
  • 网络cultural sensitivity;culturally sensitive;cultural awareness;intercultural awareness
  1. 教师教育观念落后与教师的文化敏感性较弱是主要内部因素。

    Teachers backward education idea and the cultural sensitivity of the weaker is the main internal factors .

  2. 欧盟委员会的一项研究发现,“文化敏感性”是在欧洲大陆推广类似的薪金信息规则的最常见障碍,而英国的主要障碍是推行计划的相关成本。

    A study by the European Commission found ' cultural sensitivity ' was the most common barrier to rolling out similar pay information rules across the continent , while in Britain the associated costs were the main obstacle .

  3. 中国人跨文化敏感性现状及影响因素研究

    A Study on Status and Relevant Factors of Chinese Intercultural Sensitivity

  4. 互联网不能服从国家的喜好或者文化敏感性。

    The web cannot pay homage to national preferences or cultural sensitivities .

  5. 论社会工作者的族群文化敏感性&多元文化背景下社会工作本土化的一种探索

    Social Workers Sensitivity to Ethno-Culture & Discussion on Social Work Localization Practice under the Background of Diverse Ethno-Culture

  6. ti5.0分析软件对数据进行分析,结果表明中国国际旅游公司从业人员的跨文化敏感性表现出文化特有的特征,反映了中国传统文化价值观对其的影响。

    Ti software . The results demonstrated that Chinese IS exhibits particular characteristics , which reflects the uniqueness of the Chinese culture .

  7. 而这决定了全球性领导者的培训具有不同于以前管理者培训的特点:进行文化敏感性和全局性观念的培训。

    And this leads to the differences between the training of global leaders and the general managers : training on culture acumen and global ideas .

  8. 国际合资企业总经理的部分任务是与当地职员进行密切交流,而且一个移居国外者应该具有语言才能和文化敏感性。

    The intensive interactions with local staff demanded on the part of IJV general manager , an expatriate implies that the latter should possess language capability and be culturally sensitive .

  9. 一开始,伊斯特布鲁克着手与农民建立更紧密的联系,麦当劳从他们那里购买大部分牛肉、鸡肉和猪肉,并对文化敏感性做出响应。

    Easterbrook began by forming closer ties with the farmers from whom McDonald 's buys the majority of its beef , chicken and pork , and by responding to cultural sensitivities .

  10. 避免学生语用失误,教师除系统传授知识外,可采用任务型教学途径,均衡发展学生的听、说、读、写技能,培养其文化敏感性和交际能力,进行语言对比分析,纠正语用失误。

    Apart from systematic impartment of the knowledge , teachers should cultivate students ' listening , speaking , reading and writing skills , and their communicative ability , carry out the comparative analysis and correct pragmatic failures immediately .

  11. 我们相信,在国际交往日益频繁的今天,探讨中西方礼貌用语的差异,无疑会增强交际者的文化敏感性,减少语用失误,帮助交际者通过使用恰当的礼貌用语来达到有效的交际目的。

    We are convinced that , with more and more cross-cultural interactions , the discussion of the differences between English and Chinese in the area of politeness realization will definitely be significant for the purpose of increasing interlocutors ' cultural awareness and communicative competence .

  12. 而从东道国的立场来看,这些企业通常被认为反映了其发源地的特质,例如创造性(美国)、追求精准(德国)、高度的可靠性和文化敏感性(斯堪的纳维亚国家)等等。

    Their home societies . And , from the standpoint of the host country , these companies are generally seen as reflecting home qualities such as creativity ( US ), exquisite precision ( Germany ), solid reliability and cultural sensitivity ( Scandinavian ), and so on .

  13. 路加的词汇很丰富并且反应了他对地理和文化的敏感性。

    Luke 's vocabulary is rich and seems to reveal geographical and cultural sensitivity .

  14. 这篇文章能够加强理解个体层面因素是如何影响自我揭露这种交际行为,从而提高跨文化交际敏感性,增强跨文化交际的能力。

    This thesis can contribute to the understanding of individual-level factors mediating cultural-level factors on the communication style of self-disclosure .

