
  • 网络the creation of tv play;Teleplay Writing
  1. 现代观念与电视剧创作

    Modern Ideology and Production of TV Plays INFORMAL ESSAY OF CREATION

  2. 近期电视剧创作的审美特征

    The Aesthetic Features of Recent TV Plays

  3. 集体心理寻唤&新世纪电视剧创作与受众心理互为关系研究

    The Relationship between the Creation of TV Plays and Psychology of Audience in New Century

  4. 论电视剧创作的人民群众观

    On Mass Viewpoint in Teleplays Creation

  5. 新世纪;军事题材;电视剧创作;繁荣;大众文化;主旋律;

    New century ; the military theme ; TV drama creation ; prosperity ; popular culture ; the mainstream ;

  6. 进入新世纪以来,军旅题材电视剧创作进入了一个大繁荣的阶段,呈现出多样化的发展趋势。

    In the new century , The military TV series creation comes a flourish stage , showing a diversified trend .

  7. 在艺术风格上呈现世俗化、平民化趋向的电视剧创作,同样要“代表先进文化的前进方向”,这就要求创作者更新并优化观念。

    The production of TV plays , which shows a trend of sophistication and communization , should also represent the development of the advanced culture .

  8. 历史意识对历史叙事有着不容忽视的作用,正是由于历史意识的匮乏而使得当下不少的历史题材电视剧创作走向了误区。

    Historical consciousness plays an important role in historical narration but the absence of historical consciousness is a very serious problem in todays history TV series .

  9. 新时期的农村题材电视剧创作一时蔚为大观,不仅数量众多,而且类型多样。

    Creation of rural TV series in the new period show a momentum of good development , not only in the large number but in the diverse types .

  10. 然而历史题材电视剧创作水平和质量的提搞却并未跟上历史题材电视剧数量快速增长的脚步,使得我国历史题材电视剧的发展出现了一些问题。

    However , the level and quality of historical television drama has not keep up with the pace of the rapid growth in the number of historical Plays .

  11. 第四部分从叙事策略的改变、爱情模式的转变、现代科技的注入等方面分析军事题材电视剧创作理念之嬗变。

    The fourth part from the narrative strategy of change , love the transformation into other aspects of modern science and technology of military television creative concept of evolution .

  12. 可以说,没有哪一个国家像中国一样,电视剧创作与社会思潮和社会生活发展之间有着如此紧密的联系。

    It can be said that , no nation like China , there are so closely relationship between the creation of TV plays and the development of social life .

  13. 全文由三章组成,第一章梳理了两部电视剧创作背景,分析了时隔十多年的电视剧运作机制、播出体制以及受众欣赏水平和评价标准的变化。

    This paper is by three chapters , the first chapter reviews the background of two plays , analyses the operating mechanism , broadcast system , audience appreciation in ten years .

  14. 受众追随的心理促使电视剧创作追随前代作品,产生出一批气质相近的电视剧,受众求新的心理又推动电视剧气质的创新,在已有的模式中进行开拓。

    The mentality of following makes TV series ' creation follow previous generations , produce batch of works which has similar temperament . The mentality of newness promotes the innovation of TV series ' temperament .

  15. 90年代之后,随着社会的转型,文化、艺术形态走向多元化,电视剧创作日趋成熟,题材日益丰富。

    After the 1990s , with the restructuring of our society , culture and art forms become more diverse , the creation of TV series became more mature day by day , subject became richer day by day .

  16. 同时呼吁文艺创作,尤其是当前传播范围最广、传播功能最强的电视剧创作,应该有更积极、更人性化、更富有文化内涵的形象建构模式。

    Also called on the literary and artistic creation , especially in the current communication range is the most widely spread the drama of the most powerful creation , there should be more active , more humane , rich cultural connotation , image construction mode .

  17. 第一,提升中国电视剧创作的受众意识,以充分的市场调查为基础,做好受众分析,实行订单生产和国际合作生产,最大程度地满足市场和受众的需求。

    First , enhance the audience awareness in the production of Chinese TV series . Enough market survey is necessary to satisfy the demands of market and audience . Based on the audience analysis , " production orders " and international cooperation production should be effective .

  18. 在电视剧的创作和制作过程中,音乐的构思和创作是重要的环节。

    The music conception and creation are important link during the process of TV play creation .

  19. 与传统的小说戏剧等创作手法相比,电影电视剧的创作更具有现代气息。

    Compared with the creative techniques of traditional novels and dramas , the film and TV works are more evocative of the modern times .

  20. 与此同时,类型单调、创新匮乏也是电视剧生产创作中的突出问题。

    At the same time , however , scarce in types and lack of innovative spirit are especially evident problems of TV series creation in mainland .

  21. 反映这一变化的家庭伦理题材电视剧的创作也呈现出百花齐放的繁荣局面,涌现出一大批优秀作品。

    Creation of family ethics dramas reflecting the changes also takes on the newlook of flowers of every kind being in bloom , emerging a large number of excellent works .

  22. 影视音乐是指为电影和电视剧而创作的音乐,是电影和电视剧综合艺术中的一个重要组成部分。

    The film and television music refers to the music composed for films and TV plays and is an important component part of synthetic arts of films and TV plays .

  23. 中国历史电视剧的创作是渗透了创作主体现代意识而展开的历史与现实间的对话,从历史的智库中汲取了我们所需的文化智慧和艺术灵感。

    The course of making Chinese historical teleplays is the conversation between history and reality , which penetrates the modernity consciousness of principal part , and absorb necessary culture wisdom and art inspiration from history .

  24. 第四部分为论文的结论部分,不仅总结了转型期家庭伦理电视剧的创作局限,并以日韩家庭剧叙事经验为借鉴,针对和谐变奏提出重构之法。

    The forth part is conclusion , not only does it summarize the family ethics TV drama limited creation , but also it reference to the narrative experience of Japan and South Korea , aiming at the harmonious " variation " to put forward the " reconstruction " .

  25. 电视剧在其创作、制作与生产的过程中,就逐渐地形成了各种各样的类型。

    In this huge process of creation , manufacture and production , the teleplay formed all kinds of types naturally .

  26. 而这种转变对电视剧本体及创作,电视剧市场环境以及电视剧在中国所要实现的社会功能都有重大的影响力和冲击力。

    This transformation has had great repercussions for TV dramas and their writing , the market environment for TV dramas and the social functions which TV dramas are expected to realize in China .

  27. 虽然《坂上之云》并非至臻完美之作,但其题材选取的精准、内容制作的谨慎以及叙事话语的讲究,对于目前国内电视历史剧的创作都具有一定的借鉴意义。

    While The Clouds over the Hill is not perfect , it has some references for the domestic historical drama creation in the caution of theme selection and content production or in the elegant narrative discourse .

  28. 接下来总结山东电视剧本土的创作资源与创作团队,将山东电视剧近三十年创作史总结为三个阶段,研究其每个阶段的地域文化特征表现以及发展变化并探讨这些变化的成因。

    Then summarize the creation of Shandong drama local resource and creative team , summarized nearly thirty years history of Shandong TV into three stages , study the characteristics of each stage , the development of regional culture and discuss these changes , explore the causes of these changes .

  29. 而良好的市场反应也会促进该类题材电视剧更加积极的创作。

    But the positive market responded also can promote this kind of theme soap opera even more creation .

  30. 电视剧活动包括电视剧创作实践和电视剧研究两个部分的内容。

    TV play activity includes TV play creation practice and TV play studies .