
  1. 在红十字会举办的一次旨在为巴厘岛爆炸案受害者筹款的拍卖会上,澳大利亚一家律师事务所提供了一份特别的奖品:一场免费的离婚官司。

    An Australian law firm has offered up a free divorce as a prize in a Red Cross auction to raise funds for victims of the Bali bombings .

  2. 9·11事件和巴厘岛爆炸案是现代恐怖主义犯罪达到高潮的重要标志。

    " 9 · 11 " incident and " case of explosion of Bali Island " is the important sign that the modern crimes of terrorism have reached a climax .

  3. 之前也发生过多起凶残的袭击,例如1997年的埃及卢克索屠杀、2002年巴厘岛夜总会爆炸案以及2008年孟买酒店、火车站及犹太人中心遭到的血腥袭击。

    There have been murderous assaults before , such as the 1997 Luxor killings , the 2002 Bali nightclub bombing and the 2008 attacks on hotels , a railway station and a Jewish centre in Mumbai .

  4. 看上去大约如此,因为在2002年巴厘岛首次发生爆炸案后的几年里,巴厘岛的经济大幅下滑,担心自身安全的潜在游客放弃了这里的海滩和寺院。

    Or so it seems , because in the years since the first Bali bomb blast in 2002 , the island has experienced a deep economic slump as potential visitors fearful for their security deserted its beaches and temples .