
Since the wide distribution of power line network , the data communication network and broadband access of PLC have more superiority than other techniques . However , power line was designed for electric energy transmission , PLC has bad communication environment in the power line channels .
The transmission line is the main artery of the power system .
Long span transmission line system is the lifeline project as the electric powe 's carrier .
Because the low-voltage power lines are designed for power delivery but not for information communication , the carrier communication environment is very bad .
And based on the design and evaluation data , this paper also discusses the relationship between the power transmission costs and the power transmission distance .
While , the capability of power grid to transfer power over hundreds or thousands of miles also enables the propagation of local failures into global network .
Nuclear energy is a dense form of energy that requires very little in the form of land and transmission lines to carry it to a population center .
Waterpower resource is renewable and pollution-free energy resource . Efficiently and reasonably utilizing hydroenergy to generate electricity , and transmitting stable and reliable electricity to users is a lasting arduous task in the development of electric power construction .
In modern power system , the high-voltage transmission lines undertake the task of power transport . When the line gets a failure , to find out the trouble spot in time and restore power quickly is very important .
Energy resource is unevenly distributed in our country , which is usually far away from the center of power load , so how to transmit the power in an economical and efficient way is the most concern of electric power industry .
Line loss is a kind of power loss generated in power transmission and distribution .
Grid-connected photovoltaic system is a set of system which can converts solar energy into electrical energy .
The electric power transports with allotment since in brief economic , again easy to control , regulate , measure .
Electric power distribution-for electricity transmission and distribution of electrical appliances , such as high-voltage circuit breaker , disconnecting switch , bus and so on .
Line loss is the loss caused by power supply enterprises in electricity transmission , distribution , management and other aspects of the inherent loss .
Techniques developed in the1960s overcame this obstacle , and direct current is now transmitted over very long distances , though it must ordinarily be converted to alternating current for final distribution .
Since the wind is non-storable energy source , the power electronics device is one of the key factors during the period of the wind transferred into the electric energy and transmitted to the power network .
All the electricitywill be exported to China.All the revenue will go to Myanmar'sgovernment .
The power transformer , which is responsible to the voltage transformation , the distribution and transmission of electric power and providing customer services , plays a key role in the power system .
Electric energy is present in almost every human activity because of its ease transmission and management easiness .
The main wiring graph uses the graph symbols to describe the electricity 's generation , transmission , transformation and distribution relation as well as the topology relation .
The electric power system is one of important systems on board and the main function of it is concerned with the generation , transmission , distribution and utilization of electrical energy .
One , for instance , uses power produced when the wind is blowing to compress air in underground chambers ; the air is fed into gas-fired turbines to make them run more efficiently .
( It was basically like two toaster-sized boxes that were two feet apart , and we showed that you could beam a certain amount of power over that distance with ultrasound , she says . ) Its name ?
However , energy production , transmission , distribution and use , as the long run , the line insulation aging , as well as improper electricity , and other reasons , making the potential of fire and electrical rate increase , and serious electrical fires occur frequently .
The important role of electric railway catenary is to transfer electrical energy from traction substation to electric locomotive .
With the continuous development of the national economy , domestic need on power energy increases rapidly , so does the transmission of electric energy .
As the distribution of natural resources has locality , especially wind and water is usually far away from electricity load center , so it is necessary to convey electricity to far load center .
The electric energy needed in this technique is exported by the three phase transformer , passing the AC-DC-AC adverse circut , feeding to the pumping rod directly and jointing to the thimble by the linker , to composed n integrated circuit .