
  • 网络auteurist;film auteur;Film outeur;film authors
  1. 电影作者,经常被誉为用影像叙事体进行表达的思想家。

    Author of the movie frequently is regarded as a thinker who employs image narrative to express .

  2. 目前,学术界在做电影作者研究时,通常把电影导演作为研究对象。

    Currently , the director is usually studied as an auteur of a film in the academic study of doing the film .

  3. 现在销售已经超过4.15亿册,而且对孩子们而言是最成功的电影,作者JK·罗琳有关于那本书的独家消息,让我们马上开始。

    now after 415 million books sold and the most successful movie for child ever , author JK Rowing has a exclusive message about that book , that start it at all .

  4. 这部电影的作者在离罗马克斯去世的一年之前访问了他。

    The film maker visits Lomax one year prior to his death .

  5. 关于电影的作者批评

    On Author Criticism in Movie Circle

  6. 选片的成员有一些(是)策展人,也有一些独立电影的作者、导演,也有相关文化界的人士,有媒体(的人士)。

    The members of film selection committee are curators , authors of independent movies , directors , people in cultural circles , and the media .

  7. 90年代中国电影中的作者表述

    The Author 's Representations of the 1990 's Chinese Movie

  8. 我们怎样才能发现优秀电影剧本的作者呢?

    How can we find authors of good screen plays ?

  9. 这部电影是由作者本人根据自己的畅销小说改编的。

    The movie was adapted by the writer himself from his best-selling novel .

  10. 中国文人电影与欧美作者电影

    Chinese " Scholar Film " and European & American " Writer Film "

  11. 电影剧本的作者是卡尔福尔曼。

    The screenplay was written by Carl Foreman .

  12. 该电影改编的作者戴维黑尔和导演斯蒂芬戴德利。

    The film adaptation was written by David Hare and directed by Stephen Daldry .

  13. 除了电影的脚本作者,请不要认为有任何作者可以对电影中的任何东西负责。

    Please do not hold any writer except the script-writer responsible for anything in a film .

  14. 编写电影剧本的作者。

    A writer of screenplays .

  15. 敢死队〉这部电影集结了作者全部的偶像,实在是动作片史上的巅峰之作。

    Up to now , this film was the most successful film among all of the action movie .

  16. 那部电影海报是作者在大学时期挂在宿舍墙上钟爱的海报。

    I tried to make it look like the poster , which I had on my wall at college when I was a freshman .

  17. 保罗·汉雷:作者死了!作者万岁!&西方民族志电影中关于作者身份模糊性的一些评论。

    Paul Henley : The Author is Dead ! Long Live the Author ! Some Comments on the Ambiguities of Authorship in Western Ethnographic Film .

  18. 这些惊天地泣鬼神的战争故事战后成了电影导演和小说作者的创作素材。

    These amazing real war events are the material which create legends and inspire book and movie authors .

  19. 在即将上映的电影中,歌曲作者及专辑制作人格伦.巴拉德与制片人罗伯特.泽梅克基斯进行了合作,这部电影是根据盎格鲁撒克逊人的传奇改编的。

    Songwriter and record producer Glen Ballard worked with filmmaker Robert Zemeckis on the upcoming film Beowulf , based on the early Anglo-Saxon saga .

  20. 第一章从电影史着手,立足电影作者与作者电影确立了研究对象的身份,对本文的研究方式方法进行界定。

    The first chapter from the history of film , based on the " movies writers " and " author cinema " established the identity of subjects , to study ways and means to define in this article .

  21. 该电影是根据电影导演兼小说作者郭敬明的同名小说改编而成,该小说在去年还被改编成音乐剧。

    The franchise was born from a 2008 novel written by the films ' director Guo Jingming . The book was adapted into a musical last year .

  22. 大家都看到了,在我做十大经典吸血鬼与狼人电影资料搜集的时候,我发现大部分电影榜单都是作者主观思想的结果。

    You see , while looking up lists of the top ten best vampire and werewolf movies I quickly learned that all of the movies listed were actually the writer 's opinion of the best movies out there .