
  • 网络tv home shopping;DRTV;infomercial;TV Direct
  1. 电视直销广告现在占据了整个电视广告的25%的份额。

    DRTV now accounts for25 % of all television commercials .

  2. 来评估产品通过电视直销方式运作成功机会的其他需要考虑的因素有哪些?

    What other factors do I need to consider in evaluating my product 's chances on drtv ?

  3. 基于客户/服务器模式的商品电视直销管理系统的开发研究

    Development and Research of Commodity TV Direct-Sale Management System Based on Client / Server Mode

  4. 除了以上实体渠道外,电视直销、电子商务、邮购目录也得到迅猛发展。

    Besides the above-mentioned entity channels , TV Direct-Sale , E-business and mail-order catalogue are booming .

  5. 虚假广告罪与诈骗罪之竞合问题浅探&以电视直销现象为切入

    Analysis on the Coincidence of False Advertising and Crime of Fraud & with TV sales as the starting point

  6. 而且还以电视直销为例,就新兴渠道品牌传播互动模式进行了探讨。

    This article also introduces the case of television direct sale to discuss the interactive dissemination of the brand in the traditional channel and new channel respectively .

  7. 电视直销广告,是指从事电视直销的企业为推介商品,而在专业电视购物频道和其他频道制作并播放的广告宣传片。

    Direct Response TV advertisements are advertisements programs which are made and broadcasted for products promotion on professional Direct Response TV channels or other channels by concerned enterprises .

  8. 如果将电视购物比作电视直销的终结者,那么,家庭购物就是电视购物的创新与延伸。

    If the TV shopping is considered as the terminator of TV direct marketing , then the Home shopping is that innovation and extension of TV shopping .

  9. 其中的原因在于,电视购物的市场运营主体与电视媒体之间缺乏资本纽带关系,导致电视购物多年来的发展以电视直销模式为主导,营销模式的错位成为电视购物产业发展的最大障碍。

    The lack of capital ties between the market operation mainbody of TV shopping and the television media caused that " TV direct sales model " has become a dominant in the development of TV shopping over the past years .