变频过程的谐波分析

    Harmonic Analysis of SPWM VSI in Process of VVVF

  25. 基于PSPICE高温度稳定性基准电压源的设计

    Design of High Temperature Stability Voltage Reference By Pspice

  26. 同时,带隙基准电压源电路的结构简单,可靠性较高,可以用标准CMOS工艺实现,适宜于大规模生产,目前已成为CMOS集成电路当中最流行的一种基准电压产生器。

    At present , the bandgap reference voltage has been the most popular reference voltage generator in CMOS integrated circuits .

  27. 本文首次提出并深入研究了以正激Forward变换器为基础的单极性移相控制电压源高频交流环节AC/AC变换器。

    Abstract : The uni-polarity phase-shifted controlled voltage mode AC / AC converters with high frequency ac link based on Forward converters are firstly proposed and deeply investigated .

  28. 因此本文对一种基于高频PWM电压源变换器的能量回馈式放电装置作了详细的研究。

    Therefore detailed study is made in this paper on the battery-discharging device based on high-frequence PWM voltage-source converter ( VSC ) .

  29. 第一种是扩展的FDTD方法,包括等效电流源法和等效电压源法。

    One was extended FDTD including the equivalent current source method and the equivalent voltage source method .

  30. 系统电流环采用PI控制,其输出用于产生空间矢量PWM电压源型逆变器的控制信号;

    The system current is controlled by PI controllers and the output is used to generate the control signals for SVPWM inverter .