
diàn xùn
  • telecommunication;telecom;dispatch;radio communication signals;telegraphic dispatch
电讯 [diàn xùn]
  • (1) [telegraphic dispatch]∶利用电报、电话等设备传递的消息

  • (2) [telecommunication]∶无线电信号

电讯[diàn xùn]
  1. “这就是结束战争的代价”2003年他告诉《哥伦布电讯报》,“我为结束所有的虐杀而出击。”

    " That 's what it took to end the war ," he told the Columbus Dispatch in2003 . " I went out to stop the killing all over . "

  2. 中国还将与土、埃两国就海关、电讯、农业及经济技术等领域合作签署一系列协议。

    China will also sign agreements with Turkey and Egypt on cooperation in the customs , telecommunications , agriculture , economic technology and other fields .

  3. 《星期日电讯报》全面报道了南非的发展。

    Developments in South Africa receive extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph

  4. 马瑟多年来一直担任《每日电讯报》的影评人。

    Mather was film critic on the Daily Telegraph for many years

  5. 我为他代写《电讯报》每周的橄榄球专栏。

    I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph .

  6. 《电讯报》从历史的角度对该工会进行了报道。

    The Telegraph puts the union in a historical perspective .

  7. 他将在《每日电讯报》的个人专栏上登一则启事。

    He will place an announcement in the personal column of The Daily Telegraph .

  8. 《中国日报》收到世界各地发来的电讯。

    China Daily receives dispatches from all parts of the world .

  9. 电讯中断了。

    Telegraph communication was broken off .

  10. 科学家谢妮娅·冈达在接受《每日电讯报》采访时说:"出生时间可能会增加或减少你患某些情绪障碍的几率。"。

    " It seems that when you are born may increase or decrease your chance of developing certain mood disorders , " scientist Xenia Gonda told the Telegraph .

  11. 中国日报》收到世界各地发来的电讯

    China Daily receives dispatches from all parts of the world . 《

  12. NET环境下电讯企业生产管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Production Management System of Tele-communications Product Producing Enterprise Under . NET Environment

  13. 收购计划中,李泽楷的合作伙伴为电讯盈科第二大股东、国有的中国联通(ChinaUnicom)。

    His partner in the proposed takeover was the second-largest shareholder , state-owned China Unicom .

  14. 实时异构系统已被广泛应用在航空航天、工业控制、电讯行业、图像处理以及Internet应用等诸多领域。

    Real-time heterogeneous systems are used widely in the field of flight control and avionics , processing control , telecommunication , imagine processing and Internet applications .

  15. 它的饲养员LuLiang告诉《每日电讯报》说:这个价格是公道的。

    His breeder , Lu Liang , told the Telegraph : The price is justified .

  16. 诺基亚向台湾和信电讯公司提供亚洲第一个GPRS网络

    Nokia Provides First GPRS Network in Asia

  17. 拥有电讯盈科20%股权的中国国家控股企业中国网通(ChinaNetcom)宣布,反对将资产售予任何外国买家。

    State-controlled China Netcom , which owns 20 per cent of PCCW , declared its opposition to any sale to foreign buyers .

  18. 随著电讯市场萎缩,曾经被认为是下一波热门产品的mems光学交换设备也跟著消失。

    Thought to be the next big wave , MEMS-based optical switching devices fizzled when the telecommunications market imploded .

  19. 以通用的VISUALBASIC为开发工具,在Windows系统中实现了该通信协议.应用VB中的串行端口控件,编制出通用的智能监控系统软件,并应用于电讯局柴油发电机组的智能监控网。

    This protocol in Windows system by using Visual Basic as developing tool is realized and applied to the intelligent monitor network of generator-set in telecommunication bureau .

  20. VercruysseJan:用于管理移动电讯设备到不同网络的同步连接的方法和设备。

    Method and device for managing simultaneous connections of a mobile telecommunications device to different networks .

  21. 英国《每日电讯报》宗教栏目编辑GeorgePitcher指出,在这一点上我们需要格外谨慎。

    As George Pitcher , The Daily Telegraph ` s religion editor , points out , we need to be cautious .

  22. 此次李泽楷计划出售电讯盈科新成立子公司HKTGroupHoldings的45%股权。

    This time round Mr Li is selling a 45 per cent stake in HKT Group Holdings , a newly created PCCW subsidiary .

  23. 英国石油公司时任CEO托尼•海沃德在接受《每日电讯报》(Telegraph)采访时称,杜德利感到他不得不“考虑自己的人身安全。”

    Tony Hayward , BP 's then-CEO , told the Telegraph that Dudley felt he had to " think about his safety . "

  24. 意大利电讯(TelecomItaliaSpA)周四称,将在6月份裁员5000人的基础上再裁员4000人。

    Telecom Italia SpA said Thursday it would cut4,000 more jobs , on top of the5,000 layoffs it announced in June .

  25. 他的商业帝国和记黄埔有限公司(HutchisonWhampoaLtd.,0013.HK,简称:和记黄埔)的业务涵盖了从电讯到港口,乃至酒店的多个领域。

    His business empire , Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. , stretches from telecommunications to ports and hotels .

  26. 电讯盈科委托投行瑞银(ubs)就此次股权出售提供建议,瑞银昨天拒绝置评。

    UBS , the investment bank hired by PCCW to advise on the sale of the stake , yesterday declined to comment .

  27. 消息人士对《电讯报》(TheTelegraph)透露,MySpace有可能在6月底以1亿美元的价格售出。

    A source tells the telegraph that MySpace could sell for $ 100 million or more by June 30 .

  28. 李泽楷连同他在新加坡上市的控股公司&盈科拓展(PacificCenturyRegionalDevelopments)持有电讯盈科28%的股份,而中国联通是电讯盈科第二大股东,持有19.9%股份。

    Mr Li and his Singapore-listed holding company , Pacific Century Regional Developments , control 28 per cent of PCCW , while China Unicom is the company 's second-largest shareholder with a 19.9 per cent stake .

  29. 梁伯韬已同意从电讯盈科主席、李嘉诚之子李泽楷(richardli)控股的一家新加坡控股公司那里收购23%的股份。

    Mr Leung has agreed to purchase the 23 per cent stake from a Singapore holding company which is controlled by Richard Li , PCCW chairman and son of Li Ka-shing .

  30. 电讯盈科的代理律师乔纳森•哈里斯(JonathanHarris)向法院表示:若这件事拖延下去,将对股东利益产生负面影响。

    If this matter is allowed to drag on it will adversely affect shareholders ' interests , Jonathan Harris , representing PCCW , told the court .