
  • 网络cable shaft;cable pit
  1. 高陡边坡上钢筋混凝土电缆竖井的应用

    On application of reinforced concrete cable shaft on high and steep slopes

  2. 本系统可以实现对变电站、开关站、配电室、电缆、竖井、沟道及高压用户等空间位置、图形资料(包括一次接线图、竣工图、断面图)、电缆台帐信息的综合管理;

    And so , the GIS-based Electric cable information management system can administrate transformer substation , switch substation , power distribution room , power cable , silo , canal and high voltage user according to their location , drawings , cable records .

  3. 城市地下电缆隧道施工竖井摆喷防渗墙施工技术

    Seepage Prevention Technique of Shaft of City Cable Tunnel