
  • 网络tv programming;tv program production;television program production
  1. P2技术作为新一代的存储介质必将在电视节目制作系统中占据着一个重要的地位。

    P2 technology , as a newly-born intermediary for storage , plays a very important role in TV programming system .

  2. 非线性编辑系统日渐成为电视节目制作的标准配置,同时,海量存储技术、光纤传输技术的发展成熟也促使非线性编辑系统的网络化成为现实。

    Non-linear editing system becomes the standard configure of TV programming bit by bit . The maturity of magnanimity-storage and FC transmission technology also turns it iota reality that non-linear editing system operating on network .

  3. 正因为如此,Web服务技术成为建立分布式电视节目制作环境理想的技术手段。

    Hence , Web Services becomes the ideal technology to set up a distributed television production system .

  4. 教育电视节目制作中基于PC平台后期合成软件的比较研究

    Compare Study about the Post-composite Software Based on PC Platform in ETV Program Production

  5. 如今,潘与荷兰的电视节目制作巨头恩德摩尔公司推出了一个名为ICON的全球在线视频站。

    Today , Phan launched a global online video network called ICON in collaboration with Dutch production giant Endemol .

  6. 作为虚拟现实和图像技术的有机结合,虚拟演播室系统(VirtualStudioSystem,VSS)在方便灵活的电视节目制作方面具有重要应用。

    As the combination of virtual reality and digital image technologies , VSS ( Virtual Studio System ) has important applications in convenient and flexible making of TV programs .

  7. 虚拟演播室系统(VSS,VirtualStudioSystem)作为新近发展起来的一种独特的电视节目制作技术,已受到业内人士的关注,并逐步在广播电视节目制作中得到应用。

    Being a recently special TV program production technology , Virtual Studio System has already been the focus of the people in this profession , and has gradually been used in broadcasting TV program production .

  8. 数字化电视节目制作的接口技术分析

    Analysis on Interface Technology of the Digital TV Program Producing System

  9. 网络化的电视节目制作合成系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Television Programs Making System Based on Network

  10. 电视节目制作网络化探讨

    The Employment of the Network in the Producing of TV Programs

  11. 虚拟演播室的类型及其在电视节目制作中的优势

    Type of Virtual Studio and its Advantage in TV Program Production

  12. 该目录将广播电视节目制作、发行和电影制作列为对外开放领域,中国传媒产业与国外一些媒介之间的竞争在所难免。

    The media competition between China and the rest world are unavoidable .

  13. 她希望进入电视节目制作。

    She 's hoping to get into television production .

  14. 众多电视节目制作公司通过在全球范围内售卖电视节目模式大赚其钱。

    Many TV making companies earn big money through worldwide sales TV program .

  15. 电视节目制作设备的数字化

    The Digitalization of Production Equipment of TV Program Television

  16. 浅议非线性编辑技术在高校电视节目制作中的应用

    Preliminary Discussion on the Application of Nonlinear Editorial Skills in College Television Programming

  17. 浅谈高职电视节目制作专业的建设

    On construction of the specialty of television program making in higher vocational schools

  18. 电视节目制作领域中的虚拟演播室系统

    The Virtual Studio System in TV Program Production

  19. 电视节目制作技术直接影响着电视节目的质量和制作效率,研究电视节目制作技术,特别是高清晰度电视节目制作技术,有着巨大的技术价值和市场价值。

    Program production technologies directly relates to quality and production efficiency of TV program .

  20. 虚拟现实技术在电视节目制作领域的应用

    Application of Virtual Realistic Technology in TV Programming

  21. 电视节目制作中声音质量的好坏,直接影响电视节目的质量。

    The sound quality in TV production directly effects the quality of TV programme .

  22. 数字电视节目制作中的数据处理

    The Data Solution During Digital TV Program Making

  23. 数字技术的发展为电视节目制作领域带来了巨大的变革。

    The development of digital technology has brought great transform to the program editing .

  24. 电视节目制作IC卡管理系统

    IC Card Management Systems for TV Programming

  25. 以矩阵为核心的新型电视节目制作网络上下载系统

    New Type Upload and Download System for TV Program Production Network with Matrix at Core

  26. 电视节目制作设备数字化的必要性

    The Necessity of Program Production Facilities Digitizing

  27. 论电视节目制作中的技术把握与艺术把握

    Technicality and Artistry in TV Program Production

  28. 其次分析了注意力经济下的电视节目制作与影像的生产方式。

    The second is about the television program manufacture and the mode of image production .

  29. 毕竟讲故事只是电视节目制作与传播的一种手法和技巧。

    After all , story telling is just a technique of TV producing and broadcasting .

  30. 在广播电视节目制作中,视频切换台一直是广播电视台不可缺少的制作设备。

    Video switcher has been indispensable to the TV stations in radio and television program production .