
  • Kettle;electric kettle
  1. 她把他们俩的杯子倒空,烧上了电水壶。

    She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle

  2. 请你把电水壶的插头插上,可以吗?

    Could you plug in the electric kettle , please ?

  3. 酒店客房会提供热水或烧水的电水壶。

    All hotels will provide boiled water or an electric kettle on request .

  4. 为什么电水壶加热圈子要装在底部?

    Why is the heating coil placed at the bottom of an electric kettle ?

  5. 蒙纳:有电水壶和茶叶吗?

    Mona : And a kettle and tea ?

  6. 电器(电视机和电水壶等)可以使他们生活更方便。

    Electric appliances , such as TV sets and electric pots , would help make their life easier .

  7. 办公室里有个手推车,上面满是咖啡罐、茶叶罐,还有一个电水壶,他工作到很晚时会用到这些。

    There 's a trolley filled with containers of coffee and tea and an electric kettle that he uses when working late .

  8. 该电水壶,只要加装少量零件,就具备了防干烧功能,结构简单,成本低。

    The electrical water kettle has the dry burning prevention function so long as added with a few of parts , and has simple structure and low cost .

  9. 有必要制订被动预防措施,如重新设计家庭的厨房和餐厅区域,更安全的电水壶和浴室的温控设备。

    There is a need for passive preventive measures , such as redesigned domestic cooking and eating areas , safer electrical kettles and temperature control devices for bathrooms .

  10. 罗斯格德称,来自中国政府和他所在机构的人员将对这座除霾塔附近的空气进行监测。它的功率为1400瓦,与电水壶相当。

    Mr. Roosegaarde said both the Chinese government and his group would monitor the air around the tower , which uses 1400 watts of electricity per day , roughly that of an electric kettle .

  11. 文章的末尾,笔者对一只方圆牌电水壶进行了实证研究,很好地利用了前面提出的产品低碳设计模型,这个模型不但能很好地找出排放源,而且非常有利于设计师来使用。

    The end of the article , author of a " square " Kettle conducted an empirical study , a good use of the above product " low carbon design " model , this model is not only good to find sources , and is beneficial for designers to use .

  12. 费尔贝恩表示,在两分钟内充满电将需要1000个电水壶的电力输出,而且快速充电会对大多数电池造成损害。

    It would take the power output of 1000 kettles to charge a car fully in two minutes , says Mr Fairbairn - and rapid charging is damaging to most batteries .