
  • 网络current relay
  1. 有源电感带通滤波器是电子式谐波电流继电器的核心电路。

    The active inductance band pass filter is the key device for the electronic harmonic current relay .

  2. 由于零差保护的特殊性,零差继电器本身就是一只灵敏电流继电器或动作功率很小的电压继电器。

    Due to the specialty , REF relay is a current relay with very high sensitivity or a voltage relay with very low acting power .

  3. 电接触问题的有限元模型及其在小电流继电器中的应用

    Finite element model and its applications in little electric current relays

  4. 欠电流继电器在塔机电路中的作用

    Application of Undercurrent Relay to Circuit of Tower Crane

  5. 插棒式过电流继电器GB/T6983-1986电磁纯铁棒材技术条件

    Plunger overcurrent relay Technical requirements for magnetic iron bars

  6. 谐波电流继电器是交流滤波装置的保护电器。

    The harmonic current relay is the protect relay for the harmonic filtration equipments .

  7. 电流继电器在控制线路中的应用

    Application of Current Relay in Control Circuit

  8. 谐波电流继电器研究

    The Research of the Harmonic Current Relay

  9. 一种新型的单片机过电流继电器

    A New Single-Chip Computer Overcurrent Relay

  10. 延时热过电流继电器

    Delay thermal over-current relay

  11. 相位平衡电流继电器

    Phase balance current relay

  12. 瞬时电磁式过电流继电器

    Instantaneous electromagnetic overcurrent relay

  13. 过电流继电器是继电保护装置的一种,当负载电流超过整定值时,继电器动作。

    An " Overcurrent Relay " is a type of protective relay which operates when the load current exceeds a preset value .

  14. 本文介绍了一种新型的单片机过电流继电器,并给出了数学模型、系统结构及程序设计。

    N this paper , a new single-chip computer overcurrent relay is introduced . The paper details its mathematical model , system construction and programming .

  15. 该方案利用一个附加的电流继电器来记忆故障前的负荷电流,分析故障后的电流变化情况,以判别故障发生的地点。

    The plan uses an additional current relay to recall the load current before faults , and analyzes the after-fault current changes to locate the faults .

  16. 针对一起负序过电流继电器误解线的典型事故,对保护误动作的原因、处理方法及二次回路接地不合理等问题,从实践和理论方面进行了深入地分析。

    Aiming at false wiring of negative sequence current relay , analyzes the reason , treatment and second loop grounding unreasonable of maloperation from practice and theory .

  17. 给出了电流继电器、圆特性以及四边型特性阻抗继电器的神经网络模型,并证明了三种模型都具有很强的自适应性。

    The paper presents the neural network models of the current relay , impedance relay of circle character and polygon character , and proves that these models have better adaptability .

  18. 本文提出电流继电器控制绕线式异步电动机起动电路改进方法,并对改进电路优劣进行了分析。

    A method in the improvement of current relay controls winding asynchronous motor starting circuit is put forward , and the merit , demerit of it are described in the paper .

  19. 为了满足电子式谐波电流继电器的两项重要技术指标的要求,必须解决有源电感带通滤波器级联时的参数配合问题。

    In order that the requirements of two important technical targets of the electronic harmonic current relay be met , the Coordination problem of the parameters of the active inductance band pass filter when they are linked each other .

  20. 而我们设计的可通信智能限时速切电流继电器,不仅能够独立完成单点的限时速切保护功能,并能够在现场对继电器动作参数(如电流、时间)进行显示和修改。

    While our new product , the intelligent electrical apparatus with communication ability , can not only realize the time limit rapid action relay function independently but display and modify the action parameter of relay such as the current and the time .

  21. 有的不设置标准过流保护装置,有的只设置简单的二相式二只电流继电器过流保护装置,这样往往起不到过流保护作用,从而损坏设备,影响企业的生产。

    Some do not set up the reference over-current protection units , some only install a simple two-phase type two current relay over-current protection units , which of them can not function for the over-current protection , and damage equipment and affect the enterprise production .

  22. 本文论述了轻电可分合接触热过程有限元模型的构造,系统论述了精密机电元件电接触热过程计算模型的构造方法,并给出了小电流继电器中的一个应用实例。

    This paper refers to constructing a finite element model for the thermal process of low-voltage openable-closable contacts , and discusses systematically the construction methods of calculating models for the electric-contact thermal process about precise mechano-electronic components . An example of little electric current relay is given .

  23. 基于CAN总线的大电流汽车继电器控制系统的研究

    Research of High-Current Automobile Relay Control System Based on CAN Bus

  24. 静态电流电压继电器的设计方案

    Design scheme of static current and voltage relays

  25. 采用具有选择性的过电流方向继电器,对这种相互分隔直流系统的保护相对就简单。

    Protection for these isolated systems has been a relatively simple task , which is carried out using over current directional relays with selectivity .

  26. 较详细地介绍了静态电流电压继电器工作原理,并对构成各环节做了重点分析,便于广大用户掌握和使用。

    The working principle of the static current and voltage relays are introduced in detail and its each part is analyzed so as to be used by customers .

  27. 新型大电流直流固态继电器的设计

    Project of new type high current DC solid state relay

  28. 高电压大电流直流固体继电器的电路设计

    Circuit Design for High Voltage and Large Current DC SSR

  29. 无源厚膜电路构成的静态型电流和电压继电器

    The solid-state current and voltage relays with passive solid-state circuit

  30. 一种新型程控电流源在继电器电寿命试验中的应用

    Application of a New Type of Program Control Current Source to Electrical Durability Test of Relay