
  • 网络short film;Movies;Short
  1. 比格街公司进行这项调查是为了配合电影短片《幸福时刻》的上映,该片讲述的是英国一些年迈夫妇给年轻一代的人生建议。

    The research was carried out by online insurance company Beagle Street to mark the release of a new short film called Happiest Moment , featuring some of the UK 's oldest couples passing on advice to the younger generation .

  2. 1959年,斯皮尔伯格13岁拍的一部电影短片得了奖。

    In 1959 Spielberg won a prize for a short film which he made when he was thirteen years old .

  3. Mereki同他的朋友——摄影指导TimWhite和演员AndrewLees一起旅行,在44天中游历了11个国家,拍摄了3部电影短片。

    Mereki traveled with two friends , DOP Tim White and Actor Andrew Lees , to 11 countries in 44 days , shooting the three short films .

  4. 电影短片:我只是说多煮一下。

    FILM CLIP : I just said to over cook it .

  5. 当他不是个孩子的时候,他就开始拍摄电影短片。

    He started making short films when he was till a young boy .

  6. 电影短片:你在跟我说话吗?

    FILM CLIP : You talking to me ?

  7. 在第二个实验中,福卡斯与谭用电影短片来安排人们的情绪。

    In a second experiment , Forgas and Tan used film clips to set the mood .

  8. 电影短片也是德国视野影院及新生代规划程序里的组成部分。

    Short films are also a regular constituent of the Perspektive Deutsches Kino and Generation programmes .

  9. 六分钟的电影短片描述了悲惨的战争现场,反映了主要角色之间的复杂关系。

    The six-minute short film describes the scene of a wretched war field , reflecting the complicated relations between the main characters .

  10. 记录片、外语片、动画片和电影短片将分别由学院不同的投票组投票选出。

    Movies in the categories for documentary , foreign language , animated feature and short film are selected by separate Academy voting panels .

  11. 找寻名望的人可以通过网络发布自己的一张标准照,一段电影短片,或其乐队的旅行日程。

    Fame seekers can use the Web to post a favorite mug shot , a film clip , or their band 's touring schedule .

  12. 2008年,华莱士自杀后,他的部分演讲被改编成电影短片,演讲全文则被收入书籍出版发行。

    After Wallace 's suicide in 2008 , a portion of his address became a short film and was published in its entirety as a book .

  13. 我的第一项任务是找到一个能支撑起一个电影短片的设计很棒的主要角色。

    My first step was to find a great design for the character as it was suppose to be the main character of a short movie .

  14. 在为期一年的合同期里,玛雅将代言西尔康后付产品和服务,还将专门投入移动电话产品包括壁纸、歌曲和电影短片。

    Under a12-month contract , Maya will endorse Celcom 's postpaid products and services and it would also have exclusive rights for mobile contents including wallpapers , songs and filmlets .

  15. 同时,宫崎骏也暂停了为三鹰之森吉卜力美术馆(纪录宫崎骏工作的主题公园)拍摄电影短片的工作。

    In the meantime , Miyazaki 's work on shorter films for the Ghibli Museum , which is a theme park dedicated to his work , will be put on hold .

  16. 我认为这支摘自一部电影的短片,特别地切合今天的主题。

    We 're going to show a clip from a movie that I think is particularly appropriate .

  17. 在其中的一家电影院的售票处一个洪亮的墨西哥声音用完美的英语告诉她她想说的那个词不是电影而是新闻短片。

    At one of the box offices a golden Mexican voice told her in perfect English that the word she wanted was not cine but noticias .

  18. 电影选自菲力浦·范·多伦·斯特恩的短片小说“最伟大的礼物”。

    It was based on the short story " The Greatest Gift , " written by Philip Van Doren Stern .

  19. 实验班和对照班采取不同的教学方法,主要将英文电影,英语视频短片及英文歌曲引入英语听力课堂。

    Different teaching methods are adopted in experimental class and the control class . More attention will be paid to English original movies , English videos and English songs .

  20. 这家公司拥有一家电影制片厂,制作故事情节和结局可随观众状态而变的电影短片。

    The company has a production studio that makes short films with alternate plot lines and endings .