
  • 网络Resistance;internal resistance;cell resistance
  1. AA型密封MH-Ni电池内阻特性研究

    Research on the internal resistance of AA size sealed Ni-MH batteries

  2. 将电池内阻与内压相联系,研究了直封MH/Ni电池在充放电过程及循环寿命测试实验中的内阻变化情况。

    The internal resistance of directly - sealed MH / Ni batteries had been investigated during charging and discharging cycle .

  3. 设计了一种实用的低功耗的内阻测试仪,介绍了采用交流注入法测量电池内阻的测量原理,详细分析了使用超低功耗微处理器MSP430F449组成低功耗系统的软硬件设计。

    This paper uses the method of AC exchange injection to measure the resistance of battery and explains the principle of measurement .

  4. 结果表明:使用经过修饰的极片的电池内阻降低315%,5C(85A)放电容量提高200mAh,放电平台电压提高约010V,充电电压降低。

    The results demonstrated that the resistance of the battery with the modified electrode decreased 31.5 % , the discharge capacity at 5 C ( 8.5 A ) ( increased ) 200 mAh and discharge voltage platform increased about 0.10 V , the charge voltage was also decreased .

  5. 用锁相放大器实现电池内阻在线测量

    Realization of on-line measurement of battery internal resistance by lock-in amplifier

  6. 电位差计灵敏度和标准电池内阻的测量

    On measuring sensitivity of potentiometers and internal resistance of standard cells

  7. 结果表明:制作工艺不同电池内阻亦不同;

    Results showed that different production process produced different internal resistance .

  8. 锂合金热电池内阻

    Study on internal resistance of the lithium - alloy thermal battery

  9. 锁相放大器在电池内阻测量中的应用

    Application of Lock-in Amplifier in Measurement of Battery Internal Resistance

  10. 电池内阻的方波法测量

    Battery resistance is measured by the method of square wave

  11. 介绍了电池内阻及两种电池模型,阐述了交流电桥法测量电池内阻的原理。

    Internal resistance of the battery and two battery models were introduced .

  12. 电池内阻是动态量值,不宜仅用一个数值代替。

    Internal resistance of Battery is a dynamic quantitative value .

  13. 锂离子电池内阻变化对电池温升影响分析

    The temperature rising of lithium-ion batteries with the changes of internal resistance

  14. 二次电池内阻检测自动分选装置

    The automatic selective device of the rechargeable battery 's internal resistance check

  15. 自动校准技术在锂电池内阻测试中实现

    Realization of internal resistance measurement of lithium battery with auto calibration technology

  16. 锂离子电池内阻辨识及其在寿命估计中的应用

    Internal resistance identification of Li-ion battery and its application in battery life estimation

  17. 甚至是相同的测试方法,在具体的设计和实现上都有一定区别,造成了电池内阻检测市场的不规范。

    And even the same measuring method has discrepancies in design and implementation .

  18. 电池内阻测量方法分析

    Analysis of Measurement Method of Internal Resistance of Battery

  19. 锂离子电池内阻在线监测系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Online Monitor System for Internal Resistance of Li-ion Battery

  20. 用板式电位差计测量电池内阻的误差分析

    The tolerance measuring a battery internal resistance with plate-tpye potential difference meter is analysed

  21. 蓄电池维护中的电池内阻测试

    Battery internal resistance test during storage battery maintenance

  22. 中空纤维镉镍电池内阻及高倍率放电性能的研究

    Study on internal resistance and high rate discharge of hollow nickel fiber Ni Cd cell

  23. 电池内阻的测量

    Measuring Internal Resistance of the Battery

  24. 这些措施可降低电池内阻约10%。

    These technical approaches could reduce about 10 % of the internal resistance of the battery .

  25. 降低电池内阻;

    Reducing the internal resistance ;

  26. 系统通过直流放电法测量单体电池内阻,保证了在线监测的可靠性。

    The battery inner resistance is measured by DC discharge , which guaranteed the reliability of online monitoring .

  27. 并通过高温加速寿命试验,研究了电池内阻与电池寿命的关系;

    The relationship of battery resistance and cycle life was studied by an accelerated cycle life test at high temperature .

  28. 概述了采用锁相放大技术测试锂电池内阻的方法;

    This paper introduced some methods to measure internal resistance of Lithium battery , such as phase-locking and amplifying technologies .

  29. 减少电池内阻的最有效途径之一就是在结构上将电解质制成薄膜。

    One of the effective ways for lowing internal resistance of cell is that the electrolyte is fabricated into membranes in structure .

  30. 电池内阻小,放电电压平台高,有利于延长高波放电电压的时间。

    Lower the internal resistance of the battery is , higher the discharge voltage and longer the discharge time at high plateau are .