
  1. 试论当代电影美术的发展趋势

    Discussion on the Trend of Current Art Designing

  2. 论影视美术设计中人物造型的手段电影美术的历程

    On the Means of Character Molding in the Artistic Designing in Film and TV Review On Art Designing

  3. 叶锦添(服装设计)是名游走于服装、视觉艺术、电影美术、当代艺术创作间的著名艺术家。

    Tim Yip ( Costume Designer ) A renowned artist , Tim Yip has multidisciplinary works in costume design , visual art , and contemporary art .

  4. 本文探讨产生这种差异性的原因,并借鉴设计,建筑,电影美术等领域中有效的方法来尽可能的避免差异性带来的问题。

    This paper explores the reasons of this differences , and try to get effective methods from the field of design , architecture , and film to avoid the problem of the differences as much as possible .

  5. 科幻电影与美术中的未来空间观

    The Concept of Future Architectural Space in Fiction movie and Fine arts

  6. 曾毕业于北京电影学院美术系,后赴美国进修。

    Had graduated from Beijing film academy in America for study after fine .

  7. 1948年,东北电影制片厂美术片组并人上海电影制片厂。

    In 1948 the Northeast studio would change name to Shanghai picture studio group .

  8. 阿彼察邦于1970年生于曼谷,在坤敬大学获得了建筑系的学士学位,后又在芝加哥艺术学院获得了电影制作美术专业的硕士学位。

    Apichatpong was born in Bangkok , 1970.He holds a degree in Architecture from Khon Kaen University and a Master of Fine Arts in Film-making from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago .

  9. 我喜欢滑雪,但我也喜欢美味的食物、电影和到美术馆溜达。

    I don 't like long lift lines , and after skiing half a day , I 'm sometimes too exhausted to enjoy myself .

  10. 额,看电影,参观美术馆,展览会和博物馆,与老朋友见面,去健康俱乐部锻炼或者进行高山自行车运动。

    Well , going to a cinema , visiting the galleries , exhibitions and museums , finding and meeting old friends , exercising in the health club or mountain biking .

  11. 为了培养我,她总是带我去看外国电影或去参观美术馆。

    She keeps taking me to foreign films and art galleries in an attempt to educate me .

  12. 北京电影学院以及中央美术学院的放映活动只向学生以及特邀嘉宾开放。

    Please note-screenings at the Beijing Film Academy and the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts are for students and by invitation only .

  13. 以及在音乐欣赏教学中以语言文学艺术、戏剧电影电视艺术、美术等为媒介启发学生进行更高层次的联想和想象。

    And also via the media of language and literature , drama , film and video , and art to help students to put up imagination and fantasy .

  14. 这份报告名为《多样的调色板》,谈及表演、设计、建筑、创意写作、作曲、舞蹈、电影、插图、美术等专业。

    The report , titled A Diverse Palette , considered degrees in performance , design , architecture , creative writing , music composition , choreography , film , illustration and fine art .