
  • 网络power production;electric production;Electricity Production;power generation;GWh
  1. 对电力生产物资供应管理与控制的探讨

    Discussion about material supply management and control of electric production

  2. 煤的物理性质与电力生产

    Physical Nature of Coal and Electric Production

  3. WEB技术在电力生产中的应用

    Application of WEB Technology in Electric Power Production

  4. PLC(可编程控制器)在机械工业和电力生产等部门应用广泛。

    PLC is used widely in machinery and electrical industries for centralized control .

  5. 基于J2EE体系架构的电力生产信息管理系统

    Developing Management Information System of Electric Power Production by Applying J2EE Architecture

  6. 基于J2EE面向服务架构的电力生产管理系统研究

    Research on the Electric Power Production Management System Based on J2EE Service-Oriented Architecture

  7. 推广应用DCS系统提高电力生产的自动化水平

    Spread the Application of DCS System to Rise the Automation Level of the Electric Power Production

  8. 简述X供电企业事故统计分析的意义,着重阐述论文的研究意义,研究方法,基本思路和逻辑结构。第二章,事故理论和电力生产事故的特点。

    It briefly describes the purpose and significance of the accident analysis and statistic for power enterprise . Chapter 3 . Statistic and Analysis of power accident .

  9. ETL在电力生产运维分析系统中的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of ETL in Analyzing System of the Electric Power Production

  10. CBE教学法及其在电力生产岗位培训中的应用

    CBE teaching method and Its application in electric power production post training

  11. 结合安徽省2000-2007年各年份能源消费量和GDP,对安徽省能源及电力生产和消费基本情况进行了预测。

    This paper predicts the primary situation of production and consumption of both energy and electric power in Anhui with the annual amount of energy consumption and GDP from 2000 to 2007 .

  12. 电厂监控信息系统(SupervisoryInformationSystemofPlant,SIS)能够有效地集成电力生产过程中的大量实时数据,建立起连接控制网络和管理网络的桥梁。

    The Supervisory Information System of Power Plant ( SIS ) can integrate a great deal of real-time data of power generation process . It is the bridge builder of control network and management network . Based on the synthesis of relational literatures .

  13. 建设MSTP网来传输电力生产信息与部分数据业务信息,是未来电力系统通信网发展的趋势。

    Constructing MSTP network to transmit electric power information and data service information is a trend for electric power communication development in the future .

  14. 文章从实际现状出发,详细分析了各种网络联网技术及其优缺点,提出以SDH光传输设备的E1数字通道实现电力生产管理系统联网的应用。

    The paper discusses different kinds of network connecting technique , analyzes their advantages and disadvantages , and puts forward adopting SDH E1 digital channel to realize the network connection of electric power production management system .

  15. 介绍在电力生产企业实施企业资源计划(ERP)应考虑的问题和三峡水电厂的生产管理系统(ePMS)。

    The problems about enterprise resources programming ( ERP ) system being applied to the management of power generation enterprise and the electronic production management system ( ePMS ) for Three Gorges hydropower plant are introduced .

  16. 近年来随着电力生产和管理自动化水平的提高,对电力线载波通信提出了更高的要求,要在4kHz的通道内传输多路语音信号和远动信号,这就需要采用全数字的电力线载波机。

    With the increasing demanding , we need to use DPLC to transmit multiple speech and data signals in every channel .

  17. 介绍了CBE教学法的内涵,阐述了CBE课程大纲的制订过程,以及CBE教学管理的内容,并对CBE教学法在电力生产岗位培训中的应用进行了探讨。

    The intension of CBE teaching method , the process of establishing CBE teaching program , and the contents of CBE teaching management , are detailed , and the application of CBE teaching method in the electric power production training is discussed .

  18. GalpEnergia的核心业务是天然气和石油的生产和销售,该公司正计划将其业务扩展到电力生产领域,实现伊比利亚能源市场的自由化。

    Galp Energia 's core business is production and distribution of gas and fuel , but it plans to widen its activity to electricity production as part of the liberalization of the Iberian energy market .

  19. PMS(电力生产管理系统)是国家电网公司推广的SG186信息化工程的一部分,是本人实习单位承包的山东电力集团公司的一个重大工程项目。

    PMS ( power production management system ) is the part of the " SG186 " information project the State Grid Corporation works to promote . And PMS is a major engineering projects of Shandong Electric Power Group with which my internships contracted .

  20. 电力生产管理信息系统的关键技术分析与实践

    Key Point Analysis of Generating Information Management System and Its Practice

  21. 电力生产实时系统防范攻击对策

    Countermeasures for guarding real-time system against surprise attacks in power generation

  22. 电力生产环境成本计算方法的研究

    Study on calculation method of environmental costs for power generation

  23. 电力生产设备信息编码规范的建立与应用

    Establishment and Application of Information Code Standard for Electric Power Generating Equipment

  24. 论煤中含硫量对电力生产的影响

    Effect of Sulfur Content in Coal on the Power Production

  25. 电力生产行业信贷风险的宏观分析

    A Macro Analysis of Credit Risks in Power Generation Industry

  26. 变电运行是电力生产的重要环节。

    Substation operation plays an important role in power system .

  27. A/D转换技术及其在电力生产中的应用

    A / D Converting Technique and Its Application in Electric Power Production

  28. 电力生产和输送协调联盟

    Union for the Coordination of Production and Transmission of Electricity

  29. 电力生产对象运行维护自动化中签名认证问题的研究

    A Study On Signature Recognition For the Maintenance Automation For Power Producing System

  30. 现代电力生产过程集成仿真实现技术

    Integrated simulation realization technology of modern power production process