  15. 加强跨文化的敏感性,提高跨文化的适应能力,对教学双方来说都是有必要付出的努力。

    To strengthen the cross-cultural sensitiveness and the ability of cultural adaptation is of great necessity for both the teachers and students .

  16. 文章认为社会工作要在中国这样一个统一的多族群国家中实现本土化发展,就必须对族群文化具有敏感性,并提出了面向少数族群的社会工作实践应遵循的原则和应具备的素质。

    The article considers the localization development of social work in China , a country with various ethnic minorities , which needs to be sensitive to the diverse ethno-culture , and puts forward some principles and makings needed in the ethnic social work practice .

  17. 因此,增强对跨文化差异的敏感性,加强文化传通与合作变得尤为重要。

    Hence , enhancing cross-cultural sensitivity as well as improving cross-cultural communication and cooperation becomes crucially important .

  18. 突出了非语言交际的重要性,以提高人们跨文化交际的敏感性和质量。

    It aims to illustrate the differences of non-verbal communication and highlight its importance as well as to achieve the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication .

  19. 我们知道,时间就是金钱。在现在的社会还可以说,意识到文化差异及其敏感性也是金钱。

    As we know , time is money , but it also means money in the modern society to understand the cultural differences and their sensitivities .

  20. 秘鲁农村贫穷的原住民产妇死亡率极高,护理机构的使用率较低,其部分原因是医疗体系对文化的不敏感性。

    Maternal mortality is particularly high among poor , indigenous women in rural Peru , and the use of facility care is low , partly due to cultural insensitivities of the health care system .

  21. 因此,不能再局限于语言内部研究,而应重视蕴涵于文本中的权力话语,要注重培养学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性。

    Therefore , we could no longer be confined to internal research of language itself , but should emphasize on the power discourse in context , and pay more attention to the cultivation of the students ' sensitiveness , toleration and flexibility when facing cultural differences .

  22. 因此,随着那些有趣的故事越积越多,对文化和当地文化敏感性进行分析的必要性逐渐提上了议程。

    So as those amusing tales pile up , the need for cultural analysis and local cultural sensitivity has moved up the agenda .

  23. 如何培养学生的英语文化意识或文化敏感性是英语教学值得重视的一个环节。

    In English teaching , therefore , the cultivation of students , English cultural sense and cultural sensitivity becomes a key link that is worth attaching importance to .

  24. 从以上研究得出以下结论:(1)学习者应增强文化意识及文化敏感性,尽可能多地接触目的语文化。

    The conclusions reached are based on the above research work : ( 1 ) Learners should consciously develop cultural awareness and sensitivity , and be exposed to the target culture as much as possible .

  25. 英语教学应增加跨文化意识、跨文化差异敏感性和交际模式的培养,引入话语教学,使语言知识与语用规则有机结合,以培养学生的跨文化语用能力。

    English teaching should strengthen the cultivation of cross-cultural sense , the sensitivity to cross-cultural differences and the mode of communication , introduce discourse teaching and combine language knowledge with pragmatic rule organically to improve students ' cross-cultural pragmatic ability .

  26. 在英语教学中,教师应注重文化教学,培养学生的文化敏感性和跨文化交际能力。

    In English language teaching , teachers should pay much attention to cultural teaching to help cultivate students ' cultural sensitivity and intercultural communication competence .

  27. 外语教学应注重文化导入,提高学生的文化敏感性及跨文化意识,使之达到在不同环境中正确运用语言进行交际的目的。

    In English teaching , English teachers should take effective ways to increase students ' cultural awareness and make them communicate successfully in an appropriate language .

  28. 论文分析了影响企业跨文化能力的三个因素即文化敏感性、文化包容性、文化学习性。

    Three impacts are analyzed to influence intercultural competence , which are the cultural sensitivity , the cultural tolerance , the cultural learning .

  29. 所以教师在教学中应渗透文化教学,培养学生对文化差异的敏感性,提高学生跨文化交际的能力。

    Therefore the teacher should seep the cultural teaching in the teaching , trains the student to the cultural difference sensitivity , enhances the student Trans-Culture human relations ability .

  30. 为了处理不同的文化因素,译者应该具备文化意识和文化敏感性。

    He / she should possess cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity to deal with different cultural elements .