
  • 网络July Rhapsody;Fortysomething;Men Of A Certain Age;Men Of Certain Age
  1. 当一个男人年近四十而摔下来时,他只应该立刻从头来,否则他就会丧失勇气,并且无可挽回。

    When a chap gets to be near forty and has a bad fall , the only thing is to go for it again at once , or he 'll lose his nerve and never get it back .

  2. 专家称,男人和女人在四十岁左右口腔癌的患病几率显著上升的一个重要原因是酒精。

    Alcohol is largely to blame for an " alarming " rise in the rate of oral cancers among men and women in their forties , say experts .

  3. 和我们的直觉相反,二十多岁的男人比三十多岁的男人更想结婚,在男人过了四十以后,结婚愿望又重新变得强烈起来。

    Counter-intuitively , the urge to marry was even stronger for men in their twenties than for those in their thirties and rose again for men in their forties .