
  • 网络resistance heating;resistive heating;ohmic heating
  1. 石墨电阻加热在晶体生长工艺中的几个问题

    Some Problems in Graphite Resistance Heating for Crystal Growth Technique

  2. 客车镁合金管材电阻加热弯曲工艺

    Study on Magnesium Alloy Tube Bending Process Using Resistance Heating

  3. 基于PID控制的电阻加热炉温控系统

    The resistance furnace temperature control system based on PID control

  4. SiC纤维直流电阻加热CVD工艺研究

    The Preparation of SiC Fibre by DC Electrically Heating CVD

  5. 采用电阻加热蒸发冷凝法,在N2保护气氛下,制得铜纳米粉末。

    Protected by N2 , copper nanoparticles were produced using resistance heat evaporative cooling method .

  6. 本文还给出了一种以Cu电阻加热的温控模型,提供了一种精确热功率输出控制的结构方案。

    This paper also showed us a temperature control model with Cu resistance heating and provided a precise control structure plan of thermal power output .

  7. 在PID控制和Fuzzy控制的基础上,提出了一种模糊自调整PID控制,并基于Matlab对电阻加热炉温控系统进行了仿真。

    Based on the PID control and Fuzzy control , this paper proposes a fuzzy self-regulation PID control . Based on Matlab , the simulation has been made .

  8. 认为采用室外侧轴流风机、冷凝器及PTC热敏电阻加热元件联合工作的方案最为合适。

    It was concluded from the discussion that the outdoor axial flow fan and its condenser had best operate in combination with the PTC-thermistor heater .

  9. 采用电阻加热式真空蒸镀法在玻璃、H13钢、塑料和纯铜基体上镀制铝膜,并对其附着力进行了测试和分析。

    Aluminum film is produced on glass , H13 steel , plastic and pure Cu substrate by resistance heating vacuum evaporation , and the adhesive power of aluminum film is determined and analyzed .

  10. 用带特殊热(冷)阱的可控制基片温度的电阻加热式真空蒸镀薄膜装置,把吸收透明导电薄膜Au和In2O3分别通过热蒸镀和活化反应淀积在玻璃基片上。

    In a resistance thermal vacuum evaporator with a special heater ( coolant ) holder , which can control the sample substrate temperature , Au and In 2O 3 films were deposited on glass slides by a thermal and an activated reactive evaporation technique , respectively .

  11. 实验采用高真空电阻加热蒸镀方法,已制备出面积为180mm×180mm的非晶硒合金膜并进行了基本特性检测。

    High vacuum resistance heating evaporation method is taken , amorphous selenium alloy films with 180 mm × 180 mm in area had been worked out and fundamental parameters had been detected .

  12. 阐述了TY-AP型多段曲线智能可编程温度调节器工作原理以及对电阻加热炉温度控制系统的改造,并介绍了整个系统的设计。

    The principle of TY-AP programmable temperature-controller and reformation of temperature-controlling system of resistance heating furnace are expounded in this article . The design of the whole system is introduced as well .

  13. 对电阻加热引上法和感应加热引上法生长β′Gd2(MoO4)3晶体的实验结果进行了比较,分析了两种方法生长晶体过程中熔体过冷和组分过冷的情况。

    We compared the experimental results of growing β′ - Gd 2 ( MoO 4 ) 3 crystal by resistance-heated and induction-heated Czochralski ( Cz ) technique . The constitutional supercooling and the supercooling of the melt during the Cz process were discussed .

  14. 高频电阻加热轧制钢/铝复合带的实验研究

    Experimental study on high-frequency resistance heating rolling steel / al strip

  15. 基于噪声调制的薄膜电阻加热温度控制系统

    Temperature control system based on noise modulation for thin-film resistor heater

  16. 热镀锌用大型电阻加热炉参数的选择

    Parameter selection of huge resistance heat furnace for hot galvanized tube

  17. 电阻加热式封口器的若干设计问题

    Problems on the Design of Resistance - Heat Sealing Machine

  18. 极硬抗热且含钨的钢。钼[钨]电阻加热元件

    A very hard heat-resistant steel containing tungsten . stratit element

  19. 锻造电阻加热炉控制系统的改进

    Improvement of control system in forge electric resistance heating furnace

  20. 大型远红外电阻加热炉的控制与检测系统

    Control and Detect System of Large-Scale Extra-Infrared Resistance Heat Furnace

  21. 单井电阻加热采油技术研究

    Oil recovery technique by using electrical resistance heating in a single well

  22. 接触式电阻加热不锈钢管固溶处理装置

    A Solution Treatment Device of Stainless Steel Pipe Heating by Itself Resistance

  23. 电阻加热金属热浸镀炉电控系统的设计与选择

    Electric Control System Design and Selection of Hot-dip Furnace Heated by Resistance

  24. 本文介绍双层卷焊管采用电阻加热焊接工艺与设备的原理。

    Resistance ─ heated Welding technology and equipment for cladding pipes are introduced .

  25. 得出了热泵、电阻加热系统的试验结果。

    Then , experiment result from heat pump and resistance heating is concluded .

  26. 电接触电阻加热挤(滚)压高铬铸铁的实验研究

    Experimental study of extruding ( rolling ) high-chromium cast iron with electric heating

  27. 高频电阻加热轧制复合带过程的简化模型

    Simplified Model of High-frequency Resistance Heating Rolling Compound Strip

  28. 半连续式真空镀膜机电阻加热式蒸发源排列的探讨

    Research on the Arrangement of the Resistance Heated Evaporation Source for Semi-continous Vacuum Coater

  29. 并在电阻加热炉温度控制系统中获得了成功应用。

    And the successful application in the resistance furnace temperature control system is obtained .

  30. 钼电极电阻加热硬钎焊

    Resistance Heating Brazing with Molybdenum Electrode