
  • 网络Television Director;video Director
  1. 我跟电影评论家兼电视导演克利斯多夫克鲁克谈过。

    I talked to the film critic and television director , Christopher crook .

  2. 双手交叉放在脑后我是电视导演

    Hands on your head . Interlock your fingers . I 'm a television director .

  3. 电视导演及批评家伊恩詹斯顿正和我一起在这儿播音室里。

    The television director and critic , Iain johnstone , is here in the studio with me .

  4. 演出形式非常新颖,由数部摄像机同时拍摄演出过程,再由电视导演根据剧情现场切割画面,使观众从舞台和电视屏幕两方面同时得到了更为强烈的视觉刺激;

    There are several video cameras recording the live performance , while the TV director edits the footage on the spot so the audience can enjoy more powerful visual effects on screens as well on stage .

  5. 这项法律规定,违反者将受到处罚并被勒令停业90天。提出这项法律的立法者包括下议院议员斯坦尼斯拉夫·戈沃鲁欣(StanislavGovorukhin)。他是苏联时期的著名电影和电视导演。

    Introduced by a group of lawmakers including Stanislav Govorukhin , a member of Parliament and a popular film and television director during the Soviet period , the law sets fines and 90-day suspensions for violations .

  6. 李咏的妻子兼电视导演哈文,在新浪微博账号发表了一则声明:“在美国,经过17个月的抗癌治疗,2018年10月25日凌晨5点20分,永失我爱……”

    Ha Wen , television director and wife of Li , released a statement on her official Sina Weibo account which reads " I have lost my love , after 17 months of cancer therapy at 5:20 am on Oct 25 , 2018 , in the United States . "

  7. 可是电视剧导演AlexGraves表示,电视剧从来就没计划让这个角色在此处出现。

    But according to director Alex Graves , that was never , ever , ever the plan for the TV series .

  8. 这将是我作为电视剧导演第一次得到报界的评论。

    These will be my first reviews as a dramatic director .

  9. 电视剧导演要了解与掌握电视的特性,才能拍出为电视观众喜爱的作品。

    It is very important that directors of TV shows understand the characteristics of TV .

  10. 制图课教学电视的导演工作

    Direction of Television for Mechanical Drafting Teaching

  11. 史蒂文:你觉得他们不会吗?这将是我作为电视剧导演第一次得到报界的评论。

    STEVEN : Don 't you think they will ? These will be my first reviews as a dramatic director .

  12. 艺术培训中心,天津世纪艺术培训中心,是为电视台导演、影视导演和广告导演以及大型晚会导演培养与选拔儿童演员的基地。

    The young art training center for television , film director , director and advertising director and large party director training and selection of base child actors .

  13. 我们作为读者和观众与小说的作者、电影电视的导演、演员具有不同的文化背景,因此,理解外国小说、电影电视是一个复杂的跨文化交际的过程。

    As readers and audience , we have different cultural backgrounds with the writers , directors and actors ; therefore , understanding foreign novels and movies is a complicated process of cross-cultural communication .

  14. 郑晓龙是国内资深的电视剧导演,其作品包括1990年的《渴望》(担任制片人),1996年的《北京人在纽约》以及2006年的《金婚》。

    As a veteran TV director in the country , Zheng ` s other works include Desire ( 1990 , Zheng was the producer ), A Native of Beijing in New York ( 1996 ), and Golden Marriage ( 2006 ) .

  15. 纳努克·里奥泊德(1968)在阿姆斯特丹的荷兰电影&电视学院学习导演课程。

    Nanouk Leopold ( 1968 ) studied directing at the Dutch Film & Television Academy in Amsterdam .

  16. 他曾经是许多成功的电视节目的导演,制片人和编剧。

    He has been a director , producer , and a script writer for many successful TV programs .

  17. 来自深圳电视台的导演朱振师(音译)表示,求职者往往急于博取观众或评委的好感。

    Zhu Zhenshi , a director in Shenzhen TV station said that candidates were often too eager to seek favor with the audience or judges .

  18. tATu是尤丽亚和丽娜两人组成的一个俄罗斯女子演唱组,是由电视剧本作者兼导演伊万•沙波瓦洛夫于2000年初牵头成立的。

    TATu is a Russian girl group composed of Yulia and Lena .

  19. 我是电视新节目的导演。

    I was director of the new shows of television .

  20. 中国的电影、电视剧行业以及导演究竟哪里出现了问题?

    What 's wrong with China 's film and television dramas and directors ?

  21. 这些被拘留的人员包括电影电视明星、电影导演和杰出的编剧。

    They have included movie and television stars , film directors anda prominent screenwriter .

  22. 作者在纽约市居住和工作,是一位电视电影制片人兼导演。

    The author , who lives and works in New York City , is a television producer-director and film-maker .

  23. 1960年他移居伦敦,并作为伦敦卡通电视的制片和导演工作了4年。

    In1960 he moved to London and worked during four years as a producer and director at TV Cartoons London .

  24. 姑娘即将同一位电视台的青年导演结婚,因不愿与母亲住在一套简陋的房子里,也来到这里租房。

    Girls with an upcoming television youth director marriage , unwilling to live with his mother in a shabby house , he came here renters .

  25. 他的电视剧在中国具有极大的影响力。他曾被评为中国电视剧十大导演之一。

    His TV series has greatly influenced in china and who used to be rated as one of the top ten directors of TV play .