
  • 网络electric heating alloy;electrical thermal alloy;FeCrAL
  1. 低镍电热合金高温热变形组织分析

    Hot Deformation Behavior of Low Nickel Electric Heating Alloy

  2. 低脆性FeCrAlY电热合金的研制

    Development on Fe-Cr-Al-Y Alloys with Low Brittleness

  3. 应用电子显微镜、X射线衍射技术,对低温长期使用的铁铬铝电热合金进行分析。

    Using electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques , the structure changes of Fe-Cr-Al alloy being used at low temperature for a long time were investigated .

  4. Fe3Al电热合金抗渗碳性能的研究

    A Study on the Carburizing Resistance Property of Fe_3Al Electrical Heating Alloys

  5. Fe-Cr-Al电热合金液浸原位生成绝缘膜的研究

    Investigation on Preparation of In-situ Insulation Film on Fe-Cr-Al Electrical Heating Alloy

  6. 稀土提高Fe-Cr-Al电热合金寿命的原因

    Causes for life increasing by rare earth addition in a Fe-Cr-Al heat-resistant alloy

  7. Fe-Cr-Al电热合金表面原位绝缘膜的生长动力学问题

    Investigation on Growth Kinetics and Morphology of In-Situ Insulating Film on Fe-Cr-Al Electrical Heating Alloy

  8. 利用气相反应法在Fe-Cr-Al电热合金表面原位生成了耐高温的绝缘膜。

    In this paper , the in-situ forming of insulating film by gas-reaction on Fe-Cr-Al alloy for heating conductor is discussed .

  9. 非金属夹杂物在电渣重熔电热合金时的行为

    Behavior of non-metallic inclusions in an electric resistance alloy during ESR

  10. GB/T13300-1991高电阻电热合金快速寿命试验方法

    High resistance alloys for electrical heating-Testing method for accelerated life

  11. 极化电极电位滴定法直接测定镍基电热合金中镍

    Direct Titration of Ni in Nickel Based Heat-Resisting Alloys by Polarised Electrodes Potentiometry

  12. 提高电热合金寿命的试验研究

    Study on improving service life of electrothermal alloy

  13. 含稀土渣的性质及其在电渣重熔电热合金中的应用

    The properties of rare-earth bearing slags and their application to ESR of heat-resisting alloys

  14. 电热合金电阻随温度变化试验方法

    The Test Method for Change of Resistance With Temperature of Metallic Materials for Electrical Heating

  15. Fe-Cr-Al电热合金脆性断裂的研究

    Investigation on brittle fracture of Fe-Cr-Al electrothermal

  16. 铁铬铝电热合金使用条件的探讨

    Applying Conditions of Fe-Cr-Al Electrothermal Alloy

  17. GB/T1234-1995高电阻电热合金

    High resistance alloys for electrical heating

  18. 因此,钇可以大幅度提高铁铬铝电热合金循环氧化寿命。

    The cyclic oxidation life of Fe-Cr-Al alloy is thus significantly increased by optimum yttrium addition .

  19. 高电阻电热合金扁丝面积修正系数的验证

    Test and Verification for the Corrected Coefficient of Area of High Resistance Electrothermal Alloy Flat Filament

  20. 总之,上述三种方法都可以在铁铬铝电热合金表面制备绝缘膜。

    Above all , these three methods can be heating in the Fe-Cr-Al alloy prepared insulating film .

  21. 【中英文摘要】本文介绍了电热合金电阻随温度变化的试验方法。

    The test method for change of resistance with temperature of metallic materials for electrical heating was given in this paper .

  22. 该电阻器采用高电阻电热合金作为电阻材料,电阻片布置采用叠式多层框架结构,无感蛇形绕制;

    The resistor uses high-resistance electrically heated alloy as resistance material , in which the resistance-pieces arrangement adopts multi-layer framed structure with non-inductive coil winding .

  23. 铝化物涂层的氧化寿命公式验证因此,钇可以大幅度提高铁铬铝电热合金循环氧化寿命。

    Examination of Calculation Method for Oxidation Life of Aluminide Coating The cyclic oxidation life of Fe-Cr-Al alloy is thus significantly increased by optimum yttrium addition .

  24. 本试验方法适用于电热合金随温度变化的测量,亦可用于超过电热合金使用温度范围的情况。

    This test method covers the determination of the change of resistance with temperature of metallic materials for electrical heating , and is applicable over the range of service temperatures .

  25. 铁铬铝系电热合金具有电阻率高、电阻温度系数小、耐高温氧化、价格低廉等特点,是目前使用最广泛的金属电热元件材料之一。

    Fe-Cr-Al alloys with high resistance and the low resistance temperature coefficient , high resistance of temperature oxidation , low price and so , is the most widely used metal heating element materials .

  26. 电热法生产Al-Si-Fe合金的热力学分析及控制

    Thermodynamical analysis and controlling of the production of AL-Si-Fe alloy with electrothermic process

  27. 电热还原法生产合金锌粉用于湿法炼锌作净化剂,具有很高的应用价值和广阔前景。

    Zinc powder producted by electrothermal reduction method , as a purifying agent of zinc hydrometallurgy has very high value of application and wide prospects .