
  1. 而且由于电力线网络分布广泛,PLC数据通信网络和宽带接入具有其他技术难以比拟的优势。然而,电力线是为电能输送设计的,PLC需要克服电力线信道的恶劣环境。

    Since the wide distribution of power line network , the data communication network and broadband access of PLC have more superiority than other techniques . However , power line was designed for electric energy transmission , PLC has bad communication environment in the power line channels .

  2. 输电线路是电力系统的大动脉,它将巨大的电能输送到四面八方,是连接各电源、各变电站、各负荷的纽带。

    The transmission line is the main artery of the power system .

  3. 大跨越输电塔线体系作为高压电能输送的载体,是重要的生命线工程。

    Long span transmission line system is the lifeline project as the electric powe 's carrier .

  4. 低压电力网是以电能输送为目的而设计的专用网络,并没有考虑作为信息通讯手段,因而使用住宅电力线进行载波通讯环境较为恶劣。

    Because the low-voltage power lines are designed for power delivery but not for information communication , the carrier communication environment is very bad .

  5. 在此基础上,讨论了单位电能输送成本与输电距离之间的关系,并通过对比三相与四相线路输送单位容量电能的造价对四相输电的经济性进行评估。

    And based on the design and evaluation data , this paper also discusses the relationship between the power transmission costs and the power transmission distance .

  6. 但是电网这种能将电能输送到数百、上千公里以外的能力同样使得局部故障可能迅速传播到大区域甚至整个网络。

    While , the capability of power grid to transfer power over hundreds or thousands of miles also enables the propagation of local failures into global network .

  7. 核能是高度浓缩的能源形式,只需要很少的土地和有限的输电线路就能将电能输送到人口中心地区。

    Nuclear energy is a dense form of energy that requires very little in the form of land and transmission lines to carry it to a population center .

  8. 水力资源是可再生的绿色能源,合理高效地利用水能发电,并将稳定可靠的电能输送给用户是电力建设发展中长期艰巨的任务。

    Waterpower resource is renewable and pollution-free energy resource . Efficiently and reasonably utilizing hydroenergy to generate electricity , and transmitting stable and reliable electricity to users is a lasting arduous task in the development of electric power construction .

  9. 高压输电线路在现代电力系统中承担着电能输送任务,线路发生故障后及时查找故障点,以便尽快恢复供电显得尤为重要。

    In modern power system , the high-voltage transmission lines undertake the task of power transport . When the line gets a failure , to find out the trouble spot in time and restore power quickly is very important .

  10. 我国是一个一次能源和电力负荷分布极其不均衡的国家,如何进行高效安全的电能输送一直是电力行业最为关注的焦点。

    Energy resource is unevenly distributed in our country , which is usually far away from the center of power load , so how to transmit the power in an economical and efficient way is the most concern of electric power industry .

  11. 电力网线损是电能在输送和分配过程中所产生的功率损耗。

    Line loss is a kind of power loss generated in power transmission and distribution .

  12. 光伏并网发电系统是一套可以将太阳能转换成电能并输送到电网上的系统。

    Grid-connected photovoltaic system is a set of system which can converts solar energy into electrical energy .

  13. 电能的输送和分配既简单经济,又便于控制、调节、测量。

    The electric power transports with allotment since in brief economic , again easy to control , regulate , measure .

  14. 配电电器&用于电能的输送和分配的电器,如高压断路器、隔离开关、母线等。

    Electric power distribution-for electricity transmission and distribution of electrical appliances , such as high-voltage circuit breaker , disconnecting switch , bus and so on .

  15. 线损是供电企业在电能的输送、分配、管理等环节中造成的损失,是必然存在的损失。

    Line loss is the loss caused by power supply enterprises in electricity transmission , distribution , management and other aspects of the inherent loss .

  16. 但在20世纪60年代以来,新技术克服了这种障碍,直流电已能输送到很远的距离;只是在最后配电时通常还需要把它变换为交流电。

    Techniques developed in the1960s overcame this obstacle , and direct current is now transmitted over very long distances , though it must ordinarily be converted to alternating current for final distribution .

  17. 风能是不能储存能源,将风能转换成电能并输送到电网过程中,电力电子设备是关键因素之一。

    Since the wind is non-storable energy source , the power electronics device is one of the key factors during the period of the wind transferred into the electric energy and transmitted to the power network .

  18. 所有的电能将被输送到中国,而所有的收入将统统流入缅甸政府的钱袋。

    All the electricitywill be exported to China.All the revenue will go to Myanmar'sgovernment .

  19. 电力变压器承担着电压变换,电能分配和输送,并提供电力服务,在电力系统中处于枢纽地位。

    The power transformer , which is responsible to the voltage transformation , the distribution and transmission of electric power and providing customer services , plays a key role in the power system .

  20. 电能由于其易输送及易管理,所以几乎存于人类的所有活动中。

    Electric energy is present in almost every human activity because of its ease transmission and management easiness .

  21. 电网主接线图是用图形符号来描述电能的产生、输送、变压、配电关系以及拓扑结构关系。

    The main wiring graph uses the graph symbols to describe the electricity 's generation , transmission , transformation and distribution relation as well as the topology relation .

  22. 船舶电力系统是船舶上非常重要的系统之一,承担着电能的生产、输送、分配和使用任务。

    The electric power system is one of important systems on board and the main function of it is concerned with the generation , transmission , distribution and utilization of electrical energy .

  23. 举例来说,一项技术是通过风能将地下洞穴内的空气压缩产生电能;将空气输送至燃气涡轮机以提高燃烧功效。

    One , for instance , uses power produced when the wind is blowing to compress air in underground chambers ; the air is fed into gas-fired turbines to make them run more efficiently .

  24. (她介绍说,它基本上是由两台烤箱大小的盒子组成,相距两英尺远,我们在峰会上展示了一下如何通过超声波将电能跨越那段距离输送过去。)

    ( It was basically like two toaster-sized boxes that were two feet apart , and we showed that you could beam a certain amount of power over that distance with ultrasound , she says . ) Its name ?

  25. 但是在电能的生产、输送、分配和使用过程中,由于长时间运行、线路绝缘部分老化以及用电不当等原因,使得电气火灾隐患及其发生率不断增加,重特大电气火灾事故频频发生。

    However , energy production , transmission , distribution and use , as the long run , the line insulation aging , as well as improper electricity , and other reasons , making the potential of fire and electrical rate increase , and serious electrical fires occur frequently .

  26. 电气化铁路接触网担负着把从牵引变电所获得的电能直接输送给电力机车使用的重要任务。

    The important role of electric railway catenary is to transfer electrical energy from traction substation to electric locomotive .

  27. 近年来,国民经济的不断发展使得我国的电能需求迅猛增长,因此,电能的输送量也随之不断增加。

    With the continuous development of the national economy , domestic need on power energy increases rapidly , so does the transmission of electric energy .

  28. 由于资源分布具有地域性,特别是风能和水能一般远离用电负荷中心,所以需要将电能远距离的输送到负荷中心。

    As the distribution of natural resources has locality , especially wind and water is usually far away from electricity load center , so it is necessary to convey electricity to far load center .

  29. 该项技术所需电能由三相配电变压器输出,经AD-DC-AC逆变电路输出,将电能直接输送到油井内的工作油管,经油管下部的油套管连接器连接到套管,形成一个完整的回路。

    The electric energy needed in this technique is exported by the three phase transformer , passing the AC-DC-AC adverse circut , feeding to the pumping rod directly and jointing to the thimble by the linker , to composed n integrated circuit .